One of my biggest goals since forever was getting 4.6b experience on my ironman account, been working on it for so long but to be honest never thought i'd be able to do it.
Let's just say one of the reasons why I made it was the amazing friends, clan, and community i found in Alora, especially in ICE.
Alora is the only server I stuck with. Props to Omicron for the amazing work he has been doing and the countless hours he's put in just so he can keep us busy and entertained! Shout out to the awesome staff team for tirelessly working to keep the server safe.
I'd like to thank all of my friends, the list is WAY too long and I don't want to forget anyone. lol
YOU know who you are!
I've created this account on 4th of January 2018 and i managed to get max exp on it with 72 days and 14 hours of playtime, becoming the 3rd ironman to ever achieve 4.6b experience.
Some must be wondering if I'm done, and my answer is simply no! Still have to grind a lot of raids items and lets hope my rng will finally change. (I could use some luck)
Thanks to everyone who showed up on the max party!