Giant mole Speed run
Recently I had an idea of hosting a speed running event. I tried to think of something that wouldn't take forever but would still offer enough time to offer some variation on routing and choices.
The goal would be to start a new regular account and as fast as possible level the account and kill the Giant mole.
Since this is something I've never done before I've come up with some rules and some requirements.
All runs must be recorded fully using recording software of your choice (I would suggest obs)
Must use livesplits to time your run.
Account username must have "ReMole" in it
Regular accounts
No starter kit (must drop it or create a 2nd account cause it wont get one)
No vote books
No Trading (of any sort including picking up others drops)
Timer starts as soon as you pick your account type (regular account)
Timer ends as soon as loot shows up on ground after killing mole.
Safespotting allowed.
Autotypers/3rd party assistance not allowed (ex. auto typers to type ::thieve)
You can use guilded altar. (suggest using "altar")
You can set up a private instance on an alt.
You cannot do anything that would benefit you from using another account. Besides having a private instance set up on an alt. (ex. Body blocking, swapping items, using vote books, weakening boss.)
May add more rules in the future if anything stupid happens that obviously shouldn't be allowed. (If i think its not fair i will ban it and runs using those methods will not count)
Use common sense.
When going in to the mole cave pause your timer as soon as you enter and start it back up as soon as you attack the mole.
If you try to cheat at all you will be disqualified.
First place (fastest time): Ancestral set and 150m cash
Second place: 300m cash
Third place: 150m cash
Bonus xp day prizes:
First place (fastest time): 125m
Second place: 75m
Third place: 50m
20m to the first 5 people who post a finished run
10m to the next 10 people who post a finished run
10m to the next 3 people who post a finished run
I started my timer too early/late what can I do?
Upload it to youtube and post in thread and @ me and i can manually time it for you as long as all rules and requirements are followed.
How do i submit my run?
Upload it on youtube and then post in the thread.
Where can I download livesplits?
Where can I download obs?
What do I need from thieving? (not 100% needed if you can find a faster way adjust as needed):
Video on how to set up obs and livesplits (basic guide):
Video of a completed run (timer messed up and didn't have instance ready but should give a decent idea.):
LEADERBOARD (Only including runs that are confirmed with video proof in this thread):
First: 4:14.249 - Link to run
Second: 4:33.416 - Link to run
Third: 4:43.716 - Link to run
DEADLINE TO ENTER: January 29th 10pm PST