- Introducing The Runecrafting Skill
Basic information - Pure Essence
How to obtain pure essence - Runes
Type of runes, level requirements, experience rates - Training The Runecrafting Skill
How and where to train - Extra Features
Features that come with the Runecrafting skill; bonus skill, experience boosts, pet - Runecrafting HiScores / Statistics
Additional information - Runecrafting Mastery
After achieving level 99 - Experience Table
Introducing The Runcrafting Skill
Runecrafting is a skill that revolves around the creation of runes for use in the Magic skill. Runecrafting is considered as one of the most time consuming skills to train, having one of the lowest number of people at level 99.
Runecrafting is a long process; however, the conception is quite unique. The first step is mining the pure essence needed in order to craft runes. The main place to get this pure essence is the Pure Essence Mines, which is only accessible through the Teleport Wizard. Alternatively, players can buy pure essence in lieu of having to mine them - they can buy them from other players or from the Trading Post inside Edgeville bank. Pure essence is also obtainable through PvM.

Pure essence is converted into runes at altars in Alora. There are two types of essence; rune and pure, but pure is the most pertinent and utilized.
The Pure Essence Mines is the only place where pure essence, a magical rock used to make runes through the Runecrafting skill, can be mined. The only way to access the Pure Essence Mines is by verbalizing with the Teleport Wizard in Edgeville, and having him teleport you directly to the Pure Essence Mines. Once you arrive, simply head to one of the pure essence rocks, which are located in four corners of the Pure Essence Mines and utilize your pickaxe on it. To depart, simply utilize the ::Home command.
In order to gain pure essence you need to mine it, trade it with players, or using the Trading Post in Edgeville bank. Pure essence is also obtainable through PvM - common monsters being: Zulrah, Skeletal Wyvern, Gargoyle, and Spiritual Mage.

Air Rune and
Mind Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 1
Multiple Runes: x2 - 11 , x3 - 22 , x4 - 33 , x5 - 44 , x6 - 55 , x7 - 66 , x8 - 77 , x9 - 88 , x10 - 99
Experience Gained:
: 200, x 28 = 5,600 | Post-99: 75, x 28 = 2,100
: 40, x 28 = 1,120
: 25, x 28 = 700
: 20, x 28 = 560
: 30, x 28 = 840
Water Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 5
Multiple Runes: x2 - 19 , x3 - 38 , x4 - 57 , x5 - 76 , x6 - 95
Experience Gained:
: 240, x 28 = 6,720 | Post-99: 90, x 28 = 2,520
: 48, x 28 = 1,344
: 30, x 28 = 840
: 24, x 28 = 672
: 36, x 28 = 1,008
Earth Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 9
Multiple Runes: x2 - 26 , x3 - 52 , x4 - 78
Experience Gained:
: 260, x 28 = 7,280 | Post-99: 97.5, x 28 = 2,730
: 52, x 28 = 1,456
: 32.5, x 28 = 910
: 26, x 28 = 728
: 39, x 28 = 1,092
Fire Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 14
Multiple Runes: x2 - 35 , x3 - 70
Experience Gained:
: 280, x 28 = 7,840 | Post-99: 105, x 28 = 2,940
: 56, x 28 = 1,568
: 35, x 28 = 980
: 28, x 28 = 784
: 42, x 28 = 1,176
Cosmic Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 27
Multiple Runes: x2 - 59
Experience Gained:
: 320, x 28 = 8,960 | Post-99: 120, x 28 = 3,360
: 64, x 28 = 1,792
: 40, x 28 = 1,120
: 32, x 28 = 896
: 48, x 28 = 1,344
Chaos Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 35
Multiple Runes: x2 - 74
Experience Gained:
: 340, x 28 = 9,520 | Post-99: 127.5, x 28 = 3,570
: 68, x 28 = 1,904
: 42.5, x 28 = 1,190
: 34, x 28 = 952
: 51, x 28 = 1,428
Astral Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 40
Multiple Runes: x2 - 82
Experience Gained:
: 348, x 28 = 9,744 | Post-99: 130.5, x 28 = 3,654
: 69.6, x 28 = 1,948.8
: 43.5, x 28 = 1,218
: 34.8, x 28 = 974.4
: 52.2, x 28 = 1,461.6
Nature Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 44
Multiple Runes: x2 - 91
Experience Gained:
: 360, x 28 = 10,080 | Post-99: 135, x 28 = 3,780
: 72, x 28 = 2,016
: 45, x 28 = 1,260
: 36 x 28 = 1,008
: 54, x 28 = 1,512
Law Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 54
Multiple Runes: None
Experience Gained:
: 380, x 28 = 10,640 | Post-99: 142.5, x 28 = 3,990
: 76, x 28 = 2,128
: 47.5, x 28 = 1,330
: 38 x 28 = 1,064
: 57, x 28 = 1,596
Death Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 65
Multiple Runes: None
Experience Gained:
: 400, x 28 = 11,200 | Post-99: 150, x 28 = 4,200
: 80, x 28 = 2,240
: 50, x 28 = 1,400
: 40 x 28 = 1,120
: 60, x 28 = 1,680
Blood Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 77
Multiple Runes: None
Experience Gained:
: 952, x 28 = 26, 656 | Post-99: 357, x 28 = 9,996
: 190.4, x 28 = 5,331.2
: 119, x 28 = 3,332
: 95.2 x 28 = 2,665.6
: 142.8, x 28 = 3,998.4
Soul Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 90
Multiple Runes: None
Experience Gained:
: 1,188, x 28 = 33,264 | Post-99: 445.5, x 28 = 12,474
: 237.6, x 28 = 6,652.8
: 148.5, x 28 = 4,158
: 118.8 x 28 = 3,326.4
: 178.2, x 28 = 4,989.6
Wrath Rune
Runecrafting Level Required: 95
Other Requirements: Dragon Slayer II quest completion.
Multiple Runes: None
Experience Gained:
: 320, x 28 = 8,960 | Post-99: 120, x 28 = 3,360
: 64, x 28 = 1,792
: 40, x 28 = 1,120
: 32 x 28 = 896
: 48, x 28 = 1,344
Training The Runecrafting Skill
Unlike RuneScape and most RuneScape Private Servers, you don't have to run to Runecrafting altars or run into Edgeville Wilderness to the Mage of Zamorak. Here on Alora, there is a Dark Mage just North of Edgeville, next door to ::Thieve.
The Dark Mage teleports you directly to the chosen Runecrafting altar if you talk-to him.
Simply have pure essence in your inventory and then click on the Runecrafting altar. This will turn your pure essence into the respective rune and you will be granted experience.
Runecrafting soul runes is remotely different to runecrafting other runes, however, it's very laid back, but still a very expeditious method to train the Runecrafting skill once you get utilized to it.
Draisaitl has already made a perfect guide for runecrafting soul runes, which you can check out by clicking Here. Be sure to show him some appreciation for his guide.
Runecrafting wrath runes it very akin to runecrafting other runes. The wrath altar can only be accessed after the completion of the Dragon Slayer II quest.
Again, a perfect guide for runecrafting wrath runes - this time created by Deathblood, which you can check out by clicking Here. Be sure to show him some appreciation for his guide.
Extra Features
Runecrafting Points
Players will gain Runecrafting points while crafting essence into runes at altars. Runecrafting points can be found in the quest tab at the bottom. Of course there is a shop for you to spend these points on (check underneath)!
Runecrafting Pouches
Pouches are bags that can hold varying amounts of essence for use in the Runecrafting skill. Pouches are highly prized among runecrafters because they can be acclimated to take more sizably voluminous loads when runecrafting and mining essence.
Small Pouch - Capacity of 3 pure essence.
Medium Pouch - Capacity of 6 pure essence.
Large Pouch - Capacity of 9 pure essence.
Giant Pouch - Capacity of 13 pure essence.
Skill of The Day
Transmuting every day, the Skill of The Day grants an experience boost of 25% ecumenically in a designated skill. Check out Unknown's Bonus Skill Schedule guide Here.
Well of Goodwill
The Well Of Goodwill is an object in the game that, when filled, grants a global experience boost of 30% to everyone but those on the Classic and Hardcore/Elite Iron Man game mode, which get half - 15%.
Vote Book
Obtained through voting, redeeming this book grants you 50% experience boost for an hour, if you have Two-Factor Authentication activated on the specific account.
Runecrafting Skill Pet / Rift Guardian
The Rift Guardian is a skilling pet that can be obtained while training Runecrafting. The chances of getting it are dependent on the player's Runecrafting level, and the time it takes to accumulate a resource.
Runecrafting HiScores / Statistics
As of 12/30/2018, there are currently...
4,969 players who have achieved level 99 in Runecrafting, 10 of them having achieved maxed experience in the skill - 200,000,000. Shout outs:
1,154 Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Runecrafting. 4 of them having achieved maxed experience in the skill - 200,000,000. Shot outs: Hex, Iron maxx,
88 Ultimate Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Runecrafting, 2 of them having achieved maxed experience in the skill - 200,000,000. Shot outs: Nacyto and Diseased.
10 Hardcore Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Runecrafting.
35 Classics who have achieved level 99 in Runecrafting.
38 Elite Iron Men who have achieved level 99 in Runecrafting.
Runecrafting Mastery
When you have reached level 99 in the Runecrafting skill, you can purchase the Runecrafting skill cape and hood for 100,000 coins from the Wise Old Man, who is located in the small house North-West of Edgeville.
Experience Table