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Let's talk about Classic =)

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Posted 13 November 2018 - 10:59 PM #21

Vid Keng
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100% support 

Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:02 PM #22


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No support. Classic is supposed to be more of a challenge, not a different set of perks.

You can't have a dead game mode and label that as a "Challenge". Especially one that is designed to feed off of it's own economy. Yes, originally it was created to be a challenge, when it was a popular game mode and the economy for classics was stable and flowing smoothly.  


Support this as it is a dying game mode 


BUT  i do not support adding perks to make the game mode special as this will be unfair. 


Irons would benefit far more from perks as they can't trade. But no support for any game mode on this topic. 

Yes, I agree 100%. You have made a very valid point, and I was wrong to suggest perks to a particular game mode without considering the benefit of other players. BUT, there will need to be some sort of attention grabber to at least draw some sort of players to Classic game mode. 

Edited by Emozionante, 13 November 2018 - 11:19 PM.





Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:05 PM #23

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Classic is an ancient game mode. It's the closest experience we have to OSRS. I will support any and all changes towards Classic. That being said, I think all of the above should be implemented into the game to draw more players to the Classic game mode. It's already a nice grind with the 5x rates, so adding a little bit of incentives would only be a positive turn out. I know most everyone plays Normal or Ironman, but us Classics would greatly appreciate it if you all would offer your support in keeping this under appreciated game mode alive. 

Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:23 PM #24


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Yeah sure do what you want with classic besides adding perks lmao.
I could get on board with much less blatant buffs/perks to the game mode maybe ones of this kind of caliber: When harvesting a herb bush have a scaling chance to receive extra herbs.

But when talking about forcing classic to be a boosted rng game mode just to keep it afloat, it tells me people simply don't wish to play classic, which is fair enough.


Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:30 PM #25


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Yeah sure do what you want with classic besides adding perks lmao.
I could get on board with much less blatant buffs/perks to the game mode maybe ones of this kind of caliber: When harvesting a herb bush have a scaling chance to receive extra herbs.

But when talking about forcing classic to be a boosted rng game mode just to keep it afloat, it tells me people simply don't wish to play classic, which is fair enough.

     I like the way you think, maybe you have some more ideas along that line of perks? That's really interesting and it might work. Something like "While training gathering skills (Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, Farming, and Thieving) you get such and such?

     Also, the perks were primarily a suggestion to bring more pull into Classic mode. I wasn't aiming for the boosted RNG intentionally, I just acknowledge Alora for being a PvM based server overall. So, I figured I'd try my best at making a good perk. I really needed more input via perks and whatnot, since I mainly prefer to skill. Not everyone has that passion for skilling, as some will find it boring. 


    Thank you for your input.



Edit: If it would make any difference at all, how about the buffs and perks (if they are implemented in any sort of fashion) are also added to EIM?





Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:34 PM #26

Zach McCoy

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Like you mentioned, I'm not classic so I don't care either way but with that said if it bring more players to the game than why not.



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Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:34 PM #27

fiji water
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Yeah something really needs to be done about this. Before EIM came out we had plenty of classic players, and now i dont really see any of them at all. And the sad part is that it took this post to really have me acknowledge that "hey, when was the last time i actually seen a classic account ingame?"


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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:38 AM #28


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Since Elite came out the Classic gamemode was pretty much screwed, so I will support this.


Main: @Anowas

Posted 14 November 2018 - 06:20 AM #29



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Anything to make the community grow I’m all for support. Main reason why I have taken a break from alora is because our game mode is so neglected and so close to extinct it makes playing classic so bland it’s not even fun to play anymore. Hope to see a change for the classic family
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Posted 14 November 2018 - 07:16 AM #30

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gotta support since im rank 15 classic

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 07:53 AM #31

EIM Hentai
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I would say no to the perks aswell and the same eco is a really hard one but i think if the community votes we can get a result .

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 14 November 2018 - 08:57 AM #32


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I am all for it, if it increases the game-mode activity. I think there has to be something unique for the game-mode which is makes worthy grinding.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 09:49 AM #33

Iron Peep

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I would say no to the perks aswell and the same eco is a really hard one but i think if the community votes we can get a result .

If you're voting no on perks, what makes you think a new player is going to do a 5x game mode when there's 0 benefit? Perks that were posted were just a proposal, if you have any other ideas to promote the game mode where it wouldn't be the exact same thing as normie then please let us know. EIM has the perk of being able to trade with a partner which is huge

I am all for it, if it increases the game-mode activity. I think there has to be something unique for the game-mode which is makes worthy grinding.

Exactly which is the whole purpose on the perks in the original post. I see a lot of normies and ironman saying we don't deserve anything special but how do we attract new classic players that don't quit after an hour? It's not like we are trying to get some OP benefits to make us rich, we just want to see new players.

With or without the perks I feel like the economy merge is unavoidable at this point.
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Posted 14 November 2018 - 09:49 AM #34



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This could be done as it seems most of you are supportive of the idea, but just be aware that this would open the normal Trading post to classics and we’d close down the Classic Trading post (no need for it), and also that full trading/staking/etc would be open to classics as well as the donation shop. All of these would be opened up, and it would definitely change the game mode, as it would be essentially the same as normal just without the high XP, and perhaps with a few perks.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 09:54 AM #35

Iron Peep

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This could be done as it seems most of you are supportive of the idea, but just be aware that this would open the normal Trading post to classics and we’d close down the Classic Trading post (no need for it), and also that full trading/staking/etc would be open to classics as well as the donation shop. All of these would be opened up, and it would definitely change the game mode, as it would be essentially the same as normal just without the high XP, and perhaps with a few perks.

That is a topic we have discussed heavily the last few days and something we are 100% OK with. Hopefully this also means classic would get the same value out of caskets/heads/thieving aswell but it's not a big deal if you don't agree with that.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the proposal and giving us a reply, it really does mean a lot. We love classic and think it was one of the best updates you have given us. The idea of classic getting this huge wave of fresh air makes me and so many other classics very excited for the future of the game mode.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 11:54 AM #36


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I like this, also I made a classic a few days ago for the first time as a new alora player, id love to be welcomed more into the community of classic players being there are few like you mentioned. Im full supporting this topic

Posted 14 November 2018 - 11:55 AM #37


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Doesnt this mean that the whole classic market for supplies would just be useless. I mean normies can buy runes from store put then in tp and classics can buy them same with herbs and supplies. This economy was like the only thing I like about classic when I was playing it. With this change it will just be normie mode but with lower xp rate.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 11:59 AM #38

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Doesnt this mean that the whole classic market for supplies would just be useless. I mean normies can buy runes from store put then in tp and classics can buy them same with herbs and supplies. This economy was like the only thing I like about classic when I was playing it. With this change it will just be normie mode but with lower xp rate.


Yes this would technically mean that classic supplies such as bloods/deaths and potions will be devalued but it's not a huge deal because if you put runes in the classic TP right now they will sit for weeks if not months before selling (if ever). Potions are another instance where most classic players that have been around for a while already have super combats and super restores/brews stockpiled so there's not huge value in them anyways. Sure you can put super restores in the classic TP right now for 50k each but you'll sell 5 a day if you're lucky.


The trading in classic right now is dead, no end game players need to buy anything and no new players joining means nothing ever sells and stuff rarely even gets listed.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:01 PM #39

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At first, when I opened this I was against it. The more I've thought about it the more open I've become because the classic mode is basically like a group ironman mode with 15 people. I love classic mode but this is what drove me away from it because I could log for a week then check the classic tp and see 2 new things on it. While I've like classic having their own eco, the decrease of classic players has drastically affected the game mode.

I support this suggestion. 

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:03 PM #40


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Yes this would technically mean that classic supplies such as bloods/deaths and potions will be devalued but it's not a huge deal because if you put runes in the classic TP right now they will sit for weeks if not months before selling (if ever). Potions are another instance where most classic players that have been around for a while already have super combats and super restores/brews stockpiled so there's not huge value in them anyways. Sure you can put super restores in the classic TP right now for 50k each but you'll sell 5 a day if you're lucky.


The trading in classic right now is dead, no end game players need to buy anything and no new players joining means nothing ever sells and stuff rarely even gets listed.

I understand what your coming from. Im not gonna not support this since I dont play classic as of right now. But for me personally this seems like it would ruin the mode (skilling would just be little profit aswell as supply drops from bosses.

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