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Possible Fixes for CAPTCHA Errors When Voting

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 08:04 PM #1


Posts: 535
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Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

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Hello everyone,

It's come to my attention that a good amount of players in the community are facing trouble with voting lately. This is due to issues with CAPTCHAs. CAPTCHAs play an important role in keeping the internet spam-free and making everyone’s experience a little bit better. We have to go through them while voting on RuneScape Private Server toplists in order to receive our beloved bonus experience. Unfortunately, even real human-beings don't pass them at times. Sometimes people would face issues with CAPTCHAs for weeks, however, there are possibilities to solve your troubles with CAPTCHAs.

Down below you will find a small list of possible methods in order to solve your troubles with CAPTCHAs when voting.

1. Reset your IP

*NOTE that changing your IP in order to vote multiple times is strictly against Alora's rules and will result in a ban and wipe.*

Go to your Command Prompt, and then enter the following commands to reset the network adapter and IP address:

netsh winsock
reset netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

2. Try a different browser / Clear your browser cache

3. Turn off your VPN and/or proxy. Better yet, uninstall them from your PC

4. Setup a Google Mail account

Having your own Google Mail account and being signed in will make it easy for Google/CAPTCHAs to understand you are a human-being!

5. Check malwares & browser extensions

Your computer may be infected with malware, or you may have browser etensions and plugins which are causing troubles with the CAPTCHAs. Secure Yourself today.


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