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Let's talk about Classic =)

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:08 PM #41


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Gonna have to agree with @Extremedanny on this one. Merging the economies will just make classic feel like normie with lower xp and maybe a little bonuses which I'm not very fond of.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:16 PM #42

Iron Peep

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Gonna have to agree with @Extremedanny on this one. Merging the economies will just make classic feel like normie with lower xp and maybe a little bonuses which I'm not very fond of.


I understand the concern but unless you have a different idea to keep the modes 15-20 remaining players interested it's the best idea we could come up with. If the majority of classics are OK with it I don't see why normal players should be concerned honestly.


It's just depressing seeing the lack of players dwindle more and more everyday.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:21 PM #43


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I understand the concern but unless you have a different idea to keep the modes 15-20 remaining players interested it's the best idea we could come up with. If the majority of classics are OK with it I don't see why normal players should be concerned honestly.


It's just depressing seeing the lack of players dwindle more and more everyday.

Yes but doing this wouldn't necessarily make the gamemode more alive, it'll just make classic players be able to sell/purchase items faster. This is my concern as people wouldn't want to play a gamemode that's harder when they could just play normal gamemode and have the same ability to use the trading post and trade with everyone.

I don't think merging the economies is a solution for the problem, but since I don't play that much classic, it's up to others to decide.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 12:22 PM #44


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I don't feel like Staff is giving any love to us, Classics.


Dead economy and slow rates aren't going to bring more people if you, guys, won't do anything.



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Posted 14 November 2018 - 02:45 PM #45



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At first, I was very much against this as classic mode was meant to have its own separate economy. With that being said, I don't want to see the game mode completely die out. I support allowing the economies to merge into one but I think you're naive to say it will have no effect on the normal economy. 


Also, I don't think there should be any bonuses or perks for the classic game mode. If people are choosing to play it for a more realistic Runescape feel, what's the point of adding bonuses that aren't present on OSRS? The mode is meant to be more challenging and a grind and by merging economies it is already making the mode easier with a surplus of supplies, armor, and weapons available. Classic being more difficult is just a feature of the game mode, like ironmen not being able to trade or ultimate ironmen not being able to bank. If that's what you're choosing to play then you need to deal with the repercussions and challenges of the game mode. 


To sum it up, support for the merger of the economies.

No support for allowing perks or bonuses for Classics.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 02:46 PM #46


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Yes but doing this wouldn't necessarily make the game-mode more alive, it'll just make classic players be able to sell/purchase items faster. This is my concern as people wouldn't want to play a game-mode that's harder when they could just play normal game-mode and have the same ability to use the trading post and trade with everyone.

I don't think merging the economies is a solution for the problem, but since I don't play that much classic, it's up to others to decide.

    No, it would not make it "alive", but it would draw attention to other players. Yes, that is one of the ideas for the merge, as stated in my post. No, people wouldn't want to play a mode that is harder but has the same benefits as the easiest mode in the game. That is why I also suggested tinkering around with it a little bit. I will say that even though we have the same capabilities as a normal mode, I personally will NEVER grind on a normal mode. That is MY preference because I enjoy the experience rates that Classic mode has to offer. Merging economies is not only to FIX the Classic player count. It's also there to HELP the remaining few we have left. Merging economies is the simple first step up. It is going to change OUR play-style in the long run. It's not necessarily there to "be a solution to the problem". It's there to help us progress as well as other players (normals).


     I do appreciate your feedback. But, like you have stated, you do not play Classic along with the rest of us. WE want a change. Talk to any Classic on Alora today. They will all tell you the same thing I am telling you. 


     As it is said in my post, I have gotten over 99% of the Classic votes. With the Classic community as a whole coming together and deciding what is best for the future of our mode, we have the strongest say-so (other than developers of course). With almost EVERY Classic mode disappointed with the mode and how it was just "left alone", there is only so much more we can do. Eventually, if the merge doesn't happen, there will be no more Classic mode. We don't want that, we love the mode. And honestly, we'd rather not play iron-man mode. 





Posted 14 November 2018 - 03:15 PM #47


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One of the most active server in the past had mode named Grandmaster


It was the slowest (2x xp) rate mode and it had boosted drop rate and some other things. That's was the advantage give to players that choosed low XP rates.


I'd like to see that here too. Maybe not the increased drop chance but some other perks.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 03:35 PM #48


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I would say I’m neutral on this. It would be great to implement something to improve classic mode and get more players in said mode. However, I’m not quite sure if adding those extra perks would be a good idea or not. I feel there needs to be some sort of balance within all game modes, so classic players shouldn’t have too many benefits to the extent that more players will play classic compared to all the other modes combined. I would wait until group ironman mode comes out before making major changes to classic mode. That’s just my two cents.


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Posted 14 November 2018 - 03:39 PM #49


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100% support. Play rs to PK but hate normal mode xp rates so i play classic(might pk a classic player for loot if im lucky.....)what does someone like me do?

Posted 14 November 2018 - 04:05 PM #50


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i just started classic today donated 50$ found out classic mode is dead donated for perks not for items still though no one to trade these items with really sucks and im still but-hurt to find out this mode is dead. i love he exp rate hate the classic mode player base..:(  if nothing changes doubt i would stay a classic might as will be ironman.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 04:25 PM #51

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I think you're naive to say it will have no effect on the normal economy.




I disagree, all the items that exist on classic can already easily be transferred to normal via wilderness. 


Other then that I appreciate your feedback, the perks are a highly debated topic and we're just gonna have to leave it up to Omicron on what he thinks is fair. Let's keep in the mind that the biggest server in RSPS history had perks similar to what was suggested and it didn't hurt anything.



i just started classic today donated 50$ found out classic mode is dead donated for perks not for items still though no one to trade these items with really sucks and im still but-hurt to find out this mode is dead. i love he exp rate hate the classic mode player base.. :(  if nothing changes doubt i would stay a classic might as will be ironman.




I'm very sorry to hear that man, join our CC "C O A". 90% of the classics that still play are in there, if you mention this post when i'm online I would be more then willing to help you get started! Classic is very dead unfortunately but you can still have a great time! Lets hope this idea gets implemented.

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Posted 14 November 2018 - 04:44 PM #52

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Looking at some responses from other players on behalf of this update us Classics are looking for just to bring back our game-mode to a point where people would actually like to play. If you look at some items in a Normal TP and base them off a Classic TP, most items range the same prices if not a 2-5mil difference. I highly doubt prices would dump if this update of merging economies would happen. Regardless, 75% of the normal economy is all gambled. Doesn't really make a difference. As I mentioned, based off the responses we're getting, I'm extremely glad that there's others who don't even play classic are on-board with this suggestion. 


As per "waiting til group ironman comes out to make major changes to classics", that's a little selfish. We shouldn't have to wait for that to happen for something to take effect for a game-mode a small amount of people enjoy playing. Regardless, I'm sure the xp rates and "perks" won't compare to Classic game-mode. So why wait? Guarantee you, the last 15-20 players who still play Classic won't switch over to group ironman anyway. If you look at it, someone previously mentioned already, Classics are technically a group ironman mode.. we just have a dead economy that won't let us progress.



I'd like to thank the fact that we were acknowledged by Omni, and he's taking into consideration that we're having others support our suggestions and are on board with us. Thank you, guys! It's all highly appreciated.



Edit: In regards to the response we got, as far as opening up our Eco to a complete "Normal" standard. Is there anyway for our shops to remain as is, just open up the whole TP/trading other players aspect?

Posted 14 November 2018 - 07:38 PM #53


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Edit: In regards to the response we got, as far as opening up our Eco to a complete "Normal" standard. Is there anyway for our shops to remain as is, just open up the whole TP/trading other players aspect?

That would be a rather pointless matter. Why would you want to trade other normal players for supplies and have to go through the struggle of paying more, when all of the supplies they are getting are cheap and in the stores? 





Posted 14 November 2018 - 09:13 PM #54



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I don’t think that there should be any perks personally, the whole point of the game mode is to have something that’s more challenging than the regular game mode. At most, perhaps a special sword or cape to signify that you’re a Classic player would suffice, but making items easier to get or adding other perks that make the gameplay easier would, in my opinion, go against the core concept behind the game mode. With that being said, I do think that the GP from caskets and other areas of the game should be brought back up to the normal rate considering the economies would merge.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 10:44 PM #55

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I don’t think that there should be any perks personally, the whole point of the game mode is to have something that’s more challenging than the regular game mode. At most, perhaps a special sword or cape to signify that you’re a Classic player would suffice, but making items easier to get or adding other perks that make the gameplay easier would, in my opinion, go against the core concept behind the game mode. With that being said, I do think that the GP from caskets and other areas of the game should be brought back up to the normal rate considering the economies would merge.

i agree 100% with Omicron. I would love to see some kind of unique cosmetic classic item (sword or cape etc) since other modes except normie n classic have 1.

support for the merger of the economies.

No support for allowing perks or bonuses for Classics.

Posted 14 November 2018 - 10:55 PM #56

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I Maxed my classic and stopped playing it over a year ago :D but I would definitely support this, especially due to the overwhelming support of the remainder of the classic community ! LongLiveAloraClassics
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Posted 15 November 2018 - 03:23 AM #57


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I'd LOVE to see a Classic only Cape and sword (wearable by lvl 3 of course) or something that can clearly show "I'm Classic and I'm proud of it


One thing that still bothers me is the dead economy. Items selling for months even when your price is the lowest one is just frustrating..

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 04:27 AM #58

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I support the merge, I don't really know about the perks. Just keep it 5x and basically it is normie mode with the merge but 5x rates. 

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 10:23 AM #59

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Support to everything EXCEPT to the perks, classic should just be a challenge mode of normal mode, so i can 100% agree with the fusing of the economies.

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Posted 15 November 2018 - 11:05 AM #60


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As I work roughly 40 hours a week and consider myself a casual part-time classic player, I do feel the game mode is dying. I love classic mode by far the most out of any RSPS experiences I've had over the years. Even though I don't like to see the two economies merge, you still have my support, for the sake of keeping this game mode alive.


However, I disagree with the perks. Never been a fan of having something extra or OP, compared to the standards of other game modes. I enjoy the grind and feel good to achieve long term goals with hard work.


Merging the economies was hard enough to accept as a suggestion. Adding in extra perks on top of it would be my one way ticket out for the classic game mode.



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