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Alora Newspaper 5/31/2019

Alora Newspaper May

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 01:09 AM #1

Code 002

Code 002
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Hello everyone, Welcome to the May edition of the Alora Newspaper!


It's gonna be May!



Brief explanation: The Staff Team's top priority is keeping Alora the best server to play. This is in terms of both security as well as providing our players with an enjoyable experience while they are here. This being said, we won't tolerate players going out of their way to grief other players and disrupt their experience. However, this will fall under staff discretion. This is because, for example, another player coming to kill Callisto at the same time as you is not the same as a player following you around Rock Crabs and only attacking the ones you attack.




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There have been quite a few changes to the staff team recently, you can see them below here:


Banks aka Draisaitl has been promoted to Administrator.

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Fine China Has been demoted and banned from Server Moderator for breaking the staff rules.
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This month I will be interviewing: iron aritus and God
How does one interview a whale and an omniscient being??? 
Whalecome "Whale Protector" iron aritus!!
Code 002: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

iron aritus: If I could pick a place where to go is Australia. I've been in lots of places in Europe / Asia and NA, but never in Australia or surrounding areas. Australia has always been an interesting place for me to visit, but I never got the chance to due to work and my real life if pretty busy at the moment.
But it's definitely a thing on my bucket list!

Code 002: What do you enjoy the most about alora?

iron aritus: 1. Raids, I really enjoy raids as it’s one of my favorite thing to do on Alora. It’s just that I can’t get certain items(Justiciar chestguard) but overall I still enjoy raids since day one.

2. The second thing I enjoy about Alora is the silly community. I have really made some friends who I got close with, while I’ve never expected that on a RSPS. Besides the banter and shit there is really some friendship on this server.

Code 002: When you're not whaling it up in alora what do you do in the outside world?

iron aritus: When I’m not whaling around Alora then I’m working. At the moment I work at my cousin’s new restaurant as a sushi chef. I manage the sushi department to make sure every process goes correctly. So yes I cut fish but I protect whales!

Besides work I still like to hangout with my fellas. We do lots of shit from a passive hookah bars to game halls to karting etc.

Code 002: What are some things that would be on your bucket list?

iron aritus: I don’t have a lot to be honest since I have done most of them, but here are a few things I still wanna do.

1. Going to australia / bali / dubai as vacation.
2. Skydiving
3. Ngl, but touching a whale irl :sunglasses:
4. Visiting a real castle
5. Flying(steering) a helicopter / plane

Code 002: Australia would be sick! I'd love to dive in the barrier reef

iron aritus: Thing is I cant dive due to my eardrums are pretty undeep so when I’ll dive my ears hurts af

Code 002: Oh wtf, not even like those fancy ear plugs? or a full dive helmet?

iron aritus: Ear plugs still hurt, but a full helmet works! Would be nice if I could dive and touch a whale irl.

Code 002: :FeelsHappyMan:

iron aritus: Ur a whale Next question!!!!

Code 002: What is your favorite sushi/shashimi/nigiri to make and or eat?

iron aritus: A regular salmon to cut, prepare and finish. But definitely the bluefin tuna sashimi to eat.

As of the inside out rolls I can’t really tell u what I like or not, since the basics are all the same.  It’s just the topping / sauces I decorate to finish the role. My favorite role to eat is definitely the Dragon roll. It is a Tempura roll(fried shrimp) with the avocado topping combined with the spicy mayo and unagi(eel) sauce on it and flame it. After that you put vermicelli on top for the extra crunch flavour, finished up with some chives.


Code 002: What's a life skill that's rarely taught but you feel is a necessity?

iron aritus: Just enjoy everything you do. Don’t hesitate on what others think, it’s your own life. Eventually you’ll live for yourself.

Code 002:How dry are you for the justiciar chestplate?

iron aritus: ...........507 kc

Code 002:"What is your spirit Animal"?

iron aritus: JQzo38n.png

"I knew you were going to interview me" -God
C'mon how do I introduce him.....

Code 002: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you want to go and why?

God: If I wasn't deathly afraid of planes, I think I would probably choose to go to Hawaii. I've always loved oceans and water. So, going where it's top tier is something I'd actually love to do. But i'm team #fuckflying so i'll stay in my room and play Alora for now.

Code 002: If you had to give up steak or Fortnite for the rest of your life what would it be and why?

God: I plead the 5th.

Code 002: What is your favorite pass time outside of alora?

God: The combination of eating a steak dinner, Taking adderall, and playing fortnite.
A secondary answer could be uh, Yelling at @king purple or @Lowkey in voice. Saying mean things over text got boring.

Code 002: What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

God: Dropping out of high school and even though I was told I won't be, became successful.

Code 002: If there was anything you could have done differently in the past what would you do and why?

God: I would go back in time and invest way more time and money into acquiring currency (bitcoin) and spending/selling less of it until it mooned.

Code 002: What is your least favorite and favorite pet on alora?

God: My favorite pet is probably @king purple and my least favorite is probably @Lowkey

Code 002: :kek:

Code 002: What does it feel like being an all knowing being?

God: Sometimes, It gets old. But then there's times where someone thinks they have the wits to battle me. That's when it's all worth it.

Code 002: Do you ever feel like you've made a mistake?

God: Yes. Nobody is perfect even though I strive to be. It's about how you fix your mistakes and learn from them that makes you better and stronger.


Have any interview questions that you would like to ask any of the staff members?
Don't hesitate to send me a private message via forums / Discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!

Welcome back to another addition of the "Did that seriously just happen?" section :P


Let's kick things off with AlonePillow getting their Primordials at the very long grind of 22 kills.......



In the same Cerberus event I 8 Booty and Im Drift finished up the grind. (I should have been doing Cerb....)



GIM Kamikaze here shows us how to get Zulrah over with in under 100kc.



Hehe this one kinda set me off personally Idk how Paine feels about this..... Good shit Zef5 (That was a rather quick skilling event ngl)



Okay seriously what in the **** is 1.1m xp the magic number? @kissakala??



You would think at this point I would have been numb to these kinds of things. But Supermaxy1 just really makes me want to :Kms:



Steve Unit don't talk to me or my son ever again. I can't even.....



The same goes for you Triple nips......... Hope you enjoy that DFS




Nothing2Lose is EXTREMELY lucky in getting the little Vorki so soon.



Okay for real y'all got to chill I'm looking at you Feroxfox....



Laardii I SAID CHILL MATE!! (Nice prayers :P)




You know I kind of feel bad for Xuinia19 his luck is insane!



Want to talk about some insane luck? Kabumbr was doing Mage Arena 2 and gets a ********* Zuriel's Staff off one of the boss demons...




NGL I'm super jealous of Time lapse I want that pet.....



Our resident Bald Master two has had a pretty good month with The Chambers of Xeric! (With a live reaction!)





Dadletics shows us that the Tangleroot actually does exist..



eim billesh Has obtained a Completionist Monkey on his normie...... :DoggoKek:



Kaamea has maxed out his GIM! (it's okay to shower now.....)



t s has obtained a Completionist Monkey! (smh hecking normies...)



iron 2ridic may have the record for fastest solo Chambers of Xeric completion. :PeepoClap:



Spragg got his babeh zulrah quite early!



If you've ever wondered what the loot from 10k Vorkath kills would look like Hard Dance has done that.



If you're an avid clue hunter and wondered what 300 caskets "Could" get you here's a sneak peak at what Isekaii has been up too.





Want to be featured in the newest section of the Alora Newspaper?
Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or PM me on the forums / Discord with your accomplishment!
The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.
The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place amongst the staff team.
The winner of May MOTM is...

Congratulations! You have stood out in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora.  :)
Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.
The May Community Awards are out now!
Visit this link to see the results;
Also please make sure to check out our streamers when they are live! They would love to have you keep them company while they grind out whatever it is they are grinding that day!
Make sure to Subscribe to all of them also every little bit of support helps tremendously!
If I've missed anyone I do apologize just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in.
That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper!
Read our last Newspaper by clicking down below:


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 01:13 AM #2


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What the hell is this pet talk about....

Good job alecks, love ya. <3

KP | One | Horus



Posted 31 May 2019 - 01:14 AM #3


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A good read as always  :FeelsHappyMan:

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 01:40 AM #4


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Another amazing month on Alora! Some insane drops along with achievements, congratulations to everyone's progress! 

Would like to add in the long unbroken tob record was in fact beaten by around 15 seconds thanks to this beast of a team 


Posted 31 May 2019 - 01:47 AM #5

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Good work but i really wanted to see thoes caskets. ;)

Posted 31 May 2019 - 02:03 AM #6

Code 002

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Good work but i really wanted to see thoes caskets. ;)


Fixed it :P

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 02:35 AM #7


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It was a nice read, especially that Ironman dude Aritus that you interviewed. He looks like a very cool person. B)

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 04:17 AM #8


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ooo very nice updates! keep it up matey

Posted 31 May 2019 - 05:40 AM #9

Eim ash
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was a nice read, I half expected fera's drops to be in..

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:11 AM #10


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Good job my man as always.

Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:20 AM #11

2 Ridiculous
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@Code 002 I love these newspapers so much now lol. I bet it's just as fun making them! Especially with adding the dirty/sarcastic comments on each of the pvm drops lmao

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:59 AM #12

Iron obra

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Awesome to read as usuall great job @Code 002


Proud ICE Member!
Will be rank 1!

Posted 31 May 2019 - 10:37 AM #13


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Was indeed a great read as always, Alex. You sure know how to get your interviewees. :patrick:


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 11:42 AM #14

Code 002

Code 002
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was a nice read, I half expected fera's drops to be in..





We try to catch as much as we can but sometimes things will slip by. We're only human except a few robots we have.....

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 12:44 PM #15

J boogs

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Code 002 This month's newspaper was a good read :) Awesome job and thank you for putting this all together man, keep up the hard work! :)

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 12:45 PM #16

rip joey

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Was quite the month, nice read. Silly of you to think whales can board airplanes though.

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Posted 31 May 2019 - 04:52 PM #17

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Very nice edition!


Posted 05 June 2019 - 10:37 AM #18

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Nice read





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