Hi, i was just thinking that we only have 2 very basic dzones right now, and for the price Uber and Master cost, they should get a special, custom donator zone (especially Master)
- Skilling areas with banks very close by
- Hunter: Grey / Red chinchompas
- Fishing: Sharks / Manta ray, Sea Turtle, with a Range / infinite fire close
- Woodcutting: Magic / Yew trees
- Farming: An extra Regular Tree and Fruit Tree patch
- Runecrafting: An area with Blood / Soul altars
- Mining: An area with a furnace and Rune / Coal rocks (maybe 5 of each)
- Herblore: An NPC that will clean noted herbs for a fee (about 200gp per herb) and decant for free like the existing NPC at home
- Gilded Altar
- A cool environment to hang out in when you feel like being selectively social
Removed some suggestions based on feedback
It would cost very little to get a Custom area like this made, in comparison to the Donator status, and would be another reason for people to actually donate that amount of money.
The current bonuses are somewhat good, but this would be a great addition that many people would appreciate as more get the Rank / Ranks.
^Example of the kind of thing im looking for (obviously with osrs graphics so much simpler)