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3rd Age / Clue Scroll / Lucky Impling Jar changes

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Poll: Proposed changes (214 member(s) have cast votes)

Remove all current 3rd age equipment from the game (aside from the Pickaxe and Axe, which are custom donations)

  1. Yes (123 votes [57.48%])

    Percentage of vote: 57.48%

  2. No (91 votes [42.52%])

    Percentage of vote: 42.52%

Make 3rd age equipment much more rare from Clue scrolls (similar to OSRS rates)

  1. Yes (172 votes [80.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 80.37%

  2. No (42 votes [19.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.63%

Make 3rd age equipment much more rare from Lucky impling jars (similar to OSRS rates)

  1. Yes (171 votes [79.91%])

    Percentage of vote: 79.91%

  2. No (43 votes [20.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.09%

Make it so that you can only have 1 clue scroll of any type at a time.

  1. Yes (47 votes [21.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.96%

  2. No (167 votes [78.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 78.04%


Posted 23 November 2018 - 06:49 PM #41


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New to the game but in my opinion 3rd age should be quite rare. 

As rare as oldschool would be the perfect solution, it might be rare but getting clue scrolls is more common on this server so its not as impossible for people to get them!

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Posted 23 November 2018 - 08:27 PM #42

Luka Doncic
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I'd be in favor of removing any stackable 3rd age items from banks, aka limiting it to one set per account type of thing.


If you had 3 sets, upon the reset you get left with one.


This would be great for us Ironmen who got some pieces from clues, and it doesn't leave us in the dark.


Making it rarer would nice overall, but I love that we can stack clues.


Basically No, Yes, Yes, No.

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Posted 24 November 2018 - 05:12 AM #43

Dabby Poo
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Please I'm begging you do not make it so you can only have one clue scroll at a time of each variation. That means that you would have to do the clue scroll instantly and not be able to put in your bank and save it for a later time. Since I'm going for 200m fishing atm, I am getting quite a bit of them and if this change was implemented you would have to stop fishing to go do them that instant if you wanted to get more. I highly do not support the clue scroll chance but do think 3rd age armor should stay in the game as long as the prices increase and it becomes more rare.

I'm so glad to see your comment near the top so I don't have to scroll through comments to find one I support. This couldn't have been worded any better and that's exactly how I voted. I feel it should be more rare, if you took the time to do clue scrolls/buy the armor you should be able to keep it.

Posted 24 November 2018 - 04:43 PM #44

Mages arrow
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i expect a compensation of street value at this time for my 3a range legs which would be 23m if it were to be removed.. i got it myself.. i'm a new player that recently maxed

Posted 24 November 2018 - 11:16 PM #45



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As of now i see ironmans getting a 3rd age item and a bunch of seeds from a clue scroll, and they would be more happy about the seeds. Big no brainer to vote yes on all above but the one clue at a time.

Posted 25 November 2018 - 01:34 AM #46

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just got my 3rd mage top and skirt on EIM so i dont want it to disappear :/

Posted 25 November 2018 - 09:47 PM #47

Dr Dee Are E

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All great changes except the limit to how many you can have at one time!

<p class='bbc_center'> Posted Image</p>
<p class='bbc_center'><span style='color: #f0f8ff'><span style='font-family: courier new'>IGN: Dr Dee Are E</span></span></p>
<p class='bbc_center'><span style='color: #0000ff'><span style='font-family: courier new'>---------- </span></span><span class='bbc_underline'><span style='font-family: courier new'><a href='https://www.alora.io...-dres-gfx-shop/' class='bbc_url' title=''><span style='color: #00ffff'>Signature Shop</span></a></span></span><span style='color: #f0f8ff'><span style='font-family: courier new'> </span></span><span style='color: #0000ff'><span style='font-family: courier new'>----------</span></span></p>

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