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Let's talk about Classic =)

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 11:20 AM #61


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100% Support this, I think it would give a little life to the game mode and attract more players that enjoy the ability to do everything a normal account would but at less of an xp rate. 

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 01:44 PM #62

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That would be a rather pointless matter. Why would you want to trade other normal players for supplies and have to go through the struggle of paying more, when all of the supplies they are getting are cheap and in the stores? 


It wouldn't have us struggling to pay more. The price range would be the same, just the limitation to shops, as it is now. We have access to items in shops, just not to a normal players extent. It's part of the whole challenge to the game-mode. Keep the same limitation of items we're able to purchase, just add in the eco-merge where we're able to trade within the TP and player-to-player. As far as us paying more for supplies, just tweak the prices in shops for those items to match.

Posted 15 November 2018 - 01:56 PM #63

Iron Peep

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It wouldn't have us struggling to pay more. The price range would be the same, just the limitation to shops, as it is now. We have access to items in shops, just not to a normal players extent. It's part of the whole challenge to the game-mode. Keep the same limitation of items we're able to purchase, just add in the eco-merge where we're able to trade within the TP and player-to-player. As far as us paying more for supplies, just tweak the prices in shops for those items to match.


There is 0 purpose in that because I would just buy the supplies on a normie and trade it to my classic skipping the TP all together.

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 02:21 PM #64

Hentai trap

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No support on the merge.

Many players want it but there are also players who don’t who like to play classic self sufficiently.

The remaining classics should have the option to merge or stay in the current game mode the way it is (which yes the market would be split but it can’t hurt anything now) the classics who don’t support the merge are okay with the decreased amount of items available. Similar to how in EIM you can choose whether you want a partner or not. We would have a similar choice and those who want a harder grind and a more self sufficient but not as solo as Ironman have the option to play it that way instead of devaluing the mode completely.

Another option could be bringing our GP rates up to normal with things like thieving, rev artifacts etc. and making our shops the same as normal shops. The main problem in classic is we have no new players due to how difficult early game can be (necessary items like prayer potions are 20k+ on tp, manta rays 5k+ etc) with supplies more accessible and money not so scarce newer players can stick with classic and it doesn’t effect other game modes or our current eco as things don’t sell now.

The players who support the change aren’t wrong for wanting it just like we aren’t wrong for not. But each classic should be able to choose for themselves.

Posted 15 November 2018 - 02:37 PM #65


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No support on the merge.

Many players want it but there are also players who don’t who like to play classic self sufficiently.

The remaining classics should have the option to merge or stay in the current game mode the way it is (which yes the market would be split but it can’t hurt anything now) the classics who don’t support the merge are okay with the decreased amount of items available. Similar to how in EIM you can choose whether you want a partner or not. We would have a similar choice and those who want a harder grind and a more self sufficient but not as solo as Ironman have the option to play it that way instead of devaluing the mode completely.

Another option could be bringing our GP rates up to normal with things like thieving, rev artifacts etc. and making our shops the same as normal shops. The main problem in classic is we have no new players due to how difficult early game can be (necessary items like prayer potions are 20k+ on tp, manta rays 5k+ etc) with supplies more accessible and money not so scarce newer players can stick with classic and it doesn’t effect other game modes or our current eco as things don’t sell now.

The players who support the change aren’t wrong for wanting it just like we aren’t wrong for not. But each classic should be able to choose for themselves.

I appreciate your feedback but as it seems to be, you were all for it before. I do think for the total of 4 classic players that don't want the merge can have an option to continue playing Classic, in some sort of "group classic" manner. As for the rest of us, assuming my estimate on 15-20 players was incorrect according to the feedback on the post, we want a merge. 


     As it has turned out, it appears there is a lot more Classics than I have assumed. Out of at least 30 classics, only 4 of you do not support the merge. Now if we put this into account and bias this off of the way polls on regular oldschool is accounted, there has to be a 75% base that support the change. 


   What I am trying to prove here is that MOST of us want the merge. A select few do not. Out of the 4 that do not support, one of you has already stated you will quit anyways and play as a normal player. That leaves roughly 27 Classics that support and 3 that do not. Even if the other guy does not quit, there is still a good 86.7% of us that want and fully support this change. That's not even counting all the other miscellaneous people that support this suggestion on this post. 


    So, if @Omicron wants to code a special code for 3 or 4 people that would like to remain as a Classic without merge, then so be it. Maybe, as I said above, give you guys a "Group Classic" type ordeal so you can remain classics and trade each other. 





Posted 15 November 2018 - 03:12 PM #66

Hentai trap

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I appreciate your feedback but as it seems to be, you were all for it before. I do think for the total of 4 classic players that don't want the merge can have an option to continue playing Classic, in some sort of "group classic" manner. As for the rest of us, assuming my estimate on 15-20 players was incorrect according to the feedback on the post, we want a merge. 
     As it has turned out, it appears there is a lot more Classics than I have assumed. Out of at least 30 classics, only 4 of you do not support the merge. Now if we put this into account and bias this off of the way polls on regular oldschool is accounted, there has to be a 75% base that support the change. 
   What I am trying to prove here is that MOST of us want the merge. A select few do not. Out of the 4 that do not support, one of you has already stated you will quit anyways and play as a normal player. That leaves roughly 27 Classics that support and 3 that do not. Even if the other guy does not quit, there is still a good 86.7% of us that want and fully support this change. That's not even counting all the other miscellaneous people that support this suggestion on this post. 
    So, if @Omicron wants to code a special code for 3 or 4 people that would like to remain as a Classic without merge, then so be it. Maybe, as I said above, give you guys a "Group Classic" type ordeal so you can remain classics and trade each other.

Just a misunderstanding. I did support changes being made to classic, yes. It needs something to boost eco. But as far as a merge goes it changes the game mode. The separate eco was part of it and a large reason why many of us played. I do think for those who want to trade with the normal mode players they should have that option. Remember there are many classics who haven’t weighed in on it and who aren’t currently active/ taking a break from alora. I feel having an option similar to “de ironing” would be a fair way both sides of the remaining classics can get what they want. As far as ideas to make it happen, change the color of the icon and allow free trade for those who no longer wish to be in the separate eco. It’s a fair way to do it and everyone gets what they want. As I said no one who supports it is wrong for supporting it and it isn’t a bad idea, as long as it isn’t forced on everyone. I’m aware that it would hurt the classic eco more but I (and others) would just take that with being able to stay separate.

Posted 15 November 2018 - 03:18 PM #67


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Just a misunderstanding. I did support changes being made to classic, yes. It needs something to boost eco. But as far as a merge goes it changes the game mode. The separate eco was part of it and a large reason why many of us played. I do think for those who want to trade with the normal mode players they should have that option. Remember there are many classics who haven’t weighed in on it and who aren’t currently active/ taking a break from alora. I feel having an option similar to “de ironing” would be a fair way both sides of the remaining classics can get what they want. As far as ideas to make it happen, change the color of the icon and allow free trade for those who no longer wish to be in the separate eco. It’s a fair way to do it and everyone gets what they want. As I said no one who supports it is wrong for supporting it and it isn’t a bad idea, as long as it isn’t forced on everyone. I’m aware that it would hurt the classic eco more but I (and others) would just take that with being able to stay separate.

That would work as well. If we could have an NPC that would not take away our current x5 rates but to simply remove our restrictions, I think that would be reasonable. That way, for those of you who enjoy playing the restricted game mode, would stay labelled as a Classic mode. Those of us who want the full eco could be a new mode instead of a different rank. 

    In referral to what @Skill capes said, we can make this work. Those who want the access to the full eco could "declassic" into "Hard mode". We could get a different emblem or what not, and still keep our x5 EXP rates. As for those who do not, can stay labelled as a "Classic" with the current restrictions. 

    This would simply be to balance out the disagreements and agreements and let everyone get what they want. 





Posted 15 November 2018 - 03:21 PM #68

Skill capes

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See I'm a lvl 3 skiller, my objective in the game is not to pvm, I dislike the content, combat skills bore me, I rather grind experience away on a low xp game mode, (classic) which i originally suggested as "hard mode normie anyways" back when the game mode was originally suggested as feedback, all i want is a fix for classic, I've invested time into the game mode that i don't want to see end up pointless and at this point, the majority of the economy sits in banks because there is no one to purchases the items, no demand its dead, and without action being taken the game mode will dwindle out, a few dedicated players will remain, but ultimately the game mode will no longer be a active game mode. So i'm in favour of the merger as of this point, I've yet to see someone come up with an alternative that will be viable in my opinion, until that point we're in a stalemate. 




Edit : new comments came as i was typing this out, I'm 1000% in favor for what hentai/fonias has suggested, if we could have a "hard mode" with an icon of our own, Which shows our dedication to the experience rate, would be a solution i could back. 

Posted 15 November 2018 - 03:53 PM #69


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UPDATE: De-classicing will not be an option. The merge will move onward!





Posted 15 November 2018 - 04:13 PM #70

Iron Peep

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UPDATE: De-classicing will not be an option. The merge will move onward!


As much as I understand the couple of peoples frustrations I feel like this is better for the future of Classic. What was being described anyways is essentially group ironman which should hopefully be coming sooner rather then later!

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 05:06 PM #71

No Rugrats

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As much as I understand the couple of peoples frustrations I feel like this is better for the future of Classic. What was being described anyways is essentially group ironman which should hopefully be coming sooner rather then later!


Now that you put it that way, yeah. Nvm, I'll back what I said, lol.

Posted 15 November 2018 - 05:47 PM #72

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support , would definitely like to see classic rise again to its old version , eim pretty much K.O'd it.

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 05:56 PM #73

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Support the merge for sure but I am a no on the perks

Posted 15 November 2018 - 08:26 PM #74


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Welp  :FeelsBadMan:

Posted 16 November 2018 - 08:49 PM #75

EIM Hentai
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So i guess if this would go into the game classics could finally pk normie loot like i suggested 1 year ago :P 


Another thing i thought about is that classics cant buy everything normal players could buy from the shop but if you open up the trading post that would allow players to level up skills much easier then it was in the past and wich made the mode a challange . 


I know classic is kinda dead since i left it aswell after maxing to switch to EIM but considering that this would make it that much easier is just one reasone for me to bring this little thing up ;)


I hope @Omicron will find a soultion for this maybe community vote to decide what the community wants ;)

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 16 November 2018 - 08:55 PM #76

Iron Peep

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So i guess if this would go into the game classics could finally pk normie loot like i suggested 1 year ago :P


Another thing i thought about is that classics cant buy everything normal players could buy from the shop but if you open up the trading post that would allow players to level up skills much easier then it was in the past and wich made the mode a challange . 


I know classic is kinda dead since i left it aswell after maxing to switch to EIM but considering that this would make it that much easier is just one reasone for me to bring this little thing up ;)


I hope @Omicron will find a soultion for this maybe community vote to decide what the community wants ;)

Omicron confirmed that the ECO merge will be happening via PM.


Thank you everyone for all your support!

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Posted 16 November 2018 - 09:03 PM #77

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Omicron confirmed that the ECO merge will be happening via PM.


Thank you everyone for all your support!

My Classic account has no PM of a merge should this not be made public or smth ? 


I dont hate on this but i mean in the  past changing pvp to get loot at all was not possible even after month of support and suggestions . 


Just saying before smth gets rushed and everyone quits the mode or ppl that acutally put alot of effort in this mode lose all the work kinda thats what i am thinking about .


I will stay EIM anyways i am just shocked how fast that went through .


Good luck all classics tho .

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 17 November 2018 - 01:38 AM #78


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Also a support from me, it’s definitely decreasing and should be revived before it’s too late.
Some people may not like it but you can’t please everyone.








Posted 18 November 2018 - 08:29 AM #79


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My Classic account has no PM of a merge should this not be made public or smth ? 
I dont hate on this but i mean in the  past changing pvp to get loot at all was not possible even after month of support and suggestions . 
Just saying before smth gets rushed and everyone quits the mode or ppl that acutally put alot of effort in this mode lose all the work kinda thats what i am thinking about .
I will stay EIM anyways i am just shocked how fast that went through .
Good luck all classics tho .

Pretty much how it happened lol it was confirmed via pm and I quit my classic then.

Posted 27 February 2019 - 06:22 AM #80


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Your suggestion has been accepted.

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