Hello everyone, as a skiller i have alot of time to come up with ideas that i find would benifet the game, in mutipal ways today id like to propose two ideas which have been suggested before but in less detail and less fleshed out, (my opinion) Currently we have the new donator capes, and the way they look caught my eyes, What im suggesting is since we can custom items would it be possible and would the community want it,
200m capes (these capes would be recolors of the donator/vet capes) im not sure if we could have the icon on each if that part is possible, but i feel this community is really deep into pvm/skilling/ironmaning and I feel these capes could be a real drive for some to be able to show off achievements for example it might bring more people to the up coming Classic game mode after the changes. These capes would require 200,000,000 experience in a skill and would be purchased via The wise old man, As the highest rate for experience post 99 in the game is 15x these are still achivments on normie through eim, and a item that symbolizes that achievement would be awesome
Final Skiling pet batch.
as we only have five skills remaining without a skilling pet I figured i would suggest 4 for the remaining skills. Cooking pet - Little rat from lumbridge, could be named Ratatouille Slayer pet - Miniaturized Night beast (Dark beasts supiror) Fletching pet- Bird npc from ape atol - could be named Fletcher Crafting pet- Rabbit npc - could be named jack-rabbit Smithing pet -Dondakan the Dwarf
Loyalty shop additions
-magic secs 50k points- 10% more yield from herb patches (stacks with super compost)
-pyromancer being moved from the achievement store too the loyalty shop - 10k points a piece
-Mining gloves-Superior mining gloves - (chance at mining double ores ) normal up to mith, superior up to runite 15k -25k points