Hey guys, I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Myself
I carry him
and my fellow duo partner
I carry her
have been wanting to make a progress thread for quite some time. The reason we did not make one in the beginning when we first started our accounts is because we wanted to make some small progress first and get into grinding supplies rather than seeing the simple skills leveled up at the start. Anyways, without further ado I present to you our EIM progress thread!
*More will be added overtime with a redo of post, thank you*
*Updates will be slow for I carry him , due to irl and work...will keep updating my part the best I can when I can, thanks!* - I carry him
I carry him | I carry her
*Soon to be updated*
Only skilling pets at the moment
I carry him I carry her
[ x ] - Baby Chinchompa - [ x ]
[ √ ] - Beaver - [ √ ]
[ x ] - Giant Squirrel - [ x ]
[ √ ] - Heron - [ √ ]
[ x ] - Rift Guardian - [ x ]
[ x ] - Rock Golem - [ √ ]
[ x ] - Rocky - [ x ]
[ x ] - Tangleroot - [ x ]
Ironman Achievements
Created by:
Lasted edited
January 8th, 2019