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All unused/banned usernames should be wiped and released

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 07:43 AM #1

weapon jr

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It's fair to say that this server has gained in popularity. I mean, it's the most active I've ever been on. And with that being said, it isn't a surprise tons of people came and went. Logged on using their real name - say David - played some then deleted the game. Making the next David having to use David1 or something.

I don't think it would hurt wiping and releasing old usernames? I don't know, I just don't see the harm in it and possibly someone could be looking for a new account to play on on, etc. 

Posted 07 April 2019 - 08:13 AM #2

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Well the problem with this is the "risk" or chance of someone coming back to the game and "poof" their name is changed or there whole account is gone, also the problem with banned players is that they might be unbanned in the future (unsure how Alora's staff team manages banned players etc) but if they get unbanned and they lost their username they most likely wont return, both for good and bad i guess since they broke rules.


But i dont really support this because of the chance that players might return in the future and to rob them off their name is not right.


This is however just my point of view and its up for change if someone can show some good solutions or alternatives.

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 08:27 AM #3


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Well the problem with this is the "risk" or chance of someone coming back to the game and "poof" their name is changed or there whole account is gone, also the problem with banned players is that they might be unbanned in the future (unsure how Alora's staff team manages banned players etc) but if they get unbanned and they lost their username they most likely wont return, both for good and bad i guess since they broke rules.


But i dont really support this because of the chance that players might return in the future and to rob them off their name is not right.


This is however just my point of view and its up for change if someone can show some good solutions or alternatives.


That's their fault, don't play the server for 20minutes then come back 3 years later and complain you lost a username, other active members want some of this usernames, some of which have never even been used.


Support.  All major games have username wipes for reasons such as this.  This is why your login should have no effect over what your username is, this allows for wipes and for people to keep their accounts, but be able to change the names from a placeholder name.




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Posted 07 April 2019 - 09:29 AM #4


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Depends on the offence, i was banned due to a silly mistake when i was staff a year ago and my account "Hexza" is gone. Now i wouldn't mind having the name back but at the end of the day this was my mistake so i think the banning thing could be done maybe after a set time lets say how xbox do it when they release GTs after like 4 years but obviously a lot sooner. I do agree though that if someone makes an account with a very og name lets use mine for example with "Matt" plays for 20 minutes and then quits forever then that's their fault and it should be reset after being inactive for a set period. Obviously Jay, Omi and other staff team members can decide this if accepted. 

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Well the problem with this is the "risk" or chance of someone coming back to the game and "poof" their name is changed or there whole account is gone, also the problem with banned players is that they might be unbanned in the future (unsure how Alora's staff team manages banned players etc) but if they get unbanned and they lost their username they most likely wont return, both for good and bad i guess since they broke rules.


But i dont really support this because of the chance that players might return in the future and to rob them off their name is not right.


This is however just my point of view and its up for change if someone can show some good solutions or alternatives.

Posted 07 April 2019 - 10:12 AM #5

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Yeah if like a name clean ive tried to make account for 15 mins all names were taken

Posted 07 April 2019 - 10:26 AM #6


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I can understand how it could benefit players taking names from accounts that are either banned or inactive, but creating a system for this at the moment is very convoluted. As what @Hinter said, someone may come back to see that their account name has been taken. There’s also the risk of someone taking a name who is associated with multiple offenses and they get perm banned/muted after their first offense, or someone takes your old name and commits offenses under that name as if you committed said offenses. We want to ensure that the correct accounts get punished for offenses, and name changes would make our jobs more difficult. If Omicron has a solution for these concerns then I’m all for it, but as of now, it’s a “no support” from me.


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Posted 07 April 2019 - 10:26 AM #7

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I don't think it should just be a clean wipe of all names that haven't been active since "X" day. However, per request I think this should strongly be considered. 

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 10:43 AM #8


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I can understand how it could benefit players taking names from accounts that are either banned or inactive, but creating a system for this at the moment is very convoluted. As what @Hinter said, someone may come back to see that their account name has been taken. There’s also the risk of someone taking a name who is associated with multiple offenses and they get perm banned/muted after their first offense, or someone takes your old name and commits offenses under that name as if you committed said offenses. We want to ensure that the correct accounts get punished for offenses, and name changes would make our jobs more difficult. If Omicron has a solution for these concerns then I’m all for it, but as of now, it’s a “no support” from me.

Why would you release already banned names on banned accounts, you're just making it convoluted.

Release Yearly wipes on accounts with 1+ year age with no play time.   Create a text dump of all the names that fit this criteria and boom you have your wipes.

Or simply recreate the system so Login has no correlation with your In-Game name so account names can be wiped but not the accounts themselves. 




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Posted 07 April 2019 - 12:30 PM #9

Iron baaail

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its agood idea but lets say my name was alex and i was banned for a year and i come back to play since im unbanned now my name is gone?

Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:00 PM #10


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No support i think there can be a pole for this but old players coming back risk that also the issues is trade log and everything is used by name so all trade logs and thing are linked to the name of the account 


Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:16 PM #11


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I think this is a great idea but would need a lot of focus from the staff team.


I think it would work well if...


- Accounts that haven't been active in-game AND forums in the past 2 years can have the name removed.

- Any accounts that have their name removed are placed into a spreadsheet should said user return to Alora.

- As this will create extra workload for the staff team, getting a name from an account on the forums will cost 10$/100 tokens.


Just my thoughts. I support this anyway but would need to be beneficial to everyone concerned. 

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:30 PM #12

Eim ash
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First comment said it all, what I was thinking before i read tho (is kinda similar to it) what if they guy returns? what if a lot of his friends thinks that's him and when he asks for lends he might scam or some shit.. so no support..

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Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:37 PM #13

weapon jr

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Well the problem with this is the "risk" or chance of someone coming back to the game and "poof" their name is changed or there whole account is gone, also the problem with banned players is that they might be unbanned in the future (unsure how Alora's staff team manages banned players etc) but if they get unbanned and they lost their username they most likely wont return, both for good and bad i guess since they broke rules.


But i dont really support this because of the chance that players might return in the future and to rob them off their name is not right.


This is however just my point of view and its up for change if someone can show some good solutions or alternatives.


I can understand how it could benefit players taking names from accounts that are either banned or inactive, but creating a system for this at the moment is very convoluted. As what @Hinter said, someone may come back to see that their account name has been taken. There’s also the risk of someone taking a name who is associated with multiple offenses and they get perm banned/muted after their first offense, or someone takes your old name and commits offenses under that name as if you committed said offenses. We want to ensure that the correct accounts get punished for offenses, and name changes would make our jobs more difficult. If Omicron has a solution for these concerns then I’m all for it, but as of now, it’s a “no support” from me.


No support i think there can be a pole for this but old players coming back risk that also the issues is trade log and everything is used by name so all trade logs and thing are linked to the name of the account 


First comment said it all, what I was thinking before i read tho (is kinda similar to it) what if they guy returns? what if a lot of his friends thinks that's him and when he asks for lends he might scam or some shit.. so no support..

IF they player has items in value or actual, dedicated play time, like say 99 in some skills or decent items, don't wipe them. But the people who logged on one day and fought some rock crabs aren't going to miss their name. They haven't touched the game in a year, but you have dedicated, hourly players who probably want a new name/account but can't get it back because someone used it a year ago and hasn't even left the tutorial. I can see the banned ones not being released, but inactive after a year? They aren't in a rush to play, clearly, so don't worry about hurting their feelings. Reward the dedicated players by freeing up a name they want that's inactive, not protecting the guy who logged on and went "nah, this ain't the server for me."

Posted 07 April 2019 - 02:59 PM #14


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So you’re pretty much saying:

“Because they haven’t played in a very long time, we should totally wipe their account completely out of the database!!!”

No support








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Posted 07 April 2019 - 03:17 PM #15

weapon jr

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So you’re pretty much saying:

“Because they haven’t played in a very long time, we should totally wipe their account completely out of the database!!!”

No support

If they haven't played in a year, they most likely aren't coming back. Read my comment above. I'm thinking about the people who play every day, not the ones who logged A Long Time Ago, on a PC Far Far Away...

Posted 07 April 2019 - 03:18 PM #16


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So you’re pretty much saying:

“Because they haven’t played in a very long time, we should totally wipe their account completely out of the database!!!”

No support

You're just encouraging players to name hoard.

I'm just going to start making random account names starting with the letter A-Z and because your rule of they haven't played the account wont be wiped I'll be safe, its a catch 22, however only one side has a benefit and that's players want names that aren't being used whereas players either hoarding names or players who won't come back given the years they weren't on aren't really going to be considered positive or a benefit to anyone.




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Posted 07 April 2019 - 06:13 PM #17

TGIM Novalia
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If there are proper checks put in place to ensure the accounts that are being wiped will not be used again then I don't see an issue with this. Were account names not wiped and given to a certain GIM team when the game mode was released?

Posted 08 April 2019 - 09:54 AM #18


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Here is my Suggestion Have a topic thread where you can apply for names



Last Active:

Last Active Feb 16, 2019, 04:17 PM For some reason most inactive accounts say last active this day



Reason for request:

My girlfriend name is April and would like to have her own name if she started playing

This account has 9 seconds on forums and 0 exp ingame (besides level 10 hp)




At this point, the staff can look into the account and see if the request can be fulfilled similar to a ban appeal,


At this time staff would make the account with a temp password you would have to change and add your own email to     


Posted 12 April 2019 - 01:30 AM #19

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What about the suggesion to make a sort of claim system, like YouTube does...
That you need some sort of requirement's and/or activities to be able to choose one?


Please let me know?

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Posted 12 April 2019 - 06:25 AM #20

Getting dubs

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What type of game, that takes themselves and their player-base seriously, just wipes accounts because they're inactive for x amount of days? 


No one has any more importance than anyone else that is here, been here or will stumble across this place. 


If you don't have the username you want then oh well, suck it up princess, should have been here earlier.

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