After reading the recent change of removing the 15% drop rate for the upcoming realism mode which I agree with, this makes realism pretty much classic mode with 2x xp rate that most people seem to realize.
My suggestion would of been to do seasonal realism tourney's pretty much same as Deadman mode. Other than world pvp, the foundation is there with a separate eco and a PvP tournament at the end. It could last for 1 month+ and take place every 3 to 6 months. With different milestones in between for awards other than pvp exactly how king purple set it up, different challenges each season.
The game mode icon would different to specify a person that is playing for the season and someone that is a realism account made before the season it would look something like this,
This would be a active season account.
(Icons could be switched)
This would be your off-season realism player that participated in previous seasons.
After a season realism players will receive their unique weapon and the off-season icon keeping all the xp and items they received during the season. Off-season accounts are the base players.
Even though many including myself is against drop % boost for game modes, possibly only during active season would a player have drop % boost or some type of perks? Maybe during the last week active season players will have 5-10 % drop rate buff to gear up for PvP tourney. During this time they cannot use booster scrolls but will still have donor rank buff if they choose to have for the season. (Uber+)
Would like to hear feedback and suggestions to other perks they could have.
A lengthy post but realism is right around the corner so it is to late for this to even be implemented into the game but this could give a idea for future game modes that will be similar to realism/classic when they have/had their own economy.
There's a lot of potential and variations that could come with a seasonal tourney (xp rates/game mode) that could make for some fun content and keep it fresh.
Feedback appreciated