What is your suggestion?: Firstly, Sotosteg, the red ball fires out a lot faster on Alora, not sure why. Not a lot of time to DD to soak the damage. Secondly, on verzik, the green bombs will follow you to your location if you start moving before they are fired which they shouldn't. Also in P3 Verzik still fires the green bombs all the time. Again, not how it's meant to be.
Is this in OSRS?: The things I've mentioned different from OSRS. There should be no range bombs in P3, range bombs shouldn't follow you if you pre-run and sot red ball comes too fast on Alora
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No clue.
How would this benefit Alora?: Would make ToB a lot more like it is in OSRS.
Also to show I'm not talking out my ass, theres my ToB KC on osrs.