Welcome to Dynasty's markable drops / achievements..
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First of all lets start off by @hell is here / @group hih and his team (@iron aritus | @Groupe 3 that are in dynasty and @aRapierProd | @username v2) by being the 2nd group to finish the whole raid..but there was a surprise waiting for him...
Now into the REAL grind...
-@Feraligatr got 2 tbows in under 10kc..
-@Animals getting 2 Hellpuppies and 1 dagannoth prime pet in a high high kc..
-after Long long..29 cox Kc @Feraligatr gets the drop he wanted.. with a little surprise with it! (ye ik his rng bad) gz @Vuqe =))
-@iron loco92 going for his 1st cox raid..and he became a wizard!
-@gumo doing his Kbd task like any normal player..gz @Steel Nogan
-Gratz to @KING n0ttz for his semi-grindy dwh..
-@Kic / @myerk going for a tob run hopping for his rng to be better than his main and...
-finally..after centuries.. @elite yin received his goodie! and @Kic / @myerk receiving a house with legs following him at lowxp.. welcome to the club...
-@Dragon Sin.. i can't explain just go look (gz @Swaggydabzzz)
-@OCE Vajyena getting 2 toilet papers! (increase the drop rate of them they rare!)
-And to end it, while going for the Ring..@Chicken be got one of my favorite pets..(543 kc 3 long bones,5 rune pouches,1 dpick, and a pet) good rng or..?
And the double / triple loots in case some how you missed it..
Finally Big congrats to @Feraligatr for reaching immortal dono!-Dynasty-