Are you looking for an efficient training method for prayer, but with a risk? Look no further! You can use the Chaos Altar in the wilderness!
Benefits of using the chaos altar, according to the May 27th, 2018 update:
It will provide the same bonus experience as a Gilded altar (POH) with two incense burners lit (the maximum experience in-game).
There is a 50% chance of the Altar not consuming the bones that are sacrificed to it.
The Elder Chaos druid immediately outside the temple can unnote your bones (and only bones!) for 200 GP each.
Level 38 Chaos Altar
Getting There
To get there, first go to the Teleport Wizard in Edgeville with your inventory of bones, click Bossing, then King Black Dragon.
You will be teleport to Lvl 44 Wilderness. From there run south-west past the Chaos Fanatic.
Keep running until you find the Chaos Temple. It is located in Lvl 38 Wilderness. This is a multi-combat zone, so beware of PKers.
Using The Chaos Altar
To your left is the Chaos Altar. Use your bones of your choice on the altar, and prepare to save a few bones in the process.
Outside of the temple is the Elder Chaos druid, who can un-note your bones for 200 GP each. Just use any noted bones on the druid and he will deduct your cash. It is up to you if you either want to bring noted bones and some cash, or just simply a full inventory.
The dialogue is incorrect. It is 200 GP per bone, not 50 GP.
Getting Back Home
In order to return home from the chaos altar, you can simply run south to Lvl 30 Wilderness and use an amulet of glory teleport, or use one of the following methods below.
Method 1 - Via KBD Lair
Once you're ready to leave, run north-east back to where you have started in Lvl 44 Wilderness.
From there, run south-east and enter the ladder.
Once you're down the ladder, pull the lever to your right.
Finally, you are in the King Black Dragon's lair. You can now teleport home safely.
Method 2 - Via Obelisk
Another way to escape is to simply run north of the Chaos Altar until you are in Lvl 44 Wilderness. You will find an obelisk.
From there, active one of the four corners and run to the center. You will be teleported to a random obelisk in the wilderness. Just keep doing so until you're under Lvl 30 Wilderness to use your amulet of glory teleport, or until you're under Lvl 20 Wilderness to use your home teleport. If you have donator status, then you can choose the location you can teleport to.
Method 3 - Via Suicide
If you have absolutely nothing in your gear and inventory, you can simply run northeast to the Chaos Fanatic in Lvl 41 Wilderness and have him kill you. You'll end up by the wilderness level south of the Edgeville bank.
As an extra side note, the wilderness bonus only applies to non-combat skills, so you will get the same xp rate when training prayer for over two minutes if you use the Lvl 38 altar. Vote book bonuses also do not work with prayer. Your best bet for an xp boost are the 25% boost during prayer skill of the day (5th & 27th of every month) and/or the 50% boost during bonus xp weekends on Saturdays and Sundays.
For more information on the Prayer skill, check out @
's Prayer Guide.
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope this has helped get those prayer xp gains.
If you have any further questions regarding the guide, don't hesitate to contact me in-game or in the forums. :)
Edited by H, 08 October 2022 - 08:50 AM. Removed inaccurate info
There is a 50% chance of the Altar not consuming the bones that are sacrificed to it. This means that, in the long run, you’ll only need to use half the bones that you normally would to level up.
In theory it is based on your RNG, it can save you from than half the bones or not even close to half the bones. But the first part is correct, just the long run needs an edit.
There is a 50% chance of the Altar not consuming the bones that are sacrificed to it. This means that, in the long run, you’ll only need to use half the bones that you normally would to level up.
In theory it is based on your RNG, it can save you from than half the bones or not even close to half the bones. But the first part is correct, just the long run needs an edit.
It was a copy/paste from the game update post, but I'll go ahead and fix that. Thanks!
Are you looking for an efficient training method for prayer, but with a risk? Look no further! You can use the chaos altar in the wilderness!
Benefits of using the chaos altar, according to the May 27th, 2018 update:
It will provide the same bonus experience as a Gilded altar (POH) with two incense burners lit (the maximum experience in-game).
There is a 50% chance of the Altar not consuming the bones that are sacrificed to it. This means that, in the long run, you’ll only need to use half the bones that you normally would to level up.
The Elder Chaos druid immediately outside the temple can unnote your bones (and only bones!) for 200 GP each.
Getting There
To get there, first go to the Teleport Wizard in Edgeville with your inventory of bones, click Bossing, then King Black Dragon.
You will be teleport to Lvl 44 Wilderness. From there run south-west past the Chaos Fanatic.
Keep running until you find the Chaos Temple. It is located in Lvl 38 Wilderness. This is a multi-combat zone, so beware of PKers.
To your left is the Chaos Altar. Use your bones of your choice on the altar, and prepare to save a few bones in the process. You can't restore your prayer on the altar, but you can change your spellbook with it.
Outside of the temple is the Elder Chaos druid, who can unnote your bones for 200 GP each. Just use any noted bones on the druid and he will deduct your cash. It is up to you if you either want to bring noted bones and some cash, or just simply a full inventory.
The dialogue is incorrect. It is 200 GP per bone, not 50 GP.
Getting Back Home
Once you're ready to leave, run north-east back to where you have started in Lvl 44 Wilderness.
From there, run south-east and enter the ladder.
Once you're down the ladder, pull the lever to your right.
Finally, you are in the King Black Dragon's lair. You can now teleport home safely.
As a side note, the wilderness bonus only applies to non-combat skills, so you will get the same xp rate when training prayer for over two minutes.
For an in-depth prayer guide, check out @
Austin Post
's Prayer Guide.
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope this has helped get those prayer xp gains.
If you have any further questions regarding the guide, don't hesitate to contact me in-game or in the forums. :)
Awesome guide! However it would be cool to see the lower level altar mentioned in this guide as well. I find that one can be a bit less of a PKer hotspot, and if someone is camping one you can go to the other one.
Awesome guide! However it would be cool to see the lower level altar mentioned in this guide as well. I find that one can be a bit less of a PKer hotspot, and if someone is camping one you can go to the other one.
The other altar’s information can be found in Austin’s guide, I’ll be sure to clarify that on the guide. Thanks!