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Donator Ranks, Perks & Benefits

Donation Ranks Perks Benefits

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Posted 10 March 2019 - 02:55 PM #1



Posts: 2,045
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  •  Member since:
    15 Sep 2017

    • Time spent:
      134d 20h 31m 16s

  •  Total level:

  •  4 bugs found





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Hello & welcome to Alora's official Donator ranks, perks & benefit topic! Any information that is required in relation to Donator rank prices, perks, and locations can be found throughout this topic. If you have any questions or general inquiries, please do not hesitate to send our lovely staff team a private message by selecting from any available members; To do so click here.


Wanting to donate? Sick & tired of having to grind endlessly for desired items/supplies/ BiS gear? You've came to the right place! Here at Alora we offer an extensive variety of items that can be purchased! Currently, Alora provides and has 2 fully functional Donation stores.


First option that Alora has to offer is the web-site store, which has been a very successful hit ever since it's existence! it It is mainly used by players/users requiring supplies for their betterment, thus ranging from; Bulk cooked Anglerfish, Super combat potions, Drop/pet booster scrolls, Instance tokens, to mid-tier armor and weaponry ranging from Barrow sets, Elite void, Imbuement scrolls, Dagganoth rings, Godswords, & much more! The Website Donation Store has a lot more to offer than what has been listed, so please feel free, if you're wanting to visit the store you can do so by clicking here or by typing ;;store in-game!


You may be thinking or contemplating to yourself, what are "Custom donations" and "How do I go about this"? Custom donations are for those that are willing to go the extra mile and spend more than your average player would! Most Best in Slot items can be purchased via custom donations. A custom donation is a private transaction between the buyer (you) and the seller Omicron. The minimum amount is $100 USD. Down below is a list of what items/cosmetics can be purchased!

Custom items

Infernal Cape - $100

Custom Skin Color (Blue, Purple, Orange, Pink) - $100 each

Holy Water - $125

Ale Of The Gods - $125

Heavy Casket/Large spade - $125

Black Demon Mask - $125

3a Pickaxe/Axe - $125

Anger Weapons - $125

All/most other custom single items - $125

Clockwork Outfit - $150

Easter Basket - $150

Scythe - $150

Partyhats - $150 each

All Other Custom Sets - $150

Bedsheet - $200

Boxing Gloves - $200

Sled - $225

Black Halloween Mask - $225

Grave Digger Outfit - $300

Twisted Bow - $300

Elysian Spirit Shield - $450

Down below you can also view image(s) of mostly all custom-donations that Alora has to offer!



Custom sets are also available to purchase! For more information and steps on how to complete a custom donation/view the official list, follow this link: https://www.alora.io...g-with-osrs-gp/

Disclaimer: Now that the FAQ donation section has been covered if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to private message the staff-team or myself. We'd be happy to help!





Credit Cards

Bank Transfers

Personal Checks

Amazon Payments

Visa/MC Debit Cards

RuneScape 2007 gold

Money Orders / Cashier Checks

Having donation issues? please submit a ticket here.

Experiencing any PayPal issues? Send Mhk a private message.

If you are wanting to donate via other method(s) please private message Omicron to discuss.











Any information relating to Donator perks & benefits can be found in this sub section. Please use Ctrl + F for quick navigation, or feel free to use/view this information by clicking on STORE > View "FAQ"


$10 - $49

Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell, 60 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling (fishing, mining, etc)

Maximum loot in Raids: 3 items

Fight Caves start wave: 31

The Inferno start wave: 15

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 25% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 30%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 2 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 2

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 3%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 6%

PK Point bonus: 10%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 5%

Boss instance cost reduction: 10%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 1 point & 30,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 200

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

If you play any ironman mode your selected game-mode will be red over yell: [Ironman] [Elite] [Group Ironman]

If you play normal mode your donator status will show over yell: [Donor]

If you play Classic mode your Classic mode will be red over yell: [Classic]


$50 - $249

Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

30 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling(fishing, mining, etc)

Extended Donator Zone access

Maximum loot in Raids: 3 items

Fight Caves start wave: 41

The Inferno start wave: 20

Price to cancel Slayer tasks: Can skip for free, but streak will be lost

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 50% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 25%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 3 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 4

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 5%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 6.6%

PK Point bonus: 15%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 7.5%

Boss instance cost reduction: 14%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 2 points & 35,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 250

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

If you play any ironman mode your mode will be green over yell: [Ironman] [Elite] [Group Ironman]

If you play normal mode your donator status will show over yell: [Super]

If you play Classic mode your Classic mode will be green over yell [Classic]


$250 - $749

Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

10 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling(fishing, mining, etc)

Extended Donator Zone access

Boosted rare chance from clue scrolls

Boost for rare item from clue scrolls: 7%

Chance of an extra item in Raids: 5%

Maximum loot in Raids: 5 items

Fight Caves start wave: 41

The Inferno start wave: 25

Price to cancel Slayer tasks: Can skip for free, but streak will be lost

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 75% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 20%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 4 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 6

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 7%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 7.6%

PK Point bonus: 25%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 10%

Boss instance cost reduction: 16%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 3 points & 45,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 350

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

If you play any ironman mode your mode will be blue over yell: [Ironman] [Elite] [Group Ironman]

If you play normal mode your donator status will show over yell: [Extreme]

If you play Classic mode your Classic mode will be blue over yell [Classic]


$750 - $2,499


Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

5 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling(fishing, mining, etc)

Extended Donator Zone access

Boosted rare chance from clue scrolls

Boost for rare item from clue scrolls: 10%

Chance of an extra item in Raids: 10%

Colored forum post background

No heat damage taken in Karuulm Slayer Dungeon

Ability to use Slayer Helmet with Shayzien set

Maximum loot in Raids: 5 items

Fight Caves start wave: 41

The Inferno start wave: 32

Price to cancel Slayer tasks: Can skip for free, but streak will be lost

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 75% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 15%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 5 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 8

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 10%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 9%

PK Point bonus: 35%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 14%

Boss instance cost reduction: 20%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 4 points & 50,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 500

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

If you play any ironman mode your mode will be purple over yell: [Ironman] [Elite] [Group Ironman]

If you play normal mode your donator status will show over yell: [Legendary]

If you play Classic mode your Classic mode will be purple over yell [Classic]




$2,500 - $4,999

Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

1 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling(fishing, mining, etc)

Extended Donator Zone access

Boosted rare chance from clue scrolls

Boost for rare item from clue scrolls: 20%

Chance of an extra item in Raids: 15%

Colored forum post background

No heat damage taken in Karuulm Slayer Dungeon

Ability to use Slayer Helmet with Shayzien set

Boosted drop-rate for all rares

Boosted drop-rate %: 7%

Maximum loot in Raids: 5 items

Fight Caves start wave: 41

The Inferno start wave: 40

Price to cancel Slayer tasks: Can skip for free, but streak will be lost

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 75% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 10%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 7 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 12

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 15%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 9%

PK Point bonus: 45%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 18%

Boss instance cost reduction: 25%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 5 points & 60,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 750

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

If you play any ironman mode your mode will be yellow over yell: [Ironman] [Elite] [Group Ironman]

If you play normal mode your donator status will show over yell: [Uber]

If you play Classic mode your Classic mode will be yellow over yell [Classic]




Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

1 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling(fishing, mining, etc)

Extended Donator Zone access

Boosted rare chance from clue scrolls

Boost for rare item from clue scrolls: 35%

Chance of an extra item in Raids: 30%

Colored forum post background

No heat damage taken in Karuulm Slayer Dungeon

Ability to use Slayer Helmet with Shayzien set

Boosted drop-rate for all rares

Unlock all donator skin colors [free]

Dragon [red] skin color unlock

Boosted drop-rate %: 12%

Maximum loot in Raids: 6 items

Fight Caves start wave: 41

The Inferno start wave: 45

Price to cancel Slayer tasks: Can skip for free, but streak will be lost

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 75% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 7.5%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 9 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 12

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 20%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 9%

PK Point bonus: 50%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 32%

Boss instance cost reduction: 30%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 6 points & 75,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 1000

Extra benefit: Master-only Stray dog pet

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

If you play any ironman mode your mode will be (color) over yell: [Ironman] [Elite] [Group Ironman]

If you play normal mode your donator status will show over yell: [Master]

If you play Classic mode your Classic mode will be white over yell [Classic]




Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

1 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Items on death last 2x as long

Ability to decant potion

Slayer tower shortcuts

Double GP from Coin Caskets

Chance of receiving noted resources while skilling(fishing, mining, etc)

Extended Donator Zone access

Boosted rare chance from clue scrolls

Boost for rare item from clue scrolls: 35%

Chance of an extra item in Raids: 30%

Colored forum post background

No heat damage taken in Karuulm Slayer Dungeon

Ability to use Slayer Helmet with Shayzien set

Boosted drop-rate for all rares

Unlock all donator skin colors [free]

Dragon [red] skin color unlock

Boosted drop-rate %: 17%

Maximum loot in Raids: 6 items

Fight Caves start wave: 41

The Inferno start wave: 49

Price to cancel Slayer tasks: Can skip for free, but streak will be lost

Lowered GWD Killcount requirement: 75% lower

Points lost on Raids death: 7.5%

Planks made per Plank make cast: 9 planks

Extra Trading post listings: 12

Increased clue bottle/birds nest chance: 20%

Increased Superior slayer tasks: 9%

PK Point bonus: 50%

Bloody chest loot chance increase: 32%

Boss instance cost reduction: 30%

Crystal chest reward boost: 10%

Extra Pest Control rewards: 6 points & 75,000 gp

Forum inbox capacity: 3000

Extra benefit: Master-only Stray dog pet

Ability to use Rejuvenation Pool at Edgeville Furnace

Profile pictures (animated) can be up to 3mb

Username on forums is displayed in black test with a gold outline and with an effect.

Vote time 50% longer than the normal time

15 extra points upon opening vote books.

10% increased chance of receiving pets for skilling / bosses ( Also when gambling fire/infernal cape)

New alorian immortal cape which can be claimed from the donation store

New skin color that is exclusive to the immortal rank

Gnome child pet

Free pet insurance from Probita

Ability to skip Konar's tasks without a fee

33% increased chance of inferno tools effect being applied

Automatically create (4) does potions instead of (3)

Ability to set a permanent chat color.



Donator Zone access

Ability to ;;yell

1 second cooldown between yells

Private Red Chinchompa cave access

Up to 5,000 storable PMs.

Profile pictures (animated) can be up to 5mb.

Username on the forums is displayed in a white text with a pulsating blue glow and outline, along with a diamond sparkle effect.

In-game icon is a platinum logo with a diamond blue stripe through the middle.

Drop rate(General) boosted by 19%

Inferno starts at wave 53

Voting time is 75% longer than the normal timer and gain a extra 17 points per book

15% increase chance of receiving pets from skilling / bosses

15% boost while attempting to gamble Fire cape for pet

Unlimited Donator rank transfers ( Every 90 days)

Set custom titles through Donation manager

Automatically makes Dark Essence blocks upon mining

Automatic Runecrafting pouch crafting

Select your own Slayer tasks

Select your own Farming contracts

Alorian Eternal cape purchased through Donation manager

All skin colors are allotted to Eternal donators (Includes Elysian blue)

Neon green

Deep blue

Light pink

Royal purple


Given a exclusive Eternal donator pet, Lil K'klik

5 variants

Black, Red, Purple, Orange, Green


Refer to the new update thread to see more about the Immortal rank! Click here



Accessible by typing ;;dz in-game

Red ChinChompas (Another location is West of Mahogany Trees)


Anvil / Furnace / Rejuvenational pool / Nurse for healing / Prayer Altar


Fishing spot for Sea Turtles / Manta Rays


8 Magic Trees


2 Copper, 2 Tin, 3 Iron, 6 Coal, 3 Mithril, 3 Adamant, 4 Runite Ore Rocks


2 Mahogany Trees



Accessible North of Magic Trees at Donator-zone

(New stall which grants 11.5k per item sold, 3 Mahogany Trees)


Gem Mine



To enter, find the ladder near Gem Mine at Super Donator location

Ground Floor / Lair of Gem Mine




Accessible by having Regular donator, type ;;dz2 in-game to have access to this exclusive content!

Red/Gray Chin location



Fishing Spots, Anvil, Furnace, Gray chin location




2 Iron, 2 Coal, 4 Gold, 2 Runite Ore Rocks




3 Magic Trees, Red Chin Location





With the conclusion of this topic, I would like to give a very big shout out to iron champie. It has been a great pleasure and not only that, but without the swift assistance that you have delightedly provided, this thread would've never been possible. Big pat on the back! I look forward to working with you again, my friend!


Also, huge thanks to DB Aspect for the amazing graphic work. You have both been extremely helpful throughout the production of this thread.



Dylain / Dxnk

Edited by Not Shadow, 25 August 2023 - 02:36 PM.



If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to PM me by clicking here

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