Just a few suggestions, let me know what you think about each.
- Add a message prompt for players trying to use a Vote book who haven't yet relogged after activating 2FA, warning them that they won't receive the BXP till they relog. Lots of players trip up over this in-game.
- Make Elder Chaos druids count as Chaos druids for Wilderness slayer (higher combat level so more EXP/points per kill).
- Decrease the Butlers banking time based on Donator ranks (Perk should be for Legendary and over, not for lower tier ranks, except maybe extreme at the lowest).
- Add a coffer so you don't have to continually pay the Butler. Or make the payment system exactly like the Blast Furnace NPC so that you can choose to pay more in advance to avoid the tedious dialogues.
- Add a deposit box to the Inferno cave mining spot. However, make it so that the Deposit box must be unlocked (Successful completion of Inferno should be a good enough requirement)