I believe I have pointed this out in the past somewhere, but I thought I'd engender a thread here on the forum this time around.
My suggestion is to make Hunter traps collapse/vanish over time. It's frustrating when you go to train and there are Hunter traps everywhere from other players anteriorly training the Hunter skill. It can cause frustration, and it often makes me forget which Hunter traps are mine and which are not mine, thus causing me to lose track and interfere with my grind.
*None of these Hunter traps in the screen shot underneath are mine, nor are there any other players within the area training, which you can probably tell by the screen shot underneath.
Hopefully this can be approved and looked into, so that the training the Hunter skill can become more facile.
Two other things:
1 - Add more Tropical Wagtails to Feldip Hills, please.
2 - When your own Hunter trap collapses onto the floor, the lay option does not set back up the trap, but instead puts the trap back in your inventory.