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Alora Newspaper [5/2/2019]

Newspaper April

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:07 AM #1

Code 002

Code 002
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Hello everyone, welcome to this month's edition of the Alora Newspaper!


Welcome, to another edition of the Alorian Times!

Hope everyone has enjoyed this past April and not to keep you here to long, let's get in to it.



While we will not tolerate harassment, offensive language, flame, disrespect, inappropriate content, or anything of that sort, we also understand that the transition between a 7 day mute and a permanent mute is a big step. We've added a 14 day mute to the offense chain to hopefully drill the message into players that this behavior will not be tolerated without them suffering from never being able to use the in-game chat again.




As of a recent update, we've added a filter to prevent people that attempt to use harmful words, names, slurs, etc. Part of the purpose of this update was to prevent advertising. This being said we've added a section to Rule 2 stating that those with malicious intent who attempt to work around our filter will NOT be dealt with lightly.








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If you want to check out the entire update list, click https://www.alora.io...rum/14-updates/
There have been quite a few changes to the staff team recently, you can see them below here:



Eucalyptus has returned to the Staff Team as Server Moderator.

EIM 1gp has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Endeavor has been promoted to Server Support.


Rank Transfers:

Draisaitl has transferred his Global Moderator status to Banks.

Fine China has transferred his Server Support status to Fe China .





Immortal Fox has returned to the Staff Team as Global Moderator.
Morgen has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Fe China has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Fear7heduck has been promoted to Server Support.

Sheep has resigned from Administrator. A huge thank you to him for over 2 years of being on the Staff Team. More info can be found here: https://www.alora.io...ime-to-move-on/

Vape Tricks has been demoted from Server Support.



For more info on the Staff updates, click https://www.alora.io...-staff-updates/
This month I will be interviewing: Dante and Kharyrll
Everyone welcome our Dad Dante to the casting couch this month!
Code 002: If you could travel anywhere in the world for free where would you go and why?

Dante: I'm kind of torn between two places -- Japan and Italy. I have never been to Japan and would love to immerse myself in such a foreign culture for a while. If it came down to it I think I would have to choose Calabria, Italy seeing as I have family there and it has some of the most beautiful landscapes, food, culture and nightlife. I love the language and I had the chance to go there when I was 10 and had such a blast, so I figure I'd have even more fun now that I am mature (barely) and can make my own decisions (if my mom says it's okay).
Code 002: What do you find the most enjoyable in Alora?

Dante: I know it's kind of cliche to say but the community is definitely one of the biggest things Alora has to offer, and it's definitely something that I enjoy being a part of although I haven't been as active as I was a month or so ago. Definitely one of the most tight-knit communities in the RSPS scene from my experience and time playing them over the last few years.
Code 002: What would your favorite food be? And what would be for dessert?

Dante: Favorite food hands down is lasagna. I could eat it every meal of the day for the rest of my life as long as it was made by my nonna or my mom. For dessert it would also be Lasagna. I fucking love Lasagna.
Code 002: You bring a very fair point I could live off lasagna!
Code 002: So I know you're quite the cheese connoisseur what is your favorite type of cheese? (Guessing itll be a cheese that's in lasagna)

Dante: Although I love mozzarella my favourite is definitely Brie. Such an awesome cheese that can be paired with so many things.

Code 002: (Googles Brie) https://gyazo.com/2b...034dbcce7429079

Dante: Brie is that french cheese that smells like feet....But it doesn’t always smell like feet!

Code 002: L0l0l so that's why you always said your feet smell like cheese!

Dante: Yeah, Like Brie or Gorgonzola!
Code 002: Do you miss being on the staff team at times? We know our dad is moving on up in life.

Dante: I miss being on the team all the time. It’s like I divorced and unfortunately my unintelligent ex-wife (Lowkey) got custody of all the kids. Even the new ones that aren’t my blood are still missed. One thing about being on the team that I lost was being able to talk to everyone everyday, and although I still have discord and can talk to everyone it isn’t the same. Easiest way I can relate it to is having a job with “work buddies” that you are very close with but don’t get the chance to do things after work. But when you work there everyday you are constantly conversing and dealing with each other. In some ways I don’t miss it because I was allocating a large amount of my free time to Alora in general, and was having problems with my girlfriend, friends, as well as some of my own issues. I’ve resolved most if not all of them between now and the time I resigned. I do miss my Alora Fam though<3!!!
Code 002: So outside of Alora what do you enjoy doing?

Dante: I enjoy work a lot, other than that I play softball in the summer and drink, I play video games in most of my spare time like rs3, apex legends, the division 2 and started playing minecraft a bit recently with older friends.
Code 002: What personal achievement are you most proud of?
Dante: As dumb as it sounds finishing high school. I have a lot of other minor achievements that I’m happy about but the one that comes to mind right away is that. I was pretty good in school but had some issues in final year and almost didn’t graduate, so I’m happy I managed to push through it and actually finish and graduate.
Everyone say hello to our resident :patrick:  Kharyrll!! Please have a seat over here... :nononSmug:



Code 002: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you want to go and why?

Kharyrll: Let us say I in some imaginary parallel universe would leave my apartment to explore the outside world I think it would be some of the lesser touristed Asian countries like Myanmar(previously known as Burma) and visit the smaller villages on the countryside to experience what their everyday life looks like in comparison to mine.
Perhaps somewhere in South America to explore the very different culture, look at some the Aztec architecture and dig a bit further into that part of history. But also the very different climate, from what I am used to in Denmark at least, with everything that follows even though I don’t spend any time outdoors normally I actually have a great interest in the more interesting animals that you don’t get to see outside of their enclosures here at home.

Code 002: How are you liking your new position within the staff team? And did you ever expect to make it this far? What even got you interested in joining the team in the first place?

Kharyrll: I am really proud of what I have contributed to the staff team and the server as a whole so far. I see myself as a very dedicated and hard working person, so I expected to do well in the staff team but not that my climb would be this fast. I had been toying with idea of applying for staff for a long long time, and with some convincing words from friends I decided to jump into it and I am very happy I did so!

Code 002: If there was anything in the world that you could change. What would you change and why?

Kharyrll: My initial thought of something acoustic like Amazon in Denmark so I don't have to leave the house to get groceries. But a thing I dislike on my travels is all the homeless animals/pets living on the street to get a home with a family caring for them. Perhaps for all people to have the same opportunities in terms of education and obtaining knowledge, so thinks like social background or your parents' wealth impacts what you can do in life...Give Jay his hair back.. There is a fair few things I would like to change it seems.

Code 002: Do you have any specific goals for your GIM? Like 4.6b xp? Or item comp etc?

Kharyrll: After that one weekend where I decided it would be fun to do 200m construction in one sitting and it ended up being me and my chair for 40 hours straight I kind of decided that since I had already completed 4.6b experience on one account(for those that are not aware my ultimate ironman is Diseased and is 200m all skills) I would like for this to just be mainly focused on pvming, mainly raiding as getting the pre-raids items takes like a day or two.
But I continued to skill when I was bored, and eventually took back rank 1… and now I am kind of motivated to get 200m experience in skills again. I will still raid and do corp etc - But I would like to get 4.6b one day.
Item completionist is a weird goal to me, the fact it is based purely on RNG doesn’t attract me all that much. I understand that you could just grind 1800 raids and get your twisted bow eventually, but it doesn’t motivate me and keeps me going like skilling and going for 200ms does.
But most importantly I would like an active 5-man group again. A bit boring only being 1,5 active players out of 5. :(


Code 002: Who hurt you?

Kharyrll: Good question. I have hit marks or something in my two front teeth, and I remember my mother telling me that I was rocking on a chair when I was younger and smashed my face and front teeth down into a wooden/metal door frame we used to have. But I have most likely been dropped a few too many times as a young boy.




Have any interview questions that you would like to ask any of the staff members?
Don't hesitate to send me a private message via forums / Discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!
So what's been going on with Alora with the month of April?
I'll tell you what, y'all will be very angry with me this month.....
Mizzy FE has finished his very long grind at Cave Horrors. With a Black Mask at just 1 kill count.....
Here's where things start getting a bit more infuriating. Nikka gets their Pegasians at a very long grind of 1 kill! (Best hope you had some Ranger Boots to go along with those :P)
Wearisome is showing us how it's done getting that pet grind out of the way! (Banks see it's just that easy bro)
It's been a good month for iron 2ridic at The Chambers of Xeric!
I really don't know how to feel about this myself but Eim ash here has some really insane RNG at both The Chambers of Xeric and The Theater of Blood!
Classic nate has Maxed out a Classic account!
If you're like myself and watch Swampletics, Karamja Only, and Tirranwyn Only. You'll like what CluesOnly is doing here!
Foundational Has obtained an Inferno Cape! (That's pretty good.... for a normie :DoggoKek:)
Now back on the really long grind hype train Btw im rambo has got their Kreeara pet at a wopping 1kc!
Can someone please check on Paine and make sure he's still breathing after this one. Skild has received their 2nd I repeat 2nd Kraken pet in just 10kc!!!!
While we're at it could someone make sure Mack is doing alright also! Vape Tricks here may have just put the final nail in his coffin with his insane RNG!
In case you all missed out on probably the biggest multi war Alora has ever seen. Here's a perspective of it from the inside.

Want to be featured in the newest section of the Alora Newspaper?
Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or PM me on the forums / Discord with your accomplishment!
The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.
The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place amongst the staff team.
The winner of March MOTM is...

Congratulations! You have stood out in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora.  :)
Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.
The April Community Awards are out now!
Visit this link to see the results;
Also please make sure to check out our streamers when they are live! They would love to have you keep them company while they grind out whatever it is they are grinding that day!
Make sure to Subscribe to all of them also every little bit of support helps tremendously!
If I've missed anyone I do apologize just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in.
That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper!
Read our last Newspaper by clicking down below:


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Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:12 AM #2


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Thanks for giving me the opportunity to finally be interviewed instead of interviewing people!


Excellent job on the newspaper my son, well done.

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:13 AM #3


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It's always a pleasure to read these. Fantastic job once again Alex!

Signature made by the wonderful Sunnii

Community Awards


Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:14 AM #4

Eim ash
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Was Fun reading it, am glad am in it and my boy @iron 2ridic


another nice newspaper @Code 002

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:24 AM #5


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Big fan of the “what’s happening” section!








Other accounts:

Eim 40a (I will primarily be on my elite iron-man account)

Softcore 40a

HC 40a

Go to class

Uim 40a



Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:26 AM #6


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Glad to see my son @Kharyrll interviewed. Also, It was weird seeing @Dante asked questions instead of asking..


Great job, Alex.

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:27 AM #7


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Nice reads for both @Dante and @Kharyrll. Can't wait to see who gets interviewed next. :)


Signature by Dr Dee Are E

Promoted to Server Support on November 7th, 2018.

Promoted to Server Moderator on January 1st, 2019.

Demoted from Server Moderator on May 10th, 2019.

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 03:39 AM #8

rip joey

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Good article, perhaps add the images instead of the links since they are so cropped anyway. Also I doubt Kharyll will ever go outside.

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 06:00 AM #9

Vape Tricks

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Great reads here! RIP staff hopes due to RNG  :o

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Promoted to Server Support on March 27th, 2019

Demoted from Sever Support on April 15th, 2019

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Promoted to Server Moderator on June 15th, 2019

Promoted to Forum Moderator on December 21st, 2019

Demoted to Server Moderator on March 8th, 2020

Vape Tricks - Maxed GIM

0ptimuscope - Maxed Normie

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 07:49 AM #10

2 Ridiculous
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Ikr who would of thought that we both randomly get scythe and tbow in the same month lol. The 'what's happening' is a nice addition tbh  ;) @Eim ash

Was Fun reading it, am glad am in it and my boy @iron 2ridic


another nice newspaper @Code 002

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 11:49 AM #11


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Great read as always. Loved the interviews. We miss you dude Dante..

Posted 02 May 2019 - 01:22 PM #12

Immortal Fox

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You taught him well! @Dante (We miss you too  :SadBoi:). 


Beautifully formatted/written @Code 002, loving the spoilers and the "What's happening" section <3.

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Posted 02 May 2019 - 02:36 PM #13

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Very nice to read this, and i'm happy to see who where promoted. Congratulations all!

  Yours sincerely,


  Albus Dumbledore
   Deputy Headmaster



Posted 04 May 2019 - 10:13 PM #14

Not Hellish

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Good shit Code 002, the interviews were great. 

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Hellish - Comped Normie

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Posted 06 May 2019 - 06:39 PM #15


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Always a good read, thanks @Code 002 for putting it together.

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

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sycamore | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

Rejoined as Global Moderator on 12/1/19

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Posted 06 May 2019 - 11:01 PM #16


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Great read, I can always look forward to the beginning of each month knowing there will be a well-written newspaper waiting for me!  :PepeKkay:

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Posted 06 May 2019 - 11:56 PM #17


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Great update Been busy with work haven't had much time for forums 


Posted 07 May 2019 - 01:14 PM #18

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I believe there are people in the Alora community that don't realize that staff can be lenient with what people say. Everyone sees it in their respective Clan Chats and the ;;yell that sometimes language gets a little out of hand. Yes, it is just an online game and people are entitled to their own opinions; but sometimes people seem to take advantage of that and take it a bit too far and not consider the repercussions outside of "I'll just make another account" or quitting the game all together.

I believe any modifications to those specific set of rules are healthy for the Alora community.

bUDYrXQ.gif Artwork done by Blue Jay.


Posted 14 May 2019 - 08:00 AM #19

Iron obra

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Love reading the newspaper every month


Proud ICE Member!
Will be rank 1!

Posted 24 May 2019 - 08:35 PM #20


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Thank you, it was a good read alecks.

KP | One | Horus



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