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Pest Control Guide

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 05:02 PM #1


Posts: 535
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Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

  •  Member since:
    30 Dec 2017

    • Time spent:
      157d 3h 1m 13s

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I. Introduction and Basic Information
II. Pests and Portals

III. Rewards and Mathematics 

IV. Void Knight Equipment 

V. Additional Information


Introduction and Basic Information




Pest Control is a co-operative, combat-based activity/mini-game in Alora. Unlike in Old School RuneScape where you must defend the Void Knight from the pests (monsters), you must only ravage all the portals from which the monsters spawn. Pest Control is a safe activity/mini-game. Players who die will keep their items, and those who play on the Hardcore Iron Man game mode will keep their status. 


Pest Control is not soloable and a minimum of 4 players is needed in order for the Pest Control activity/mini-game to begin. The only requisite to participate in a game of Pest Control is to have a combat level of 40 or above. To receive points at the end of the activity/mini-game, you must deal a minimum damage of 30, which you can do by ravaging portals and killing monsters.


To get to Pest Control, enter in the command ::/;;PC or have the Teleport Wizard located at Home/Edgeville teleport you there (under mini-game teleports). Afterwards run South and enter in the novice boat.



Pests and Portals




Pests are the monsters that spawn out of portals to kill players. Players receive points for dealing damange to the monsters. 





Portals are the key mechanic in the Pest Control activity/mini-game. Destroy all portals in order to win and receive rewards. All portals have 200 Hitpoints.





Rewards and Mathematics




Winning players are rewarded with coins and points. As mentioned in the introduction and basic information category, you must deal a minimum damage of 30 in order to receive points:

3 Points and 25,000 Coins                                        image.png4 Points and 55,000 Coins   

image.png 5 Points and 60,000 Coins                                   image.png 6 Points and 70,000 Coins   

 image.png 7 Points and 75,000 Coins                                    image.png 8 Points and 90,000 Coins    

image.png 9 Points and 100,000 Coins                                 image.png 10 Points and 115,000 Coins


Throughout the week bonus Pest Control points (x1.5) will be activated, this is usually the best time to take part in the activity/play the mini-game. 


Underneath you can see the amount of games needed to obtain every void piece - on the left side being every void piece (excluding elite), and on the right side just being the elite robes. Normal Points/Bonus (x1.5) Points:

217/ 145 Games      image.png163/109 Games                             134/90 Games      image.png100/67 Games

image.png130/87 Games     image.png 109/73 Games                               image.png80/54 Games     image.png 67/50 Games  

 image.png 93/62 Games       image.png 82/55 Games                                   image.png 58/39 Games       image.png 50/34 Games     

image.png 73/49 Games      image.png 65/44 Games                                 image.png 45/30 Games      image.png 40/27 Games





You are able to purchase combat experience as long as the respective skill is at a minimum of level 35. More information can be found inside the spoiler underneath. 


Void Knight Equipment
Void Knight armour contributes Defence bonuses to all stats equally (including Ranged and Magic) without lowering any attack bonuses. The set bonus (see down below) makes the armour a popular choice for all forms of attack (Melee, Ranged, and Magic).
image.png Void Knight Melee - +10% to melee damage and accuracy
image.png Void Knight Ranger - +10% to ranged damage and accuracy
image.png Void Knight Magic - +45% to magic accuracy
image.pngimage.png Elite Void Robes - Gives a Prayer bonus of +3 per piece, and provides an additional damage boost of 2.5% to both the Ranger and Magic sets.
Additional Information
You are eligible for the forum award, 'Minigamer', after completing the Pest Control and Mage Arena collection log. 
There is an achievement, 'Pest-Controller'. You must win 3 games at Pest-Control in order to complete it, and you will receive 20 achievement points in return.
The elite void set can be purchased from the Donation Store for 400 tokens. Those on the Iron Man game modes are also able to purchase. 
The fighter torso can be purchased from the Donation Store for 50 tokens. Those on the Iron Man game modes are not able to purchase. The fighter torso can also be purchased from the Vote Store for 300 vote points.
The ava's accumulator can be purchased from the Vote Store for 40 vote points.
image.png image.png
image.png image.png


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