With the Realism game mode releasing soon I've noticed a lot of people torn between if the 15% boost is fair because they could just get items then transfer to a normal account and flood the market with items that were obtained at a better rate. With the 15% drop rate increase removed what is the difference between when classic fist released and Realism besides a x2 xp rate. I had a few ideas and I was wondering what everybody thinks. If you don't like them be honest you won't hurt my feelings.
1) Make it so the 15% boost is unlocked after a certain amount of Playtime, Total Level, or amount of Gold. (or all 3)
2) Make it so if a Realism account/ Normal account kills each other they don't obtain items from either side. Instead maybe an increased amount of PKP depending on the amount risked but at a rate that doesn't make it worth transfering.
(I know pkers wont like this idea)
3) Have Realism use an entire different currency not just economy. Implement Blood money or a custom currency exclusive to Alora. (Not sure how difficult that would be to implement)