Didn’t expect to read this today, but it’s a pleasant surprise and I appreciate the thoughtfulness! @Loo
Thanks to everyone above for taking the time to write out your thoughts and XP wasting, I personally send you my appreciation. Love you guys.
Also, you’ve been blessed with good RNG for 72 hours
It’s always great to hear positive feedback from you guys... it really does push me to go above and beyond as a developer. I regularly read the comments on my update threads, partially to make sure that the content in the update is well received, but also to hear this sort of feedback and to see people enjoying what I’m putting out. I live for that, and if I could make just one person happy with those new updates, I’m content.
With that being said, it’s more than just a game, we’ve got an incredible community to take care of... and there’s a lot that goes into this from within the staff team as well, which can often be a thankless job. So I’d like to give a big thank you to the staff team for keeping things afloat all for the betterment of Alora. None of us are perfect, but I could say without a doubt that our team has the community & the server’s best interest in mind, and there’s no way I’d be able to run this thing without them.
@Lowkey @king purple @Dante @Draisaitl @hsoJ @Salter @Sheep @Hellish @Moe @Code 002 @Scuffed EIM @M A C K @Immortal Fox @Lord Aizen @Paine @EIM 1gp @Smiv @Trade For GP @To gain @Mhk @Fe mag3 fe @Moral truth @Sassafras