Meet HOLY SHEETS, my Prayer bonus gear only locked Ultimate Ironman! After maxing several Ultimate Ironmen in the past and comping my Elite Ironman, i've decided to up the ante. To forge my own journey from scratch. No banking, no trading, but this time i can only use any type of gear that provides me with a prayer bonus! All leading up to my autism's biggest challenge yet: my Dream Gear List!
1. The iron mace
2. The ardougne cape
A cape that is easily obtained from the achievement point store and will be my best in slot cape for magic, i gotta have it! I won't be waiting for the 10 hour playtime mark to autocomplete the wildy achievements as i really want to get started! I knocked out some easy achievements to get myself up to 200 achievement points to buy the Ardougne cape.
One of those achievements was to mine and smelt 50 ores and bars. In the process of completing that one, i smelted some iron bars, which came in handy to make myself an iron mace! Maces are the only early game weapon that seem to have a prayer bonus, so it'll have to do for a while.
With the iron mace achieved, i was ready to hop into some easy slayer tasks and get my melee stats up. I trained my attack and strength up to level 60, ready to wield a fierce dragon mace in the future! After that i decided to start training defence up until the point i had finished my 5 slayer tasks for the achievement, leaving me at 47 defence. Using the bones i got from the tasks at the wilderness altar whilst i was still low combat, got me to 58 prayer.
This is what we're looking like at the moment:
To do the quest we're going to need something better than an iron mace. Since I can only buy a dragon mace after the completion of dragon slayer 2 and I have no better alternative than the maces, we'll have to settle for something smaller, being the adamant mace. The most efficient way to obtain one of those would be smithing it myself... 72 smithing here i come!
539 gold ore mined and smelted into bars:
Addy mace achieved and i'm feeling pretty good about myself! I even had someone to come up to me and make me feel famous
Onwards to lunar diplomacy!
Attempt #1 didn't really go as planned... The addy mace doesn't have the biggest dps and i ran out of prayer points at the 3rd phase. I can't prayer flick inside because the prayers tend to bug out, so making my prayer last longer that way wasn't really an option.
Imagine not having enough prayer bonus on a prayer bonus only account
Attempt #2 This time i came better prepared. I killed some baby blue dragons for their bones and used them on the wilderness altar since i'm still quite low combat level. Ending at 71 prayer i came up with the idea of doing the mountain daughter quest first. This quest would give me access to a proselyte armour set, effectively increasing the time my prayer could stay up. I also got myself some food just incase and used some vote points for crystal keys, which gave me an amulet of power.
Scary boss fight completed, Helm of neitiznot & Lunar staff achieved!
Here's how we're looking right now:

At this point we will be leaving melee for what it is and focus on our magic, as this is how we will be tackling our upcoming grind: BARROWS
Eager to get started, i crafted some air and chaos runes, grabbed my proselyte set and lunar staff and rushed to the barrows hills!
A very dissapointing first run, taking me 8 minutes to complete with no runes in my reward... Having used up basicly all of the runes that i crafted, i needed to find a more efficient method. I decided to craft some more runes and go for the Desert treasure quest. The quest shop would grant me access to my best in slot mage shield, being the Book of darkness as well as our best in slot ranged shield for the future: the Book of law.
The book of darkness will increase the accuracy and power of my spells. Along with that upgrade, i decided to dump the proselyte set because it was taking down my magic bonus and I replaced it with the monk robes which only had a slightly smaller prayer bonus. Since the air blast spell wasn't cutting it in the last run, i had to look out for a more powerful and reliable spell that would mainly require the runes rewarded by the barrows itself. This way i could supply myself with the runes i get from the rewards. The solution: Ancients
Ice rush, blood burst and ice blitz would prove to be my best options, allowing me to keep going for at least my first 30 killcount. Here are the spoils:
1 piece of the set completed baby! Let's go! After 30 killcount i ran out of death runes. The reason for this is that all 3 of the spells i'm using, use 2 death runes each cast. This is where the wilderness slayer comes into play. With the slayer points I earned in the beginning, I can skip wilderness tasks until i find a rather easy and safe one i could do with my adamant mace. If i suicide at the monkey guards, my items will be on the floor for 60 minutes. I'll come back and only grab my untradeables and mace so i can enter the wilderness without having to risk all of my items.
When doing wilderness slayer, you have a decent chance of receiving a 'mysterious emblem' as a drop, which you can trade in at the emblem trader for 72 pkpoints each. In the recently added pkp store, i can use these points to buy myself some death runes...
Whenever i run out of death runes, i'll go back to wilderness slayer for a bit so i can keep grinding barrows.
Next progress log, we will have the verac's set completed!
To keep us going at least for a decent while, i grinded out a couple of wilderness slayer tasks for a nice stack of death runes we could use at barrows. It proved to be more than enough to keep us going for the remainder of the grind, especially since we were saving the runes by using the flail as well...
After the flail we landed a bit of a drystreak! Progress was slow, especially since we're not allowed to make use of the ring of wealth (i). The runes stack was increasing and some supplies were coming in, but no verac's pieces to be seen. At around 85 killcount we had our first 15k points gathered and tried our luck for a random set. The result:
A bit of a bummer but I wasn't about to give up any time soon! The grind continues and at 111 killcount we manage to get lucky again with a Verac's Brassard coming in. POGCHAMPION
3 pieces down, 1 to go! This is where it gets rough... With the droprate for a unique at barrows (without ring of wealth i) being 1/16, and the Verac's Plateskirt being only 1 out of the 24 uniques, that puts our last item at a droprate of 1/384.
Several barrows runs later, we had enough points gathered up to try our luck for a random set again. Unfortunately the wise old man completely scammed us and handed over an all too familiar set of armour...
Insert Dj Khaled voice
Hundreds of runs go by, many items and runes were gathered, and then finally...
Set complete! 4/4 Verac's pieces achieved, marking an incredible milestone for this account! The Verac's Plateskirt was obtained at killcount 256, which is where we end our barrows grind. It was fun, but now we move on to bigger and better things! Here's what we end up with:
Next progress log: Godwars dungeon!
Extremely happy with my verac's set achieved, I hopped into the Saradomin godwars room and tried to do a couple of kills. Unfortunately my 70 defence and negative magic defence bonus wasn't getting me more than 1-2 kills every trip and after a couple of trips i decided to take a different approach.
I figured i would do slayer first as it would benefit me alot in this stage of the account. Doing slayer would get me:
- A cannon that i can use to train ranged to 70 and later to 99 so i can wield an acb when i get it and ranged skillcape (t) to work as an ava's device.
- Defence exp which is nice because a higher defence level will increase my kills per trip at Commander Zilyana
- Pk points from doing wilderness slayer. I'll need these to buy the Saradomin's tear to upgrade my future saradomin sword to become my best in slot melee weapon: Blessed saradomin sword.
- Slayer points: For an imbuement scroll to use on my Ring of Suffering in the future.
I started off doing wilderness slayer to rush my way to 2.975 pkp and be done with it. Unfortunately this is where things go wrong...
I suicided to a monkey guard where my stuff would remain on the ground for 60 minutes after i die. I came back and only picked up my amulet of glory and my verac's flail, both of which i needed for the tasks. When you die, a timer appears next to the well of goodwill timer, saying how long your stuff will be on the ground for. During one of the first tasks i did though, i died because my prayer ran out. This effectively reset the timer back to 60 minutes, which is about 10 minutes longer than the original death timer. When the timer had 5 minutes left i returned to the monkey guards, only to find out all of my items had dissapeared, leaving me with a verac's flail, an amulet of glory and a cannon with some cannonballs.
256 barrows killcount worth of runes, my verac's set, 32m cash and all of my pots, food and supplies went down the drain. I was sad and frustrated but with no better alternative at the time, I went back to wilderness slayer. 10 minutes later my target teleports up to me and teleblocks me. No biggie i thought since i had nothing really to lose. I even had more than enough time to turn on my protect item prayer. Back in edgeville though, I realised my cannon pieces protected over the Verac's flail, leaving me with nothing but 4 cannon pieces to my name.
Very frustrating indeed as this sets me back quite a bit. I will not be giving up on the account though, the progress will just be a little slower since i will have to grind out barrows all over again.
Until next time...
Starting where we left off last update log, we had nothing but cannon. Losing our Verac's set was the most annoying part since we had to do 256 barrows runs in order to get the full set, which was our only melee alternative to the adamant mace. We ended that grind with about 12k barrows points left so my first course of action was to grind out another 3k points and try my luck at a random set again. Who knows, we might get the Verac's set back and it would be like nothing ever happened...
Unfortunately though, we recieved the Karil's armour set instead
It was during these barrows runs that we made the major discovery! I've always thought that the only way to get the Dragon Mace was the Dragon Slayer 2 quest shop. This appears to be wrong and not only that, it's also available as a drop from the Drakes. Thanks to @lNSOMNlA for bringing this to my attention!
There was only 1 problem though... To access the Drakes area i would need to wear the boots of stone or i would take constant damage when entering the area. These boots of stone do not have a prayer bonus and are therefore unavailable to me.
Solution: 28 trips later of 1 kill each, tanking the damage I would take for entering the area without the boots by constantly eating food, we achieved the dragon mace! This just brought us back in the game!
I immediately took this bad boy to slayer so i could train up my Attack, Defence and Ranged levels. Whilst doing that I got a couple of clue scrolls, one of which granted me the Bandos d'hide boots as a reward!
It didn't stop there! 2 hard clue scrolls later, i pull out a Robin hood hat as a reward. Sadly, this is useless to me because of it lacking a prayer bonus, but still a pretty cool item to get!
After slayer was done i only had 1 upgrade left to do before i was ready to tackle Commander Zilyana...
Looking like an absolute unit, we marched back to the Godwars dungeon to conquer Commander Zilyana in hopes of recieving an early drop. And so it happened. 6 kills into the grind we recieve a lucky Saradomin Sword. The best possible drop we could've gotten at this stage of the account!
Completely unexpected but incredibly beneficial in the remainder of our Saradomin grind, this bad boy would make camping the Commander A LOT easier! I decided to stay there and test out the waters for another 100 killcount. The spoils:
With this Armadyl crossbow unlocked, we now have the only ranged weapon (apart from the twisted bow) in the game that provides a prayer bonus! This pretty thing is the reason we grinded 70 ranged by doing slayer with a cannon, and also our ticket into the Armadyl room for our best in slot ranged gear.
Only 1 problem remains... saving our bolts. None of the ava's devices give a prayer bonus so i have no way of saving my bolts. Luckily, all of the trimmed skillcapes do! This means we can use the Ranged skillcape (t) as a ranged cape. All we need for that is 99 ranged.
I trained my fletching level to 55 to gain access to Broad bolts from the slayer shop. This is an infinite source of bolts that are comparable to adamant bolts. After a while of doing slayer with the acb and cannon:
This is how our ranged setup is looking right now! Unfortunately none of the hard clue scrolls we got from slayer gave us any god d'hide top or bottoms, meaning we will probably have to go with a tank setup for killing Kree'arra in the near future.
What we did get (from an easy clue scroll whilst fishing) is the Saradomin robe legs! This is another item of our dream gear list unlocked, and will be our best in slot for magic. This will come in very handy for the last item we'll be getting (our end goal of the account you could say), the Infernal cape.
Our RNG didn't stop there though!
Apart from the crossbow, we went ahead and started the grind for another best in slot weapon upgrade! We started doing wilderness slayer again to gather mysterious emblems. We traded in 42 of them at the emblem trader for exactly 72 pkp each, leaving us with just over 3000 pkp in total. Feeling happy to be done with this grind, we opened up the pkp shop and bought ourselves a Saradomin's tear, which we used to make the Blessed Saradomin Sword.
Some major upgrades were achieved this progress log. We are already looking like a fierce warrior, ready to rumble! Next up on the list: Bandos, Armadyl and an amulet of fury!
That's right, 3 armadyl helmets, a rune sword and a long bone... All of those are around the same droprate as the 2 only items i needed, being the Armadyl Chestplate & Chainskirt. I was getting very frustrated because i could've been done here twice already and the kills were costing me a ton of supplies. I decided to take a small break and look for a better way.
In that break i used up my bursting runes that i had left at the Tzhaars for some obsidian armour pieces. I sold the drops i got to the thzaar store for 300k tokkul. Once that was done, i went ahead and bought myself an Onyx that i was able to make into an Amulet of Fury after some quick crafting training!
During that small grind, some people approached me and asked me to duo with them. Huge shoutouts to those people as they've made my life alot easier!
With my shiny new amulet and my badass new partners, i kept grinding the Armadyl room. Here are the spoils:
Finally a piece that i actually needed! The Armadyl Chestplate would allow me to tank alot more of Kree'arra's mage hits. A much needed upgrade to set me on course for my last item here, the Armadyl Chainskirt. Onwards we went!
WE ARE DONE! It took way longer than i expected it to, but it's finally over! During this grind i mainly focussed on killing the minions since their droprate for the armour pieces are the same as the rate from Kree'arra, but they go down alot easier. Here's how our collection log is looking like at the moment. Do keep in mind that this picture counts the godsword shards we recieved from the Saradomin grind as well.
Our ranged setup is looking pretty booming right now and we managed to check off another 3 items from our dream gear list. Our next grind ahead is ofcourse the Bandos Chestplate & Tassets grind. Before we get to that though, i'd like to make another stop at the Commander Zilyana room for the Saradomin hilt. This item will be our most interesting special attack weapon when we look at our end goal, being The Inferno. We need it anyways and it might help us out quite a bit at the Bandos grind. Back to Saradomin we go!
A lot sooner than i expected, but we are now done with this boss as well! We have all the items we need so we won't be coming back here ever again. Here's what our collection log is looking like:
Next grind ahead: Bandos! Here's how our setup is looking like:
With the Armadyl grind wrapped up and our fancy new godsword ready to rumble, Bandos grind was next. Before I say anything I would like to give a massive shoutout to 'Phenix', for being an absolute legend and reaching out to me.
General Graardor is a boss I've always feared going dry at. It takes up alot of supplies and time and if you want to do it somewhat efficiently, you really have to duo it with someone else. Luckily i had some people willing to help me out and boy was i surprised to see this
Super early in the grind, a minion granted me a generous pair of Bandos Tassets. The best possible item to receive at this stage of the account! I had barely killed 5 General Graardor's and i'm already walking around like an absolute unit in my Proselyte Hauberk and Bandos Tassets. And then, this happened...
BANDOS CHESTPLATE BABY! We have barely touched this boss and we're already almost done!! I couldn't have imagined this grind going any better. No duplicates, no drystreaks and barely any supplies gone to waste. With these 2 items obtained, we'll be leaving Bandos for what it is for now and we'll come back at a later time to come pick up the boots. Right now, we're looking at Demonic Gorilla's as our next stop. We need 2 of the Zenyte Shards to make ourselves a Ring of Suffering and a Tormented Bracelet as our best in slot ring and gloves.
Our luck so far has been insane on this account, hopefully it doesn't turn around just yet! Zenyte Shards are a 1/208 drop from the gorillas. Let's see how this goes.
Early drop but not what we're after! Great start so far though.
Not too bad! Only just over the droprate we receive a first shard. We went ahead and camped some Thzaar monsters for another Onyx to make our ring. Before i tell you what happened... you must understand it was very late and i was very tired. I brainfarted and bought an amulet mould instead of a ring mould. Without even noticing i made the amulet of fury, enchanted it and everything to then facepalm myself for being an idiot. Luckily my crafting level is only 90 at this moment so when my retarded brain used the Zenyte Shard on the amulet it gave me a message saying i didn't have the crafting level.
Thank God we didn't lose the shard! Back to Thzaars we go... While we're at it, we might aswell just stay here to get the second Onyx we need later on. 1 hour and 30 minutes later:
That's where we are at right now! Next progress log we will get our second Zenyte Shard along with the crafting level to go with it. After that we go back to Bandos and we try out the Grotesque Guardians to make some fancy pancy boots! If we do manage to get those, we only have 1 item left until we reach the endgame goal for the account! It's going to be the ultimate challenge, i'm looking forward to it!

Our luck there wasn't too bad though. The spoils of our grind:
All we need now is the crafting level to make the bracelet and we can move on back to Bandos! An hour or so later of crafting Amythist bolt tips, we do finally reach level 95 crafting. Pogchampion!
Right now we only have 2 big items left before we actually reach the endgoal of the account. The Guardian boots and the Vestement robe top. For the boots we'll actually need 2 components, one of which being the Bandos Boots. Back to Bandos we go!
I might just be the only one in this game that has actually had 2 pairs of Tassets and chestplates, but still comes back to grind for the boots... What has to be done has to be done though! Unfortunately no boots for us just yet! I've grinded out about 3-4 instances of Bandos with only the two duplicates to show for so far. We'll keep going at it though!
Whilst waiting for my friend to come on and do Bandos with me, i went ahead and grinded some lucky implings in hopes of getting myself that elusive Vestement Robe Top. We got lucky with the spawns so i decided to stay for a decent amount of time and really grind it out. We got ourselves a Team cape X, a Monk's robe bottom (g) and a Rain Bow in the process! Pretty epic but unfortunately of no use to us. On the floor they go!
And then this happened:
We got it baby! Another item checked off the dream gear list! All we have left now are the Guardian boots. We'll keep on working towards that in the next progress log and then after that: INFERNO TIME
I've killed countless amounts of bandos minions and managed to slay a decent amount of General graardor himself. During this grind i felt i was losing my motivation to play this account. On the side, i have been working on a new series to release after this one ends. It will be a HCIM series with progress logs in the form of youtube video's. For the sake of my own enjoyment in the game and to be able to launch this new and exciting project, I have decided to take the Guardian boots off the dream gear list. This is a shortcut straight towards the end goal of this account, being the inferno.
In the next progress log you will see me obtaining the Infernal cape to end this series and go out with a bang! Here is my setup:
I still need to gather some runes for barrages so in the empty spot there will be some soul runes to cast the blood barrage.
With the guardian boots out of the picture, we are slightly less tanky. We traded that defence bonus in for a very useful ranged strength and accuracy boost, in the form of the Bandos d'hide boots. This will hopefully be enough to patch the lack of power we have with our Armadyl crossbow... I will see you guys again, next time!