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PvP Improvements.

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Posted 08 November 2018 - 11:43 PM #21

Zach McCoy

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I don’t pk myself but if these suggestions can possibly help in bringing more players to Alora then you have my full support.



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Posted 08 November 2018 - 11:44 PM #22

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Just to add to it slightly:

the 1 tick delay isn't just on barrage, it's on (as far as i'm aware/have seen) Every single spell on every single spellbook, This having the largest impact on veng and barrage (1 tick when venging e.g. in a riskfight is a huge difference and has countless times cost me a kill)


Dragon claws STILL need a (slight) accuracy buff. A dds should not be on par/arguably better with a 70m weapon. (When focusing on this server it is literally better to use a DDS since it's overall more DPS.)


None of the things you said should even be classed as "suggestions" apart from perhaps the venom, These are things that simply are wrong and need to be fixed for the servers pvp mechanics to be fixed and "working", especially the 1 tick delays, spearing and multi lines. (I think these 3 things combined drive away every single experienced pker that ever logs onto the game.)

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Posted 08 November 2018 - 11:57 PM #23

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I agree with all of these except for D spears as I think that would be aids tbh especially on Alora. But everything else is a must if PvPin is to go any further. Most of this stuff especially 1 tickin and prayer delay (not mentioned) should of been fixed months ago. I'd also like to see magic accuracy fixed also when pkin as of right now it's in a terrible state

Posted 09 November 2018 - 02:44 AM #24



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Thanks for the write up (and the visuals), I'll try to get all of this into the game in the near future. The delays might also be because of your location (server is based in NA), though I have noticed a delay with casting spells which I'll look into a bit more.


As for the spearing, is the issue simply that the target isn't 'pushed' if they're frozen?




I've also taken note of the things you've mentioned and will try to include them in the same update.

Posted 09 November 2018 - 02:51 AM #25

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Thanks for the write up (and the visuals), I'll try to get all of this into the game in the near future. The delays might also be because of your location (server is based in NA), though I have noticed a delay with casting spells which I'll look into a bit more.


As for the spearing, is the issue simply that the target isn't 'pushed' if they're frozen?




I've also taken note of the things you've mentioned and will try to include them in the same update.

The issue is they don't move when frozen and also all the damage done while people are being speared should stack up and hit them all at once after they stop being speared, basically meaning all damage goes through at once and this is how clans smite people for their +1 in multi.

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 04:31 AM #26


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@MADASFUK Good input.


@Omicron As MADASFUK said.

loc is chins fishermens , and this is alora not 07





ragragrag46, Hi Jere, I remember you were once my loyal ragger and 14th best focuser, would you like to join again? I'll let you wear 1 barrows piece this time. Kind regards.

Posted 09 November 2018 - 07:30 AM #27


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Yeah this is all stuff that should be expected to be functioning properly, all the shit you've listed is really needed. 

  • Teleblock also applies the effect a tick after the spell has landed allowing people to teleport when they should not be able to.
  • Npc pj timers in the wilderness are off, so are respawn timers.
  • Adding Royal seed pod to the pkp shop is another idea.

nice thread.


Posted 09 November 2018 - 07:52 AM #28


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Solid suggestions and I am always up for PVP/Combat fixes. Hopefully, if these were fixed the wilderness activity increases, so big support from me.

Posted 09 November 2018 - 11:11 PM #29


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support all


tb is delayed, npc pj timers r off, npcs in wild hit u 4 a mile away, cant 1tick barrage etc also

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 02:18 PM #30



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@MCMUFFIN177 @Horror

Can you guys clarify on NPC PJ timers? Does it take too long before you're allowed to attack something else after combat?


Also, @Blackup is this fake? I don't really understand why you'd fake it, it's multi on your image, but when I logged in to OSRS myself to verify it definitely wasn't.








Care to explain?




Lastly, @MADASFUK you can't stunlock a player so that the damage all stacks, Jagex changed that in 2016 and gave a 0.6s (1 tick) immunity to players after every Dragon spear special attack, so the hits should theoretically only pile up for a few seconds:


Sourced from http://oldschoolrune...ki/Dragon_spear :

  • The Dragon spear's special attack was changed on 28 July 2016, due to many player complaints on how it was considered overpowered. Prior to the fix, large Wilderness clans could use the spear's special to "stunlock" the victim. The victim would be attacked by a group of players using Smite, while another group would continually spam the special attack on the victim. The victim would be unable to perform any action, since they were being stunned and the game did not register the damage. Once the stuns stopped, the player would take all the damage they received while being stunned in one large tick, which would also drain them of all of their prayer. The only way for players to escape this was by x-logging, as the game would take them out of the server after a minute passed.


I will add in the movement while frozen, though.

Posted 11 November 2018 - 02:28 PM #31

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@MCMUFFIN177 @Horror

Can you guys clarify on NPC PJ timers? Does it take too long before you're allowed to attack something else after combat?


Also, @Blackup is this fake? I don't really understand why you'd fake it, it's multi on your image, but when I logged in to OSRS myself to verify it definitely wasn't.








Care to explain?




Lastly, @MADASFUK you can't stunlock a player so that the damage all stacks, Jagex changed that in 2016 and gave a 0.6s (1 tick) immunity to players after every Dragon spear special attack, so the hits should theoretically only pile up for a few seconds:


Sourced from http://oldschoolrune...ki/Dragon_spear :



I will add in the movement while frozen, though.

The problem with it on here is not that you can't stun lock a player, it's simply that all damage done to a person while they would be getting "speared" is completely cancelled, meaning you literally can't do any damage at all during the spear spec duration, only once it is gone. The "few seconds" that you can get off on RS is enough for any clan to secure a kill, however that is not possible here since you simply can't do damage to someone during a spear spec.

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 05:23 PM #32



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The problem with it on here is not that you can't stun lock a player, it's simply that all damage done to a person while they would be getting "speared" is completely cancelled, meaning you literally can't do any damage at all during the spear spec duration, only once it is gone. The "few seconds" that you can get off on RS is enough for any clan to secure a kill, however that is not possible here since you simply can't do damage to someone during a spear spec.

Tested this and was still able to damage the player during the time that they were stunned. Not the best GIF, but you could see a 1 damage XP drop, and then the 1 damage hitmarker appears upon unstun:



Perhaps you meant that it only happens if there are many hits going through, and some end up getting canceled out? (4+ during that time of being stunned, I believe 4 is currently the max to show in 1 tick)




I also think that the magic delays you guys are talking about is also a ping issue, anyone who isn't from North America will experience this. Here is how it looks when I was testing:



That looks fine to me (virtually no delay), but I understand it isn't like that for all of our players. We'll be improving ping for EU players later this month as well though, so hopefully that'll help smoothen things up a bit. I'll have most of this list done in the next update.

Posted 12 November 2018 - 02:13 AM #33

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Tested this and was still able to damage the player during the time that they were stunned. Not the best GIF, but you could see a 1 damage XP drop, and then the 1 damage hitmarker appears upon unstun:



Perhaps you meant that it only happens if there are many hits going through, and some end up getting canceled out? (4+ during that time of being stunned, I believe 4 is currently the max to show in 1 tick)




I also think that the magic delays you guys are talking about is also a ping issue, anyone who isn't from North America will experience this. Here is how it looks when I was testing:



That looks fine to me (virtually no delay), but I understand it isn't like that for all of our players. We'll be improving ping for EU players later this month as well though, so hopefully that'll help smoothen things up a bit. I'll have most of this list done in the next update.


My bad then, it might possibly be combined with the not being able to move while frozen which cancels it? I'm positive that i've both seen people not take damage during being speared and not taken damage myself when speared, so i'll test some stuff whenever i can and see.


Also, the magic delay is when u switch gear, as shown in the clips shown by blackup, You should be able to "1 tick" switch your gear and barrage, it's hard to do but good pkers can do it. Think of it as the same as 1 tick agsing, or 1 tick switching into range gear and hitting them like that. You should be able to do the same with barrage as shown in the clips. I think it is simply every single spell on this game is delayed by 1 tick, which normally is no issue but for things like 1 tick barraging and arguably more importantly (Has a bigger impact on pkers imo) veng pking. 1 tick when trying to time a veng to kill somebody is extremely important, Normally you can veng as they hit you (e.g. as the whip animation for them goes off) and it will recoil the damage as veng does, However on here if you veng as their whip animation goes off, the veng will not recoil to them which is why i think it's simply every single spell on the game that has 1 tick delay/"cast time" if you want to call it that. Again, i'll try and get some clips of this to explain better.

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Posted 12 November 2018 - 03:06 AM #34

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I definitely wanna see the change to the wildy resource area to match OSRS for skilling purposes, and overall support all of the other things mentioned.



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Posted 12 November 2018 - 08:54 AM #35


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@Omicron Apologies, I didn't think you would check for that precise square - I was talking about the area in general, but yes that square is single on OSRS so my fault. 


Actual square that should be multi- https://gyazo.com/d9...9697e14d9851832

07 picture- https://gyazo.com/8a...52aed7e391a248a


Other areas to fix-


Inside revenant cave:

Alora- https://gyazo.com/08...aa84fbd05726396

osrs- https://gyazo.com/c5...c761df78461d186


North of KBD cage:


osrs- https://gyazo.com/8a...52aed7e391a248a



I will also be posting about other bugs/improvements later on today.

Posted 12 November 2018 - 09:08 AM #36

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bik suport, u clerly put alot of taim into thred nd u heve vry good opinion

Posted 16 November 2018 - 11:40 AM #37

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Be good if you could also fix Magic accuracy mainly based around pures as of right now it absolutely blows and doesn't make any sense right now

Posted 27 February 2019 - 06:38 AM #38


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Your suggestion has been accepted.

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