alrighty guys its that time again, some slightly bad news if you guys actually watch my videos, my camtasia files got corupted so im missing like 15mins of content in there but i will try and explain all of the progress I have made recently on here.
Broke the 2,000 total level mark (Currently 2017)
Used up all of my magic logs and at 96 Fletching now
Grinded 90 Woodcutting
Got Trident From Cave Kraken (Boss is done now)
Got Tanz Fang and Serp Helm From Zulrah (only magic fang left)
Got 99 Magic
Short Term Goals for Next Episode:
1. Finish off 99 Fletching
2. 99 Woodcutting
3. 90 Firemaking
4. Grind out Barrows for Full Ahrims
5. Get Infinity Boots from Mage Arena
6. Complete Mage Arena 2
Mid Term Goals (Next 5-10 Episodes):
At the Current rate im playing and trying to be efficient when im not working, I should be able to Max within 2 months.
1. Get 2200+ Total Level
2. Start Focusing on the Bossing aspects of the game (Vorkath, Bandos, Armadyl, CorpBeast)
3. Complete More Raids to work on items ( Still Learning All Mechanics)
4. Get More Efficient skilling items (Dragon Pickaxe & Dragon Harpoon)
5. Start to learn the mechanics of the Inferno
Long Term Goals (Around June-July)
1. Get Inferno Cape
2. Obtain All items for Max Melee, Range, and Mage
3. Complete All Raids 1 and 2 items (will take longer than June/July)
4. Max Cape
5. Start Working on all of the requirements for comp cape (Will be very tedious on GIM account but looking forward to the challenge)
Misc Goals:
1. Start learning all of the mechanics of Streaming to do live broadcasts of me playing and being a part of the Community
2. Make guides on certain parts of the Server that alot of players don't know about (Tips and Tricks)
3. Stay having fun (so add me in game and talk to me so i dont get lonely