Current Kill Count: 509/10,000
(0.96%)Seer's Rings: 6
(0.96%)Dragon Axes: 1
(0.67%) Skeletal Tops: 5
(0.67%) Skeletal Bottoms: 3
Hello everyone! I've decided to set a goal for my alt account, 10k prime kills. I'm currently sitting on 12 kills. I will complete dragon slayer 2 today so that I get noted bones, my goal will be complete once I have reached 10,000 noted bones. I will update this thread daily and will post the tab every ~1000 kills.
Starting KC:
Unique Drops KC:
KC 69 - Seers Ring
KC 75 - Seers Ring
KC 107 - Dragon Axe
KC 222 - Seers Ring
KC 248 - Seers Ring
KC 297 - Seers Ring
KC 369 - Seers Ring
Unique Drops Images: