Warriors Guild Guide
by Moral Truth
Greetings folks, and welcome to my Warriors Guild guide! This updated guide will go over what you need to start collecting warrior guild tokens in this mini-game, as well as how to obtain your very own dragon defender. Keep in mind that this may either be a short process or a long process, depending on your luck.
So without further ado, let's get into the guide!
Getting Started
First thing's first. Before you think about going to the Warriors Guild, you need to obtain an armor set that you need to use the animated armor room for token farming. Depending on your combat level, you can choose to bring bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril, adamant, or rune armor. However, I recommend rune armor for most tokens/hr. You only need the respective set's full helm, platebody, and platelegs, so the kiteshield is not needed. You will be fighting the animated armor in combat, so Lvl 43 Prayer is recommended for Protect Melee. You will get your armor back after every kill, as long as you remember to pick them up afterwards. More on this will be covered in the next section.

Normal & Classic Players
First, enter the command ;;shops in the chatbox to enter the shop. Then, can speak to either Rasolo (north-west corner), Zeke (third NPC to the left on north wall), or Oziach (right behind the front door). Any of them will do because they all sell armor for the same price.

As a normal/classic player, you can buy rune armor for 205k gp total. That is the highest tier armor you can use for the animation armor room in the Warriors Guild.
Side Note: If you are a Realism player, you may either purchase the armor set from the trade post in Edgeville, or follow the ironman method below.
Ironman Players
If you are an ironman player, you are limited when it comes to which shops you can use. However, you can easily obtain rune armor through the following methods, courtesy of @
Rune armor
Rune platebody - Barrows
Rune platelegs - Revenants, Gargoyles (Lvl 75 Slayer)
Rune full helm - Barrows
You can go to Barrows by entering the command ;;barrows. You will get a drop after killing all six brothers. Don't forget your spade. You should have no problem getting rune armor as it's common. Just make sure your prayer points don't drop to zero, so you'll need some prayer/super restore potions. A bit of food for Verac, too.

Ahrim - Pray Mage
Dharok - Pray Melee
Guthan - Pray Melee
Karil - Pray Range
Torag - Pray Melee
Verac - Pray Melee (hits through prayers)
You can find revenants by going to the Teleport Wizard in Edgeville, click Skilling, then Black chinchompas. An amulet of glory is recommended, as you’ll be in the Wilderness. Bring gear that you can afford to lose.

From there, run north until you see a cave entrance on your left side (Lvl 39 Wilderness). Enter the cave, run south-east until you reach Lvl 34 Wilderness and see revenants.
Click here to see the Revenant Caves Map.
Any revenant will do for the rune platelegs drop, but I recommend to go crazy with the revenant imps (Lvl 7). They should be the first revenant you find if you're coming from the north-east side. They have a 3.15% chance to drop rune platelegs. Same drop chance for rune full helms, but you'll have a better chance of getting them at Barrows.
Be sure to collect the revenant ether (100% drop rate) as they will be useful if you come across an ethereal bracelet drop (3.15% drop rate). Ether is used to charge the bracelet, which helps you become immune to revenant damage. Each hit consumes a charge. Careful not to uncharge your bracelet, or it will turn into ether.
On another note, according to the October 28th, 2018 update:
- Any revenant drop with a less than 1/100 rate will be 20% more common when red-skulled (;;redskull), and 10% more common when regular skulled (;;skull).
Lastly, make sure to stay out of range of the other revenants (and PKers), as it's a multi-combat zone.
You can find gargoyles by going to the Teleport Wizard in Edgeville, click Dungeon, then Slayer Tower.

Climb up the chains on the first floor just north of the entrance to get to the second floor.

Run south-west to the stairs to get to the third floor. You may get damaged by the Aberrant Spectres (Lvl 96) on the way to the stairs. Once you enter the stairs, go east past the gate and you'll find the gargoyles (Lvl 111).

Luckily, you don’t need a rock hammer to finish them off. As long as you use Protect Melee, you should be fine for killing gargoyles. If you have them as your slayer task, a slayer helm will help greatly. Rune platelegs are a 3.15% drop rate. If you come across a brittle key (1.23% drop rate), you can use it to permanently open the gates next to the stairs to unlock grostesque guardians.

Preparing For Animated Armor
Once you are ready with your rune armor, use the command ;;wg to teleport to Warriors Guild.

Once you are there, run west and go to the first room south of you. This is the animation room. The northern room (dummy room) currently does not work.

Get your gear ready, hopefully better gear than mine. Use your rune full helm, platebody, or platelegs on the magical animator.

A Lvl 138 Rune Animated Armor will yell and start to attack you. Protect Melee and attack it. It only has 120 HP, so it should not take long to kill it if you have decent gear and combat stats.
Note: If you teleport out during the fight, the NPC will disappear and you will lose your armor set.
Once you get your kill, pick up your armor and your 40 warrior guild tokens. You need 400 tokens to purchase a rune defender, so you need 10 kills total.
Once you have enough tokens, talk to Shanomi and purchase a rune defender. You need 40 Defense to equip it.
If you own an Attack skillcape (99 attack required) you can equip that and enter the cyclops room (see next step) for free indefinitely, no tokens required. You can obtain one for 100k coins from the Wise Old Man, who is north-west of ;;shops.
If you are unable to purchase the skillcape, continue to kill rune animated armors until you have at least 100 tokens. If you have under 100 tokens, you cannot enter the cyclops room. I recommend getting a bit more, just in case.
Preparing For Cyclops
Once you have your rune defender and your 100+ tokens (or your Attack skillcape), you are now ready to fight the cyclops. Head to the bank nearby and stock up on some prayer/super restore potions. If you have cyclops as your slayer task, bring your slayer helm as you’ll do more damage to them while on task. Don’t forget to have your rune defender with you at all times.
South-west of the bank, you will find some stairs. Go up two floors until you are on the third floor.

Once you reach the third floor, you can either talk to Kamfreena or just go through the door. Don't go through the broken 4th wall, though. Make sure you have your 100+ tokens and your rune defender before entering.

From there, start killing the cyclops (Lvl 56, 76) with Protect Melee on. Your tokens crumble to dust at the rate of 10 tokens per minute while in the room. Once you run out of tokens, you will be teleported back to Kamfreena. You cannot return back to the cyclops room unless you have 100+ tokens with you. Don’t forget your rune defender.
A defender drop is a 1/100 chance. A ring of wealth (and imbued version) does not affect the drop rate of defenders. If you hit a defender drop, it's a 50/50 chance you will either get a rune defender or a dragon defender. If you get a dragon defender, great! If you get a rune defender, don't be discouraged. You still have more opportunities to get your dragon defender. You need 60 Defense to equip the dragon defender.

You will get an announcement in the chatbox if you get a defender drop.
Just in case if you miss it, if you have not done so already, I recommend to turn on your "Ground item overlay." Click the wrench icon, then click the last button on the bottom-right. Hovering it would say "Change Settings." Scroll down until you find "Ground item overlay" and toggle it on.
Click here for an updated guide on how to use the item overlay feature.
Thank you folks for reading my guide. I hope this has helped you towards getting your dragon defender.
If you have any further questions regarding the guide, don't hesitate to contact me in-game or in the forums. :)
Edited by MT, 06 March 2020 - 01:21 AM.