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Posted 10 January 2019 - 09:22 PM #1


Posts: 535
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Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

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    30 Dec 2017

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This Forum Section was created with the intention of finding a Partner or Group easier for those who don't have one. This being said, posting in the Partner Requests section without the intent to form or join a group or partnership is prohibited. Any other posts will be removed and if it is continued, you will be infracted accordingly under Forums Rule 4:


4. Spamming


• a. Posts that consist of one word (e.g. posting "support" on a suggestion thread) are considered spam and will be deleted off of the thread along with the wrongdoer receiving a warning or an infraction. This rule does not apply to the Spam section or the Red Carpet section.

• b. Posting in the correct section and board is required at all times. Failure to do so results in an infraction.

• c. Grave digging is the act of posting on an inactive thread (the last post being 14 days or older). Unless a member is posting relevant, useful information regarding the topic at hand, then it is considered spam and an infraction will be in order along with the removal of the post. Members are permitted to comment on older threads only in the suggestions section if given a detailed response otherwise they will be punished accordingly.

• d. Trolling is not permitted on the forums. This applies to any portion of Alora.

• e. Posting in the marketplace section without the intent to buy or sell something is prohibited.



Let's keep this section clean to make finding groups as easy as possible. Thanks ahead of time.




Alora Moderating Team


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