Hello Everyone!
Welcome to ICE Raids Loot: Week 1!
These threads will be posted once a week by one of our Raids Mentors in order to show off the hot loot we've received.
If you're interested in joining ICE or just want to see what we're about, Click Here.
If you're interested in learning how to raid, Click Here.
If you'd like an invite to the ICE Discord, please PM a star ranked member in the "ICE" clan chat in-game.
Prayer Scroll
Twisted Buckler
Dragon Hunter Crossbow
Dinh's Bulwark
Ancestral Hat
Ancestral Robe Top
Ancestral Robe Bottom
Dragon Claws
Elder Maul
Kodai Wand
Twisted Bow
Metamorphic Dust
Olmlet / Mini Vanguard
Avernic Defender Hilt
Ghrazi Rapier
Sanguinesti Staff
Scythe of Vitur
Justiciar Faceguard
Justiciar Chestguard
Justiciar Legguards
Lil' Zik