What is your suggestion?: A rework of the AchievementDiary to be more in-depth and similar to OSRS.
Is this in OSRS?: Yes.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Yes, but not as thoroughly put together.
How would this benefit Alora?: Add additional perks to completing achievements, add more content at the different stages of the game and expose players to interacting with different areas of the game.
Hello all,
This is something I've been working on for a while now, with the help of a few of our other staff members, that I think would add some amazing extra content and depth to the server. Keep in mind that the rewards for each of the areas along with the achievements and the numbers to complete the achievement aren't set in stone but are just a rough draft. I'd love to gather your feedback on whether this is something you'd like to see in place of our current achievement system along with your input on the rewards for each diary and the individual achievements themselves. Please comment your feedback below or send me a PM on Discord or here on the forums.
General Information:
- The full AchievementDiary must be completed to wear the Monkey/Completionist Monkey
- AchievementDiary items already obtained that you don't meet the requirements for would either be removed or not function until the respective diary is completed
- Items currently in the achievement shop that are not diary rewards could be moved to the daily task shop/vote shop to replace some of the achievementdiary rewards in there
(such as the Lumberjack set and Pyromancer set)
- I've removed PK requirements as it seems unfair to force players to engage in PVP. Forcing them to do so doesn't correctly get more players into the Wilderness to PK.
Achievement Diaries
Ardougne Diary
- Ardougne cloak 1-4
Unlimited teleports to the Ardougne Patch
Unlimited teleports to the Kandarin (Ardougne) Monastery
- 25% more Marks of Grace from Ardougne Rooftop Agility Course
- 20% higher chance to pickpocket NPCs successfully throughout Alora
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Pray at the altar in the East Ardougne Church
Receive 10 chocolate bars from the East Ardougne market cake stall
Speak to Probita about insuring pets
Fill 25 buckets of sand near Yanille
Harvest 15 strawberries from the Ardougne farming patch
Smith 12 steel bars using the furnace in East Ardougne
Kill 10 Market Guards at the East Ardougne market stalls
Pickpocket the Master Farmer north of East Ardougne 20 times
Harvest 9 white berries from the bush patch south of East Ardougne
Smith 5 Mithril Platebodies at the anvil in Yanille
Successfully pickpocket a Paladin 35 times
Catch 20 Red Salamanders
Harvest 50 Grimy Torstols from the Ardougne farming patch
Complete 50 laps at the Ardougne Rooftop Course
Successfully pickpocket a Hero 75 times
Make a Rune Crossbow inside the Yanille Bank
Desert Diary
- Desert amulet 4
Unlimited teleports to Nardah
- Zahur will clean noted herbs for 1250 GP each
- Wesley will crush noted herblore secondaries
- 10% higher chance to receive Wines of Zamorak from Kalphite Queen
- Claim 100 buckets of sand per day from Drew at the Quarry (or another NPC)
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Kill 20 scorpions
Vote at the Vote Booth at the Bandit camp
Enter the city of Sophanem (Unlock City of the Dead soundtrack)
Catch 15 Golden Warblers
Mine 20 coal from the Desert Mining Camp
Complete a Kalphite slayer task
Kill 50 Desert Bandits
Chop 25 Teak logs near the Ruins of Uzer
Catch 20 Orange Salamanders
Smith an Adamant full helm using the anvil in Nardah
Plant 3 Potato Cactus Seeds at the cactus patch in Al Kharid
Complete 10 duels at the Duel Arena
Kill 35 Kalphite Guardians
Mine 25 gold ore from the mine NE of the Agility Pyramid
Kill the Kalphite Queen 25 times
Obtain a Kalphite Head as a drop from KQ
Stake more than 50M GP in one duel (autocompleted for Irons as it is now)
Fletch 250 dragon darts at the Bedapin Camp
Falador Diary
- Falador Shield 4
Giant Mole locator
100% Prayer recharge 5 times per day
Unlimited teleports to the bank chest in the Falador Mine
- 10% more Farming XP from Falador tree patch
- Increased chance of receiving higher tier ores from pay-dirt at the Motherlode Mine
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Smith 3 Iron Platebodies using Doric’s Anvil
Pick-up 15 snape grass West of the Crafting Guild
Mine 30 gold ore at the Crafting Guild
Repair a broken strut at Motherlode Mine 5 times
Exchange mole skins and mole claws for Birds Nests with Wyson the Gardener
Crack 30 wall safes in the Rogues Den
Receive Ice Giant Ribs as a drop from Ice Giants
Pickpocket a Falador Guard 15 times
Harvest 6 Snape Grass patches at the Falador Farming Patch
Tan 25 Black Dragonhides at the Crafting Guild
Kill 20 Skeletal Wyverns in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon
Receive 50 nuggets from the Motherlode Mine
Plant 3 Magic Tree seeds in Falador Park
Mix 15 Saladomin Brews in the Falador East Bank
Kill the Giant Mole 30 times
Mine 100 Amethyst ore in Falador Mine
Fremennik Diary
- Fremennik sea boots 4
Unlimited teleports to the Etceteria farming patch
- Noted dagganoth bones
- 25% chance to receive two dagganoth bones from Dagganoth Kings
- One free entrance to a GWD boss room per day (No kc required)
- Ability to tan noted hides for 1500 GP each from the Master Tanners
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Kill 30 Rock Crabs
Collect 25 Snape Grass near Relleka
Chop 20 Teak logs near Etceteria
Mine 15 Silver Ore from the Relleka Mine
Plant 3 Whiteberry seeds near Miscellania
Mine 20 coal from the Miscellania mine
Chop 35 Maple logs near Miscellania
Mix 10 Super attack potions in the Fremennik Province
Chop 30 Mahogany logs near Etceteria
Kill 35 Spiritual Mages in the God Wars Dungeon
Complete a Dagannoth Konar slayer task in the Waterbirth Dungeon
Kill each Dagganoth King 15 times
Receive a Vorkath's Head from Vorkath
Plant 2 Spirit seeds near Miscellania
Smith 50 rune bars using the Blast Furnace
Kill each of the God Wars Dungeon bosses 10 times
Kandarin Diary
- Kandarin Headgear 4
10% chance to fish two fish at once with the headgear equipped (no additional XP)
15% more XP from Barbarian Fishing
- 25% higher chance crops at the Catherby patch won’t become diseased
- 20% more Marks of Grace from Seers Village Rooftop Course
- 20 higher yield from the Catherby herb patch
- 10% higher chance that your enchanted bolt special effect will activate
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Pick 25 flax
Plant 5 limpwurt root seeds at the Catherby farming patch
Complete 20 laps at the Barbarian Agility Course
Catch 15 Raw Cod in Catherby
Chop and burn 20 Yew Logs in Seers Village
Fletch 25 Maple Longbows in Seers Village
Catch and cook 75 Karambwan at the Fishing Guild
Create a Superantipoison from scratch in the Seers/Catherby Area
Plant 3 Palm Tree Seeds at the fruit tree patch East of Catherby
Complete 35 laps at the Seers Village Rooftop Course
Catch and Cook 65 sharks at the Fishing Guild
Catch 30 Leaping Sturgeon (Barbarian Fishing)
Make 10 Stamina Potions in the Seer’s Village Bank
Plant 5 Lantadyme Seeds at the Catherby farming patch
Kill 15 Mithril Dragons
Fletch 10 Magic Longbows in Seer's Village
Karamja Diary
- Karamja gloves 4
15% more Agility XP is gained when worn
- 20% more karambawaji are caught per cast
- Double Tokkul from completing the Fight Caves and Inferno
- Ability to sell items to the Karmaja General Store for High Alch value
- Free access to the Hardwood Grove
- Noted dragonhide from Red and Black Dragons
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Fish 1000 Karambawanji
Kill 10 Fire Giants
Pick 25 bananas from the plantation East of the volcano
Cross the stepping stones in Brimhaven Dungeon
Kill 20 Tzhaar-Ket
Mine 30 gold ore near Brimhaven
Plant 2 Calquat tree seeds North of Tai Bwo Wannai
Complete a Greater Demon slayer task in Brimhaven Dungeon
Kill 25 Steel Dragons
Plant 3 Dragonfruit tree seeds North of Brimhaven
Purchase an uncut onyx from TzHaar-Hur-Zal’s shop
Complete the Fight Caves 3 times
Plant 3 Spirit tree seeds North of Brimhaven
Complete the Inferno
Create 10 Anti-venom potions on Karamja
Kourend & Kebos Diary
- Rada's blessing 4
Protection from burn effect in Karuulm Slayer Dungeon with the blessing equipped
Unlimited teleports to the Hosidius Farming Patch
- 10% Increased yield from Farming Guild patches
- 15% chance to mine double Dense Essence
- Slayer Helm bonus works with the Shazien set
- 10% more Blood and Soul Runes crafted
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
- Tome of Fire (Medium Diary)
Complete a Farming Contract
Mine 50 Dense Essence Blocks
Pray at the Xeric Shrine
Kill 20 Sand Crabs
Obtain a piece of the Evil Chicken Outfit from the Altar at the Woodcutting Guild
Complete a Wyrms Konar slayer task in the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon
Complete 10 slayer tasks in the Catacombs of Kourend
Defeat the Hespori
Kill 35 Lizardman Shamans
Plant 3 seeds in the Anima Patch
Chop 100 Redwood Logs at the Woodcutting Guild
Plant a seed in the Anima Patch
Plant 3 Potato cactus seeds at the Farming Guild
Kill Sarachnis 20 times
Craft 250 Soul Runes
Plant 3 Redwood tree seeds at the Farming Guild
Kill the Alchemical Hydra 25 times
Complete the Chambers of Xeric 5 times
Lumbridge & Draynor Diary
- Explorer’s Ring 4
5 100% run replenishes each day
30 casts of High-Level Alchemy per day
Unlimited teleports to cabbage patch near Falador Farm
- 6th slot to block slayer tasks
- 20% higher chance to receive Marks of Grace from the Draynor Rooftop Agility Course
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Find out your age from Hans in Lumbridge
Pickpocket 25 men
Chop and Burn 35 Oak Logs
Sheer 25 sheep and spin 25 balls of wool in Lumbridge Castle
Chop and Burn 50 Willow Logs in Draynor Village
Complete 25 laps at the Draynor Rooftop Agility Course
Pickpocket from the Master Farmer in Draynor Village successfully 35 times
Obtain an Ava’s Accumulator from Pest Control
Plant 3 Yew Tree Seeds at the Lumbridge tree patch
Obtain Barrows gloves from the Culinaromancer’s Chest
Smelt 30 Adamant Bars at the Lumbridge Furnace
Complete Dragon Slayer II
Complete 10 Elite clues
Catch 25 Lucky implings in Puro Puro
Perform the quest cape emote
Morytania Diary
- Morytania Legs 4
Unlimited teleports to the entrance of the Mort Myre Swamp
- Bones buried with the Bonecrusher earn 1.5x XP
- 15% more slayer XP from NPCs killed on task at the Slayer Tower
- 25% more runes from Barrows Chests
- 10% higher chance to get secondary supplies from Barrows chests
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
- Bonecrusher (Medium Diary)
Collect 35 Mort Myre Fungus
Kill 20 Crawling Hands
Make 20 strength potions at the Theatre of Blood bank
Catch 15 Swamp Lizards
Plant 6 watermelon seeds at the Canifis farming patch
Kill 50 Cave Horrors
Complete 15 slayer tasks in the Slayer Tower
Complete a Bloodveld slayer task in the Slayer Tower
Kill 100 Abyssal Demons
Smith 100 Adamant dart tips in the town of Slepe
Plant 3 Avantoe seeds at the Canifis farming patch
Kill all Barrows brothers 50 times
Kill the Grotesque Guardians 15 times
Complete a Barrows run while wearing a full Barrows set
Complete the Theatre of Blood 5 times
Craft 12 Black Dragonhide Bodies in the Canifis Bank
Varrock Diary
- Varrock Armour 4
10% chance of mining two of any ore
10% chance of smelting two of any bar
Acts as a Prospector Jacket when worn with the rest of the Prospector Outfit
- Zaff will sell you 150 battlestaves per day for 10k each
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Pick up 15 Red Spider's eggs in the Edgeville Dungeon
Kill 20 Disciples of Iban in the Edgeville Dungeon
Purchase a house from the Estate Agent
Have the Dark Mage teleport you to any Runecrafting Altar
Have Aurbury Teleport you to the Essence Mine
Make 25 Oak Planks at the Sawmill
Plant 3 Willow Seeds at the Varrock tree patch
Craft 100 gold amulets at the Edgeville Furnace
Have Thormac enchant a battlestaff for you
Teleport to the Digsite using a Digsite Pendant 10 times
Chop and burn 10 Yew Logs in Edgeville
Defeat the Barrelchest (Great Brain Robbery)
Complete 25 slayer tasks from the Slayer Master/Steve
Have the Estate Agent decorate your house with Fancy Stone
Make 30 Super Combat Potions in Varrock West Bank
Use the Lunar Plank Make spell to make 100 Mahogany planks
Smith 250 Rune Dart Tips at the Varrock West Anvil
Plant 2 Magic tree seeds at the Varrock tree patch
Western Provinces Diary
- Western Banner 4
Unlimited teleports to Lletya
-Void armor will cost 25-50% less to reclaim from the lost item manager
- 15% extra slayer points from Nieve/Steve
- 20% increase to Crystal Shards obtained from activities within Prifddinas
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Complete the Gnome Agility Course 10 times
Catch 30 Crimson Swifts at Feldip Hills
Complete 15 games of Pest Control
Kill 5 Terrorbirds in the Terrorbird Enclosure
Plant 3 Pineapple Seeds at the Gnome Agility fruit tree patch
Catch 50 Red Chinchompas
Kill 30 Elves
Plant a Papaya tree seed in the Lletya fruit tree patch
Kill Zulrah 25 times
Cook 250 Sharks in Zul-Andra
Complete a smoke devil slayer task
Complete 5 Slayer Tasks in the Stronghold Slayer Dungeon (Nieve's Cave)
Equip a complete Elite Void armor set
Convert a Crystal Seed into a Crystal Item
Kill the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil 25 times
Plant 2 Dragonfruit Tree Seeds in the fruit tree patch west of Tree Gnome maze
Wilderness Diary
- Wilderness Sword 4
Always slashes webs successfully
Free entry to Wilderness Resource Area
- Noted dragon bones and hides in Wilderness (KBD included)
- Noted Wines of Zamorak at Chaos Altar
- 250-500 random runes from Lundail (or another NPC) each day
- 5-8% increase to PKP received (Including emblems exchanged)
- Antique XP Lamp at each tier completion
Collect 12 Red Spider's Eggs in the Wilderness
Use 50 bones of any kind on the Wilderness Chaos Altar
Kill 15 Green Dragons
Enter the King Black Dragon Lair
Kill 10 Mammoths
Complete 10 Wilderness Slayer tasks
Kill 50 Battlemages at the Mage Arena
Complete 30 laps at the Wilderness Agility Course
Charge 25 Air Orbs at the Air Obelisk
Exchange 5 Mysterious Emblems for PKP
Kill 25 Lava Dragons
Kill the Chaos Fanatic and Crazy Archaeologist 10 times
Chop and burn 10 Magic Logs in the Wilderness Resource Area
Mine 20 Adamant ore at the Wilderness Resource Area
Catch 15 Black Salamanders
Kill all Wilderness Bosses 10 times (Venenatis, Callisto, Vetion, Scorpia, King Black Dragon, Chaos Elemental)
Kill 15 Spiritual Mages in the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon
Smith a Runite Scimitar from scratch in the Wilderness Resource Area
Fish and cook 25 Dark Crabs in the Wilderness Resource Area
Thanks for taking the time to look through this and I look forward to hearing your input on the topic.
I like the idea however the rewards and such do need to be looked at more in depth, a few of them are useless that u named, and some are already a thing such as the noted bones, other than that pretty good suggestion
Props to others who worked on this with you Mack! Personally, I'm always up for new content to make the game harder than it already is, so I definitely support this. With the addition of some of the Wilderness achievements needed to be completed, this should also give PKers more opportunity to enjoy the game, definitely appreciate the thought put into this as I can see this should bring up activity in other forgotten parts of the game
This would bring in some new content, and motivate players to do the achievements. I support this, also gives later use for extra items in the achievement shop +1Support
If you're going to change mole parts exchange rates I'd prefer both claws and skins to have a 1:1 ratio. Other than that just keep an option to auto complete pvp achievements for ironmen and you have my support
I respect that you are still thinking of ways to improve the qol things, but i feel like we should focus on other aspects AT THIS CURRENT MOMENT, and in the future we can take a look at achievement items.
Right now we need to get Arclight working(with an easier way to obtain), birdhouses in the game etc. I feel like if we cant get those, we shouldn't do anything.
While I don’t necessarily think an achievement rework is a priority per se, I have always felt that the achievements are a tad outdated and would definitely like to see them reworked to specific diaries as you’ve laid out.
I like the idea of dividing the achievements up by city/region and giving different rewards for completing each set. However, some of the perks should be reworked in such a way that they don’t conflict with donation perks and/or quest perks (e.g. noted dragon bones, free wildy resource entry, slayer helm bonus with shayzien, etc). The free Zulrah resurrection per day should not be a reward at all, unless HCIMs don’t benefit from it.
With that said, I’ll remain neutral. I appreciate you for taking the time on creating this suggestion topic and sharing your ideas.
I will be supporting this. The current achievements are not nearly as usefull as they should be. They are mostly completed for obtaining the completionist monkey and other than a few dedicated pkers that complete them for the higher % chance of proccing bolts, there is no real reason to complete the achievements other than those 2 reasons.
Would love to see this being implemented in the future.
This is too much-- the current system that is already implemented would work fine with some simple tweaks. Removing unnecessary items and adding more useful ones, as well as some way to refund purchases. I feel like what you're suggesting isn't worth all of the time, although I could see how amazing this would be-- I would be ecstatic if this idea was planted and took root within the Alora staff. Nice post, I love how much effort you put into it!
I would like to see something changed with the way the Achievement system works here on Alora, and I like the way you are thinking, maybe have another think about what some of the rewards could be and you'll have my Support, things like extra Mort Myre Fungi just seem a bit pointless to me.
I like how its structured in this suggestion, we need early game content specially with the new low XP rate gamemode. This will give us a lot more stuff to do and players can explore all the content we have to offer .
This suggestion looks amazing! It's well put together and opens up a lot of doors for future updates, which is always positive. The achievementdiary gear right now is pretty useless and there's definently room for improvement there.
This suggestion is an epic first step to making it better! I support this 100%