Hello everyone,
It's came to my attention that a good amount of players in the community are facing trouble with voting lately. This is do to with CAPTCHAs. CAPTCHAs play an important role in keeping the internet spam-free and making everyone’s experience a little bit better. We have to go through them while voting on RuneScape Private Server toplists in order to receive our beloved bonus experience. Unfortunately, even real human-beings don't pass them at times. Sometimes people would face issues with CAPTCHAs for weeks, however, there are possibilities to solve your troubles with CAPTCHAs.
Down below you will find a small list of possible methods in order to solve your troubles with CAPTCHAs when voting.
1. Reset your IP
Go to your Command Prompt, and then enter the following commands to reset the network adapter and IP address:
netsh winsock
reset netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
2. Try a different browser / Clear your browser cache
3. Turn off your VPN and/or proxy. Better yet, uninstall them from your PC
4. Setup a Google Mail account
Having your own Google Mail account and being signed in will make it easy for Google/CAPTCHAs to understand you are a human-being!
5. Check malwares & browser extensions
Your computer may be infected with malware, or you may have browser etensions and plugins which are causing troubles with the CAPTCHAs. Secure Yourself today.