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CVI Killing Members of ICE/Peeks/Dynasty Alliance

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 11:17 AM #21


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This was just a very small pk video nothing too serious. Just wanted to post something in response to your forum posts about us. You can easily deny people that's we kill are not in peeks. So at this point you guys are basically allied between 3 clans since the members of those clans pk with each other as that's how we see you guys pk. Scores 4-0 ATM peeks/dynasty/Ice. We have tons of more clips and will produce a much more better video. This was literally 2 hours of us pking on a single day. If any clans want to war pm me we'll set it up.

https://www.alora.io...30-cvi-cleared/  how can the scored be 4-0 if this is a thing you guys not only need to learn to pk but also math 


Posted 04 April 2019 - 11:36 AM #22

Eim ash
Elite Ironman

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you guys killed 1 peeks (which was on EIM pvming) and Killed 1 ice (Got tb'd and a lot of were on him) and 1 Dynasty (which again a lot of you were on him) I was there to Got tb'd but you guys gave me a free log out...


Asked to 1v1 in max and no one wanted...


And its really weird how u guys go singles when most of the 3 clans are asleep or at work and when we all are online you go multi with 20+ people..


Enjoy the ely while you can was even lucky that you got it.

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 11:59 AM #23



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This was just a very small pk video nothing too serious. Just wanted to post something in response to your forum posts about us. You can easily deny people that's we kill are not in peeks. So at this point you guys are basically allied between 3 clans since the members of those clans pk with each other as that's how we see you guys pk. Scores 4-0 ATM peeks/dynasty/Ice. We have tons of more clips and will produce a much more better video. This was literally 2 hours of us pking on a single day. If any clans want to war pm me we'll set it up.

ye sure lets setup a single run in???

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 01:32 PM #24

Iron Pohuj

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Is it me, or this new clan is full of mentaly unhealthy members?

Posted 04 April 2019 - 01:40 PM #25


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Please don't disrespect us Londoners by using our drill music on your trashy pk videos.

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