So it is 2019! (Happy New Years btw) and Alora is still going strong, I decided to start the year of right by giving a Bond away.
How do you win? Comment a number 1-500 (with your ingame name) I will be doing a random number generator then ill edit this post with the results when I decide to end it.
I will record me doing this on my phone.
I hope everyone has a great 2019 and gets all there goals done in and out of Alora.
be sure to l4ke the post 4 more giveaways Kappa
Much love guys,
Morgen xo
EDIT: I decided to do the closest to the roll and congratulations to @
who guessed 420 just 3 off. The answer was 417, thanks to everyone for entering the giveaway, stay chuned for my next one.
First to achieve 6 thousand kills on a boss in-game.
First to achieve 7 thousand kills on a boss in-game. Most active Player June Award (2017). Most active Player July Award(2017) Best pvmer of July Award(2017). Best Clan Award, Live to kill (2017).