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[May] Community Awards

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48 replies to this topic

Posted 19 May 2019 - 10:48 AM #21

Super Donator

Posts: 41
Likes: 44
Clan: Dynasty
Location: California

  •  Member since:
    28 Dec 2018

    • Time spent:
      4d 3h 20m 56s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: Both


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: @Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: @Jisoo


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @Jisoo


Most active In-game: @Mack


Most active on Forums: @Iron Champie


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Mack






Most Active In-game: @Deadcat22


Most Active on Forums: @Moral Truth


Most Active on Discord: @Moral Truth


Most Active Overall: @Deadcat22


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Chuckoramma1


Most Friendly: @J boogs


Most Respected: @Detharrow26


Coolest Veteran: @Detharrow26


Best Helper: @J boogs


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: @Primul


Best NH Pker: @Primul


Best PvMer: @Detharrow26


Best Raider: @Snakelings


Best Skiller: @Deadcat22


Best Clan: Dynasty


Best Ironman: @Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: @UIM Gp


Best Elite Ironman: @Elite Yin


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Master Danny


Best Classic Player: @Horse Choker


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Deadcat22

Posted 19 May 2019 - 09:17 PM #22


Posts: 79
Likes: 162
Clan: Dynasty / Whale Squad
Location: United States

  •  Member since:
    11 Oct 2018

    • Time spent:
      40d 6h 19m 53s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Code 002


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @Jisoo


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Noahtho


Most active on Discord: @Lowkey


Most active In-game: @Fear7heduck


Most active on Forums: @Loo


Most Respected: @Doofy


Most Potential Promotion: @Iron Champie


Funniest Staff Member: @Doofy


Overall Best Staff Member: @Jisoo






Most Active In-game: @OsRs Tyler


Most Active on Forums: @Chuckoramma1


Most Active on Discord: @Eim ash


Most Active Overall: @Ehh Canadian


Most Wealthy: @Seabound


Most Addicted to Gambling: @konic / @Chuckoramma1


Most Friendly: @Jisoo


Most Respected: @OsRs Tyler


Coolest Veteran: @Chuckoramma1


Best Helper: @Kharyrll


Best Edgeville Pker: @konic


Best Hybrid: @ Jon Zoo


Best NH Pker: @Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: @Turner skill


Best Raider: @elite yin


Best Skiller: @Emozionante


Best Clan: @Dynasty


Best Ironman: @iron 2ridic


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: @UIM Gp


Best Elite Ironman: @elite yin


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Feraligatr


Best Classic Player: @ 908


Best GFX Designer: @Isaac


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @konic

Posted Image

Posted Image


Posted 20 May 2019 - 12:28 PM #23

Group Ironman

Posts: 263
Likes: 348
Clan: ICE

  •  Member since:
    11 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      33d 51m 41s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Banks


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @Vuqe


Most Respected: 


Coolest Veteran: @Steel Nogan


Best Helper: @


Best Edgeville Pker: @Primul


Best Hybrid: @Primul


Best NH Pker: @Primul


Best PvMer: @Ragragrag46


Best Raider: @Vuqe


Best Skiller: @Kharyrll @Noobair


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @Hc Adex


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): @TMNT


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Master Danny


Best Classic Player: @Dead Game Mode


Best GFX Designer: 


Best Youtuber: 


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted 20 May 2019 - 12:38 PM #24

Elite Sheets

Elite Sheets
Posts: 68
Likes: 331
Clan: ICE
Location: Belgium

  •  Member since:
    15 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      8d 21h 9m 59s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @king purple


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: @Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @king purple


Most active In-game: @Paine


Most active on Forums: @Kharyrll


Most Respected: @Loo


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @Hellish


Overall Best Staff Member: @Not Tauri






Most Active In-game: @EIM Ninja


Most Active on Forums: @Vuqe


Most Active on Discord: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active Overall: @EIM Ninja


Most Wealthy: @Loo


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @EIM Ninja


Most Respected: @Hellish


Coolest Veteran: @Steel Nogan


Best Helper: @Not Tauri


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: @Mob


Best NH Pker: @db aspect


Best PvMer: @Ragragrag46


Best Raider: @Vuqe


Best Skiller: @Kharyrll


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @UIM Gp


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): @hairline loc


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Kharyrll


Best Classic Player: @Binair


Best GFX Designer: @Blue Jay


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 


Posted Image

Posted 20 May 2019 - 12:42 PM #25

EIM Laardi
Elite Ironman

EIM Laardi
Posts: 55
Likes: 49

  •  Member since:
    30 May 2018

    • Time spent:
      32d 2h 30m 42s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Loinen22


Best Forum Moderator: @IM Moe


Best Server Moderator: -


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @Code 002


Most active In-game: @hsoJ


Most active on Forums: @IM Moe


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: -


Funniest Staff Member: -


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most Active on Forums: -


Most Active on Discord: -


Most Active Overall: @Kharyrll


Most Wealthy: @Loo


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Unimportant


Most Friendly: -


Most Respected: -


Coolest Veteran: @Extremedanny


Best Helper: -


Best Edgeville Pker: @Ragragrag46


Best Hybrid: @Ragragrag46


Best NH Pker: @Lowkey


Best PvMer: @Ragragrag46


Best Raider: @Vuqe


Best Skiller: @Emozionante


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: 


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): Boonk Gang


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Kharyrll


Best Classic Player: @elite teebow


Best GFX Designer: -


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Noobair

Posted 20 May 2019 - 12:48 PM #26


Posts: 535
Likes: 2,298
Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

  •  Member since:
    30 Dec 2017

    • Time spent:
      157d 3h 1m 13s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: Both are my dads. @king purple @Hellish


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Paine / @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @Paine


Most active In-game: @Mack


Most active on Forums: @Iron Champie


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @hsoJ






Most Active In-game: @Alissa


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy: @Chuckoramma1


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Chuckoramma1


Most Friendly: @Alissa


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: @Elsa


Best Helper: @Alissa


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker: @Primul


Best PvMer: @Mack


Best Raider: @Mack


Best Skiller: @Mack


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman:


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): #BoonkGang


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Weath


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: @Isaac


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall:


Posted 20 May 2019 - 01:06 PM #27


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,848
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      448d 21h 52m

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found



Best Event Manager:

@king purple @Hellish

Best Administrator:


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:

@Iron Champie

Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support:

@Not Tauri

Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:

@Kharyrll the world's sweatiest man

Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:

@king purple

Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:

@Doofy @Code 002

Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game:


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:

@Moral truth

Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly:


Most Respected:

@Smiv's Planking abilities

Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:

@king purple

Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:


Best Raider:


Best Skiller:


Best Clan:


Best Ironman:

@Steel Nogan

Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Classic Player:

@ Isekaii

Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:


Posted 20 May 2019 - 02:19 PM #28


Posts: 85
Likes: 581
Clan: #ICE
Location: United Kingdom

  •  Member since:
    15 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      39d 1h 4m 33s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator:  Fine China


Best Server Support: Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: Code 002


Most active In-game: Banks


Most active on Forums: IM Moe


Most Respected: Hellish


Most Potential Promotion: Kharyrll


Funniest Staff Member: Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: Salter






Most Active In-game: Noobair


Most Active on Forums: Moral truth


Most Active on Discord: DB Aspect


Most Active Overall: Elite Sheets


Most Wealthy: hsoJ


Most Addicted to Gambling: Mob


Most Friendly: Blackpoiint


Most Respected: Revol


Coolest Veteran: Vuqe


Best Helper: Steel Nogan


Best Edgeville Pker: Primul


Best Hybrid:  Easts


Best NH Pker: Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: Ragragrag46


Best Raider: Master Danny


Best Skiller: Scuffed EIM


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: kreikka


Best Group ironman (Team): HAIRLINE LOC


Best Group Ironman (Player): Konar


Best Classic Player: Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer: Blue Jay


Best Youtuber: Lowkey


Best Streamer: Lowkey


Top Overall: Elite Sheets

Posted Image

Posted 20 May 2019 - 03:03 PM #29

Drop out

Drop out
Posts: 121
Likes: 80
Clan: #Peeks Baby
Location: United Kingdom

  •  Member since:
    14 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      19d 21h 9m 58s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Event Manager: Hellish


Best Administrator: Josh


Best Global Moderator: 1gp


Best Forum Moderator: Loo


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:


Overall Best Staff Member: They're all great (I am a nutrider)






Most Active In-game:


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling: Mob :)


Most Friendly: Rob/Trailer Park


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: Kid Veng


Best NH Pker: Primul


Best PvMer: RagRagRag46


Best Raider:


Best Skiller: Any CVI player 


Best Clan: #Peeks


Best Ironman:


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer: lowkey 


Top Overall:

Posted 20 May 2019 - 08:59 PM #30


Posts: 257
Likes: 751
Clan: Frozen H2O
Location: Denial

  •  Member since:
    24 Dec 2018

    • Time spent:
      75d 4h 11m 8s

  •  Previous username:
    UL Sassafras

  •  Total level:

  •  4 bugs found



Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Immortal Fox


Best Forum Moderator: Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: IM Moe


Best Server Support: Endeavor


Most active on Discord: Paine


Most active In-game: Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: Loinen22


Most Respected: hsoJ


Most Potential Promotion: Jisoo


Funniest Staff Member: Hellish


Overall Best Staff Member: -






Most Active In-game: Deadcat22


Most Active on Forums: Moral truth


Most Active on Discord: t s


Most Active Overall: -


Most Wealthy: I have no idea now...


Most Addicted to Gambling: Vape Tricks


Most Friendly: iron aritus


Most Respected: Shad Xn


Coolest Veteran: Joey


Best Helper: Alissa


Best Edgeville Pker: -


Best Hybrid: -


Best NH Pker: Horror


Best PvMer: Detharrow26


Best Raider: elite teebow


Best Skiller: Noobair


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: UIM Gp


Best Elite Ironman: Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): TMNT


Best Group Ironman (Player): Master Danny


Best Classic Player: Isekaii


Best GFX Designer: Isaac


Best Youtuber: -


Best Streamer: Lowkey


Top Overall: Vuqe

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

Posted Image

sycamore | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

Rejoined as Global Moderator on 12/1/19

UIM KOTS Winner | Maxed HCUIM

Posted 21 May 2019 - 12:50 AM #31

OsRs Tyler
Immortal Donator

OsRs Tyler
Posts: 227
Likes: 192
Clan: Dynasty
Location: Florida

  •  Member since:
    10 Oct 2017

    • Time spent:
      26d 11h 54m 3s

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Mhk


Best Forum Moderator: Jisoo


Best Server Moderator: Doofy


Best Server Support: Noahtho


Most active on Discord: Doofy


Most active In-game: Doofy


Most active on Forums: Jisoo


Most Respected: Jisoo


Most Potential Promotion: Doofy


Funniest Staff Member: Jisoo


Overall Best Staff Member: Doofy






Most Active In-game: Eim ash


Most Active on Forums: J boogs


Most Active on Discord: INSERT YEET


Most Active Overall: INSERT PET


Most Wealthy: AlonePillow


Most Addicted to Gambling: Chuckoramma1


Most Friendly: king purple


Most Respected: king purple


Coolest Veteran: Eim ash


Best Helper: king purple


Best Edgeville Pker: Gwattii


Best Hybrid: Horror


Best NH Pker: S1X7H ST0RM


Best PvMer: Iron2Ridic


Best Raider: Swaggydabzzz


Best Skiller: Aryan Dream


Best Clan: #DYNASTY


Best Ironman: Iron2Ridic


Best Hardcore Ironman: Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: Uim Disabled


Best Elite Ironman: @elite yin


Best Group ironman (Team): Dynasty All stars


Best Group Ironman (Player): INSERT PET


Best Classic Player: Swaggydabzzz


Best GFX Designer: Isaac


Best Youtuber: Chase legend


Best Streamer: Chase legend


Top Overall: INSERT TOB

Posted 21 May 2019 - 09:02 AM #32

Legendary Donator

Posts: 339
Likes: 681
Clan: #Peeks
Location: Deep forest middle of uganda

  •  Member since:
    08 Jan 2017

    • Time spent:
      34d 23h 34m 59s

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator:@hsoJ


Best Global Moderator:@Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator:@Kharyrll


Best Server Moderator:@Kharyrll


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:@hsoJ


Most active In-game:@hsoJ


Most active on Forums:@hsoJ


Most Respected:@hsoJ


Most Potential Promotion:@Kharyrll


Funniest Staff Member:@Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member:@hsoJ






Most Active In-game:@Noobair


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:@Noobair


Most Wealthy:@jon_zoo


Most Addicted to Gambling:@jon_zoo


Most Friendly:


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: @deacat22


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:@king purple


Best Hybrid:@ Easts


Best NH Pker:@ Easts


Best PvMer:@Laardii


Best Raider:@Vuqe


Best Skiller:@Mob


Best Clan:#peeks


Best Ironman:@Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman:@Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman:@Diseased


Best Elite Ironman:@Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): #team hairline


Best Group Ironman (Player): @two


Best Classic Player:@Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:@Inferno


Best Streamer:@Lowkey


Top Overall:@ Easts

Posted ImagePosted Image

Posted Image

Posted 21 May 2019 - 09:46 AM #33


Posts: 789
Likes: 5,480
Location: 'Murica

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      205d 18h 13m 37s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: Yes


Best Administrator: hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: Fear7heduck


Best Server Support: Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: Vape Tricks


Most active In-game: Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: Loinen22


Most Respected: hsoJ


Most Potential Promotion: Yes


Funniest Staff Member: hsoJ


Overall Best Staff Member: Kharyrll






Most Active In-game: Noobair


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: Noobair


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly: Ragragrag46


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: Vuqe


Best Helper: Alissa


Best Edgeville Pker: king purple


Best Hybrid: Primul


Best NH Pker: Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: Vuqe


Best Raider: Vuqe


Best Skiller: Noobair


Best Clan: Ice/Peeks


Best Ironman: Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): Hairline Loc


Best Group Ironman (Player): God


Best Classic Player: ?


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: Noobair

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted 21 May 2019 - 11:17 AM #34

Immortal Donator

Posts: 658
Likes: 918
Clan: Paragon

  •  Member since:
    27 Feb 2017

    • Time spent:
      119d 4h 34m 27s

  •  Total level:

  •  11 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Eucalyptus


Best Forum Moderator: @Iron Champie


Best Server Moderator: @Endeavor


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: -


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums: @Jisoo


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Fe China


Funniest Staff Member: @hsoJ


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: @Moral truth


Most Active on Discord: -


Most Active Overall: @Noobair


Most Wealthy: @Chuckoramma1


Most Addicted to Gambling: -


Most Friendly: @Extremedanny


Most Respected: @Vuqe


Coolest Veteran: @Extremedanny


Best Helper: @Blackpoiint


Best Edgeville Pker: -


Best Hybrid: @Primul


Best NH Pker: @Primul


Best PvMer: @YeetMcSkeet


Best Raider: @Laardii


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @Iron Redius


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @UIM Gp


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): TMNT


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Konar


Best Classic Player: @ Isekaii


Best GFX Designer: -


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Extremedanny

T.O.B. Lootations:


Road to ALL Pets - Click Here

Posted 21 May 2019 - 12:10 PM #35



Posts: 68
Likes: 108

  •  Member since:
    21 Dec 2018

    • Time spent:
      6d 9h 44m 34s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game: @Kharyrll


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion: paine 4 admin


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @hsoJ






Most Active In-game: @Mob


Most Active on Forums: @Er0s


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: @Er0s


Most Wealthy: @cuckoromma


Most Addicted to Gambling: @cuckoroma


Most Friendly: @Trailer Park


Most Respected: @Horror


Coolest Veteran:  @Horror


Best Helper: @Trailer Park


Best Edgeville Pker: @Mob


Best Hybrid: @Primul


Best NH Pker: @Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: @Ragragrag46


Best Raider: @kreikka


Best Skiller: @kreikka


Best Clan: beeks 4n africa unit


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: @200m dancing


Best Ultimate Ironman: no1 all shit


Best Elite Ironman: @kreikka


Best Group ironman (Team): hairline loc


Best Group Ironman (Player): @God


Best Classic Player: @Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: hopefully not mob




Good luck!

Posted Image

Posted 21 May 2019 - 02:22 PM #36

Super Donator

Posts: 123
Likes: 54

  •  Member since:
    30 Oct 2018

    • Time spent:
      15d 10h 9m 19s

  •  Total level:



Best Event Manager: @Lowkey


Best Administrator: @Hosj


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: @Loo


Best Server Moderator: @


Best Server Support: 


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game: @king purple/ @Hosj


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Kharyrll


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey when he planks


Overall Best Staff Member: 






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Chuckoramma1


Most Friendly: @J boogs


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: @7ashkal


Best Helper: @J boogs


Best Edgeville Pker: 


Best Hybrid: @Easts 


Best NH Pker: @Not a Nerd


Best PvMer: @kreikka


Best Raider: @KING n0ttz


Best Skiller: @Not a Nerd


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Classic Player: @Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer: @Db Aspect


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 

Posted 21 May 2019 - 02:26 PM #37

Super Donator

Posts: 12
Likes: 29

  •  Member since:
    11 May 2019

    • Time spent:
      1d 20h 15m 43s

  •  Total level:

Best Event Manager: 23


Best Administrator: Josh


Best Global Moderator: Paine


Best Forum Moderator: Loo


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support: 


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game: 23


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: Unicorn


Most Potential Promotion: Paine


Funniest Staff Member: Hairline


Overall Best Staff Member: 23






Most Active In-game: Pkdealer


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: Ragragrag46


Most Respected: Ragragrag46


Coolest Veteran:  Horror


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: Dodgemelol


Best Hybrid: Easts


Best NH Pker: Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: Ragragrag46


Best Raider: Ragragrag46


Best Skiller: Jonttu420


Best Clan: Lads.


Best Ironman: vuk


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: 


Best Elite Ironman: EIM Trump


Best Group ironman (Team): Hairline loc (Fuck u for kicking me tho)


Best Group Ironman (Player):  Two


Best Classic Player: Classic Trump


Best GFX Designer: DB Aspek


Best Youtuber: Skill 99


Best Streamer: Hairline


Top Overall: Take Notes

Posted 21 May 2019 - 04:45 PM #38


Posts: 163
Likes: 312
Clan: ICE

  •  Member since:
    24 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
      59d 3h 44m 6s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Administrator: @banks 


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @Loo


Best Server Moderator: @Fear7heduck


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @Hellish


Most active In-game: @Mack


Most active on Forums: @ Fine China


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: @Paine


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: 


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord: @Revol


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy: @Chuckoramma


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Mob


Most Friendly: @Trailer Park


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran:  @Otto


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker: @king purple


Best Hybrid: whatever account dan is playing


Best NH Pker: same as hybrid


Best PvMer: @Master Danny


Best Raider: @Vuqe


Best Skiller: @unknown 


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @Steel Nogan


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @disseased 


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Kharyrll


Best Classic Player: this a thing?


Best GFX Designer: @Blue jat


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 


Posted 22 May 2019 - 09:23 AM #39

Steel Nogan

Steel Nogan
Posts: 419
Likes: 513
Clan: ICE
Location: Kosovo

  •  Member since:
    04 Jan 2018

    • Time spent:
      51d 23h 38m 39s

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Event Manager: Hellish and KP


Best Administrator: @Mack


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: @Loo


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @King purple


Most active In-game: @Paine


Most active on Forums: @Kharyrll


Most Respected: @Loo


Most Potential Promotion: @Not Tauri


Funniest Staff Member: @Hellish


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @EIM Ninja


Most Active on Forums: @Vuqe


Most Active on Discord: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active Overall: @Scuffed EIM


Most Wealthy: @Loo


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @EIM Ninja


Most Respected: 


Coolest Veteran: u know


Best Helper: @Not Tauri


Best Edgeville Pker: @King purple


Best Hybrid: @Mob


Best NH Pker: @db aspect


Best PvMer: 


Best Raider: @EIM Gp


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: no.


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: 


Best Elite Ironman: @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Kharyrll


Best Classic Player: 


Best GFX Designer: @Blue Jay


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 

Posted Image


Alora Awards

ICE Awards

Posted 22 May 2019 - 04:14 PM #40


Posts: 1,356
Likes: 3,978
Clan: ICE
Location: Portugal

  •  Member since:
    17 Sep 2017

    • Time spent:
      229d 12h 48m 38s

  •  Previous username:
    King purple

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found



Best Event Manager: @Hellish


Best Administrator: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: @IM Moe 


Best Server Moderator: @Doofy


Best Server Support: @Not Tauri


Most active on Discord: @Jisoo


Most active In-game: @Mack


Most active on Forums: @Jisoo


Most Respected: @Hellish


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Banks






Most Active In-game: @Deadcat22


Most Active on Forums: @Moral truth


Most Active on Discord: @Chelle


Most Active Overall: @Revol


Most Wealthy: @hsoJ


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Mob


Most Friendly: @Noobair


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran:  @Loo


Best Helper: @Alissa


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: @Primul


Best NH Pker: @Primul


Best PvMer: @Banks


Best Raider: @Mack


Best Skiller: @Loo


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe / @ Steel Nogan


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: @ UIM Gp


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair / @Loo


Best Group ironman (Team):  Hairline loc


Best Group Ironman (Player):  @God


Best Classic Player: @ Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Omicron




Good luck!

KP | One | Horus
