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Buff Impling Drop Table

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Posted 29 March 2019 - 07:17 PM #1

Sick Skiller

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-Please read the entire post to get the full concept and impact to the game-


In the following post I am going to present some buffs the the Ninja, Dragon, and Lucky impling drop table that would be very appealing to Ironmen, especially those ironmen skilling accounts.  My proposed buff would be adding rune woodcutting axe, dragon woodcutting axe, dragon pickaxe, dragon harpoon, and smouldering stone into the drop table at a low drop rate (proposed drop rates will be mentioned later on in the post).  For ironmen, it is very risky and extremely hard to get the latter of above mentioned items, and for ironmen skillers, it is literally impossible to get the rune pickaxe or any of the dragon tools.


By introducing these dragon tools into the impling tables a low drop rate, the items shall still retain their value in the totem poll as they will be a rare drop from implings that are already uncommonly found in Puro Puro itself.  By adding the most expensive of the items (Dragon pickaxe, harpoon and smouldering stone) to an impling that is rarely spawned in Puro Puro at a low drop rate, you will hardly see an increase of these items coming into the game, however you will be giving ironmen another option to obtain these items safely, and you will be giving ironmen skillers their only chance to obtain these items at all.


Being as these items are solely used for resource collecting, adding the safer option to obtain these items will add no PVP or PVM advantages to the game, they will not be able to be farmed for money.


The proposed drop rates are as follows:


Ninja Impling

Rune axe, drop rate 1/60


Dragon Impling

Rune pickaxe, drop rate 1/100

Dragon axe, drop rate 1/250 

Smouldering stone, drop rate 1/25,000


Lucky Impling

Dragon pickaxe, drop rate 1/600

Dragon harpoon, drop rate 1/600

Smouldering Stone, drop rate 1/6,000


Bonus Proposal


When trying to equip an infernal (and only infernal) tool with out the 60 attack requirement, a message shall appear stating that you do not have the requirements to wield this item.  Accompanying this message shall be an option to "wield anyways," or "do not wield." 


Choosing "Wield anyways"

When a player chooses this option, the particular infernal tool that the player was trying to wield will lose all offensive and defensive stats, essentially reducing the tool to a cosmetic item.  The tool will still be able to be used for its primary purpose (chopping trees, mining ore, fishing), however the rate at which the infernal tools special ability occures will be reduced by 15%.  The purpose for which a player would choose this option would be to:

a.) Show off their accomplishment (achieving the drop of both a dragon tool and smouldering stone) in a cosmetic fashion

b.) To save 1 inventory space per trip while still using their infernal tool.


Choosing "do not wield"

Choosing this option will result in the tool being left in the inventory.  The tool's special affect shall remain at 100%.




Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.  It's primary focus is for the ironman skilling community, but would be available across all game modes. 


Please leave your comments on what you think below.  Did you like this idea/concept?  Would you change anything about it, if so, what?

Posted 29 March 2019 - 07:42 PM #2

Fine China

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I've always been interested in creating a level 3 skiller on the Iron Man game mode. Gving level 3 skillers a non-combat method to obtain high tier skilling equipment would be great, and may even push me more towards creating one. I like the idea of obtaining them through the Hunter skill/Puro-Puro, it would certainly make the Hunter skill more useful, thus making the skill more popular, and it would give Iron Men another thing to grind for. As I said to you in-game - I'm all for it as long as long as the drop rates are reasonably grind worthy/time consuming, and the drop rates you have suggested here do seem reasonable.


As for the wielding/bonus suggestion, I feel it's a little too custom, and it would make me feel like I'm playing RuneScape Private Servers in 2007 again, where players were able to equip rune/dragon axes and pickaxes with level 1 Attack. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept, but it's not suitable for Alora, in my opinion. 

Posted 29 March 2019 - 10:24 PM #3


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The proposed drop rates of those items do seem reasonable and I support it. However, I do not support the bonus proposal. The infernal tools are fine as is, and you should not be able to wield it if you don’t have the requirements.


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Posted 30 March 2019 - 01:08 AM #4


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Support on the drop rates, I think that would be cool but as for the bonuses, I would like to pass on that.


Posted 08 March 2020 - 05:25 PM #5


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