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Alora Herblore Guide

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 08:38 PM #1

Immortal Fox

Immortal Fox
Posts: 198
Likes: 988
Clan: #Cheeselog
Location: Staff Zone

  •  Member since:
    22 Sep 2018

    • Time spent:
      133d 21h 33m 39s

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found







  1. Introducing The Herblore Skill
  2. Further Information
  3. Herbs
  4. Potions
  5. Zahur
  6. Extra Features
  7. Herblore HiScores / Statistics
  8. Herblore Mastery
  9. Experience Table



Introducing The Herblore Skill




Herblore is the ancient druidic skill that allows you to mix together potions of great strength to aid you in whatever you're doing, be it requiring that extra extent of skill to craft something, or a boost of fighting prowess to make you that much more dangerous on the battlefield. Whichever option, potions are a vital part in-game, and no adventurer should be without at least one or two in their bank at any time.



Further Information




The key items in the Herblore skill (as the name suggests) are herbs. These can be farmed or dropped by monsters (particularly Slayer creatures). When you find them, they will be 'grimy', so you must use your Herblore skill to clean them for use in a potion.


In order to make potions, you will need 3 items: a vial of water, a primary ingredient (usually a type of herb), and a secondary ingredient. Use the clean herb with the vial, and then use the secondary ingredient with the unfinished potion.


Vials of water can be bought from Kaqemeex at ::Shops for only 7 coins each and Secondary ingredients can also be bought from Kaqemeex and obtained from Farming. For those who play self-sufficently/are on the Iron Man game mode, check out an Iron Man Resource Guide, created by Iron Foxit Here


When all put together, they will create a potion with 3 doses. You can use one potion on another to share the doses (maximum of 4 doses) or use a 4 dose on an empty vial to get 2x 2 dose potions. Note that decanting potions does not require a Herblore level, nor give experience.







Herbs can be found throughout Alora and will often be received in a grimy form. A handful of grimy herbs can also be bought from Kaqemeex at ::Shops. To make the herb usable, you must clean them for use in potions. This can be pretty straightforward, but each herb requires a certain Herblore level to clean. You will receive experience for cleaning herbs.








The main use of the Herblore skill is to create potions that are useful for boosting stats and combat.


These form of potions, available from the start, are the standard form of potion that is most commonly used around Alora, and are actually the only potions in the game, as there are no mixes or extreme potions due to Alora being an Old School RuneScape Based Private Server. To make these, you require only a vial filled with water, a clean herb, and a secondary ingredient. Down below shows all the available potions, the level requires, the experience given, and the ingredients required.


*Not all potions from Old School RuneScape can be found listed in the spoiler. If one is missing, which you would like to see added to the guide, then please post down below. 








Zahur is an NPC at Home/in Edgeville, found West just outside the Smithing room.


Zahur will decant your potions for free. Players can either talk with her or use her right-click Decant option. She will decant all the potions in the player's inventory, noted or un-noted. Zahur also cleans your herbs, as well as make unfinished potions for you, but both of those comes with a cost. Having a herb cleaned will cost you 500 coins, and having an unfinished potion made for you will cost you 2,500 coins. Same as decant potions, she will clean your herbs and make unfinished potions for noted or un-noted



Extra Features




Skill of The Day

Transmuting every day, the Skill of The Day grants an experience boost of 25% ecumenically in a designated skill. Check out Unknown 's Bonus Skill Schedule guide Here.


Well of Goodwill

The well of goodwill is an object in the game that, when filled (100M), grants a global experience boost of 30% to everyone online for 90 minutes. The following game modes only receive half the the bonus experience (15%) - Elite Iron Man and Group Iron Man.


Vote Book

Obtained through voting redeeming the vote book grants you a personal 50% experience boost for an hour, if you have Two Factor Authentication activated on the specific account. Vote books can only be used once every 12 hours on the following game modes: Hardcore Iron Man, Elite Iron Man, and Group Iron Man. Vote books buy/sell for 3M-4M. Does not apply to combat, including Prayer.


Wilderness Bonus Experience

Players will be granted 1.5x experience for training skills above level 25 Wilderness. You must be in the Wilderness, above level 25, for two minutes for this to activate. Does not apply to combat, including Prayer.


God Event

God Event, located at ::Event, occurs every 2-3 hours. Attacking any of the three Gods until you have done at least 100 damage will grant you with the blessings of the Gods, granting you 20% bonus experience for 30 minutes. Does not apply to combat, including Prayer.


Herblore Skill Pet / Herbi

The Herbi is a skilling pet that can be obtained while training Herblore. The chances of getting it are dependent on the player's Herblore level, and the time it takes to accumulate a resource.



Herblore HiScores / Statistics




As of 08/04/2019, there are currently...

GRMB949.png 5,889 Players who have achieved level 99 in Herblore. 27 of them having achieved maxed experience in the skill - 200,000,000.

F4xflyZ.png 1,090 Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Herblore. 7 of them having achieved maxed experience in the skill - 200,000,000.

eDTBNTp.png 70 Ultimate Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Herblore. 2 of them having achieved maxed experience in the skill - 200,000,000. Shout outs: Nacyto and Diseased.

EqHqSlU.png 19 Hardcore Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Herblore. EmmaWatson currently being ranked 1 with 18.3M experience.

4WxxgGA.png 57 Classics who have achieved level 99 in Herblore. Not a Nerd currently being ranked 1 with 91.6M experience.

srDd5YX.png 52 Elite Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Herblore. Iroooonia currently being ranked 1 with 84.5M experience.

lSn97uo.png 47 Group Iron Men who have acheived level 99 in Herblore. Annakarl currently being ranked 1 with 32.6M experience.



Herblore Mastery




When you have reached level 99 in the Herblore skill, you can purchase the Herblore skill cape and hood for 100,000 coins from the Wise Old Man, who is located in the small house North-West of Home.





Experience Table



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