EDIT 14/11/18:
I am going away very soon so i will not be on my regular setup (gona be on gf's scuffed laptop setup) and so i wont really be able to PK until i'm home, I'll still be playing but nowhere near as much so i am going to "save" my bank value (It's around 2.4b right now without including the pvp armours which i can't trade) and will be continuing with this series when i am back again in around a month.
I will be starting from 0GP and no gear whatsoever (I will keep my PK supplies since nobody wants to watch me spend 90% of what i PK on supplies.) and working towards making enough money for both completely BiS/Max PvM and PvP gear. I will do this through wilderness only.
PvM Items:
- Sycthe of Vitur
- Twisted Bow
- Ghrazi Rapier
- Avernic defender Hilt
- Kodai Wand
- Blowpipe
- Dragon Hunter Crossbow
- Zenyte Jewellery (Anguish, Torture, Tormented bracelet)
- Pegasian boots
PvP Items:
- Elysian Spirit shield
- Arcane Spirit shield
- Vestas items (Bottoms, Longsword)
- Morrigans items (Top)
- Dragon Claws
- Ancestral Robes
- Ring of Suffering
- I am only allowed to spend the money that I make on the items listed above and the welfare gear listed below.
- I'm not allowed to use any of the gear listed above until i have ALL of the items from the PvP list apart from Elysian.
- Every other item that i want to use MUST be pked or obtained through wilderness npc drops.(for example if i want to use ags i must pk it.).
- I am allowed to sell ANY of my pked loot as cash towards the listed items.
- I am allowed to spend my PKP however i wish BUT i must instantly sell whatever i buy to the TP as money towards the listed items.
- As mentioned in rule 1, I have a list of welfare gear (Very cheap, very bad gear) That i am allowed to buy as "starter" pk gear. (See below)
- I Have full access to the bloody chest however i am not allowed to spend PKP on the keys or buy the keys.
Welfare Item list:
- Xerican Robes
- Water Staff
- Black d'hide armour
- Rock Climbing boots
- Barrows Gloves
- Rune Crossbow
- Lunar Ring
- Amulet of glory
- God Books (Book of darkness etc)
I also Have a large amount of untradables in the reclaim shop that I am allowed to buy back as soon as i have the money (See spoiler below)
Starting Bank:
Current Bank:
Last updated 12/11/18
I am doing this mainly because I am very bored of playing right now (I have played for over a year and i am bored of regular pking, pvming etc. I make money, go to sand casino, lose it, repeat. Hopefully this will make the game fun again) and also hopefully people will see from this how profitable pking actually is on this game and perhaps the wilderness will see more activity, more people out there in welfare gear making money through methods i use in this "series" if you want to call it that.
I Will be updating the bank picture every couple of days (I am not super active right now, sometimes it may barely change) And I shall also post pics of any significant drops, Pk's on in general any significant account changes in the spoiler below.
These are all in order of when they happened. (I will stop posting pics of welfare kills as soon as they become irrelevant to the series/my bank wealth)
EDIT 12/11/18: I have stopped adding to this pic dump unless it is a large riskfight since very few of the kills mean "a lot" towards my bank wealth now and so i do not want a pic dump of potentially hundreds of kills cluttering the thread.
EDIT 14/11/18:
I am going away very soon so i will not be on my regular setup (gona be on gf's scuffed laptop setup) and so i wont really be able to PK until i'm home, I'll still be playing but nowhere near as much so i am going to "save" my bank value (It's around 2.4b right now without including the pvp armours which i can't trade) and will be continuing with this series when i am back again in around a month.