1. Using shift + mouse click on item should get whole stack out of the bank. Would be really useful when cleaning out the bank from junk.
2. I don't believe this is going to get added but presets. You will be able to set presets on bank and then use them to get exact layout of items out of the bank automatically. Would be nice for pkers and pvmers. Just a quick bank trip and back to the action. :) Although it would make herblore etc alot faster.
3. Make pathfinding better! It's honestly really annoying when i click on something far away and this click just doesn't seem to do anything.
4. Add "Check-steps" feature on clue.
5. There's a bug regarding clues which makes a life of hardcores alot easier. It makes them able to skip wildy steps.
You must have 2 clue scrolls. The clue's step you want to do must be on the top left corner in inventory and the other clue must be next to it on the right(or the other way around, i don't remember anymore). So you will be doing this step for two times and here you go. Both have new steps.
Edit: Added picture for explaining 5th point better. Or the positioning is other way around, don't remember which way they were in my inventory.