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Alora Newspaper 10/31/2018

Alora newspaper 2018

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Posted 29 October 2018 - 08:17 PM #1


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Hello everyone, and welcome to this month's edition of the Alora newspaper!


Hope you are all having a great day, enjoy reading.





Rule 1 and Rule 7 have received some minor changes, please acknowledge them : 



Date & time of updated rule: 18th October, 2018 


Updated section: Rule 1. Flaming, Disrespect, Harassment and Inappropriate Content 


Time of date that the update rule(s) will be put into effect: Immediately


Part(s) added, changed, or removed: Highlighted in YELLOW




c. Account names containing inappropriate, slanderous and/or disrespectful language towards another's race, belief system, ethics, or sexual orientation are not tolerated. Failure to comply with this will result in a name change OR a permanent ban of the account.




c. Account names containing inappropriate, slanderous and/or disrespectful language towards another's race, belief system, ethics, or sexual orientation are not tolerated. Failure to comply with this will result in a permanent ban of the account.


Brief explanation: As name-changes result in numerous bugs on accounts, they will no longer be an option. If needed, players will be given time to transfer items before the ban is placed. 




Date & time of updated rule: October 30th, 2018

Updated section: Rule #7: Account Sharing

Time or date that the updated rule(s) will be put into effect: Immediately

Part(s) added, changed or removed: Highlighted in YELLOW




7. Account Sharing


An account should be used by one person only. There are no cases or circumstances where another person is allowed to play on your account. This goes for all types of accounts whether it is a level 3 scout for the wilderness, a shared account people used to Teleblock other players, or an account you would share with a friendThere is absolutely zero tolerance for account sharing in any way, shape, or form and people will be punished with a Permanent ban for both parties.


  • a. Any attempt to give an account away will not be tolerated on Alora. Offenders will receive a Permanent ban on the account being given away.





7. Account Sharing


An account should be used by one person only. There are no cases or circumstances where another person is allowed to log into on your account. This goes for all types of accounts whether it is a level 3 scout for the wilderness, a shared account people used to Teleblock other players, or an account you would share with a friend. There is absolutely zero tolerance for account sharing in any way, shape, or form and people will be punished with a 48-hour ban, followed by a Permanent ban for both parties.


  • a. Any attempt to give an account away will not be tolerated on Alora. Offenders will receive a Permanent ban on the account being given away. 


 • b. Any form of services or progress made on a shared account (ex. Inferno Cape service, XP gained, PVMing or PKing) is strictly prohibited and will result in a Permanent ban for both parties.



Brief explanation: We acknowledge that Account Sharing is allowed in Old School Runescape. While we're not going to stop enforcing the rule, we are however reducing the bans on First Offenders who may be ignorant of the rule. Do keep in mind that we will continue to enforce the rules on those who attempt to gain an unfair advantage over other players via Account Sharing.



Keep up to date with our rules & full list can be found by clicking HERE!





Since the last Newspaper there have been 2 updates. The first update was dropped on 08/10/2018,

and the second update was dropped on 28/10/2018.


The first update consistend of: PVP Armour and weapons, Soul Runecrafting, lunar spells and a few fixes;

The second update consisted of:  The Halloween Event, Alorian capes, donator toggle, Banking QoL and fixes.


Huge thank you to @Omicron for being a beast!



08/10/2018 Patch notes





28/10/2018 Patch Notes:




If you want to check out the entire update list, click HERE!


Once again, huge props to @Omicron :10out10:




Over the last month there have been some changes to the staff team, you can see them below:


Staff updates as of October 3rd and 20th:



Moe has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Loo has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Code 002 has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Scuffed EIM has been promoted to Global Moderator.

M A C K has been promoted to Forum Moderator.

Paine has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Smiv has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Nhk has been promoted to Server Support.
Fe mag3 fe has been promoted to Server Support.
Trade For GP has been promoted to Server Support.



Chase has been demoted from Forum Moderator due to lack of activity.

Epico has been demoted for lack of activity.



Ja ke, better known as Collerkar76 has resigned from Global Moderator due to time constraints.

Raud Flame I has resigned from Server Moderator due to time constraints.

Mob1 has resigned from Server Moderator.

Ramon has resigned from his Global Moderator position.
Kaamea has resigned from his Global Moderator position.
Eim 40a has resigned from his Server Moderator position.


For more info on the Staff updates, click HERE!




I have decided to interview our lovely dyslexic Administrator @hsoJ and the best PVMer in the game's history: @Ragragrag46 ! I hope you enjoy hearing what they had to say.  ^_^ 



Greetings, @hsoJ .



king purple : What is your best memory on Alora ?


hsoJ: The best memory that I have that came from Alora was probably meeting Lowkey or Horror irl. (No homo)



king purple: In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?


hsoJ: A wonder and forgiving place, Kinda like 4chan.



king purple: Who is a celebrity you admire and why?


hsoJ: I'd probably answer with this... Eminem. Because he's the goat and thats relatable.



king purple: How do you manage to get the same number of staff reports as you have forum awards? Whats the key to keep this balance? 


hsoJ: Honestly, its a grind. I try to be the best at everything I do. The record holder is at an unrealistically reachable amount as he was.. yeah. But, I keep balance by working hard and banning my way to the top. I will get there one day!!!!



king purple: Who was (or still is) your celebrity crush?


hsoJ: MADASFUK or Ragragrag46. Next question.



king purple: What is your secret talent most people don't know about?


hsoJ: I am double jointed in all of my fingers?



king purple: What is your favourite pass-time outside of slaving on Alora?


hsoJ: Screaming at sports on my television set while being slightly inebriated with friends.



king purple: What is the most recent thing you've lied about?


hsoJ: I voted Not Hellish for best something on the community awards... :/



hsoJ: I just want to thank you for doing the newspaper this month so there was a 0% chance I would have to. Also, I will remember to unlike the "giveaway" post you use to choose the interviews next time instead of forgetting and ending up where we are now. I hate you.


king purple: Thank you sir....




Next on our list is Ragragrag46!



Greetings, @Ragragrag46 .



king purple: Which is your favorite Quote?


Ragragrag46: "Get rich or die trying", I like it because it represents PKers in any game. They take risks to make bank and if they fail its all gone.



king purple: What is your favorite genre of music?


Ragragrag46: To be honest it depends on what I am doing. Working out probably techno, but, when slapping ironmen I'll listen to Classic, because the PM's I get afterwards makes me want to relax.  :D



king purple: What is your relationship with ironmen at the moment ?


Ragragrag46: Tough question, I like some ironmen because they don't cry after they die in the wilderness, they know it is a dangerous zone. And no matter how many times They tell me " 0 risk sad F***** PKer" I will still hit you, so I'd say I'm alright with some Ironmen.



king purple: Who would you let punch you directly in the face ?


Ragragrag46: This one is easy, Inferno, because he is a bald 5'5 Ankou. (I've known him irl for like 18 years).



king purple: What got you into PVMing, since you are mainly a PKer?


Ragragrag46: To be honest I have never hated pvming, it is fine and fun to do sometimes but I can't see myself logging in to this game to mainly pvm. I get more joy of killing people in wilderness because it takes skill to switch gear + prayers. Raids are good money tho. Ever since I got my scythe after a horrible grind, doing certain bosses is chill and easy so I tought why not.



king purple: What is your favorite thing about Alora?


Ragragrag46: Absolutely the yell where I've gotten my mutes also. It winds up the game if you are bored, and, just overall good content. People take things too seriously and it makes it even better.



king purple: What is your favorite Pass-time outside of Alora?


Ragragrag46: Working out and playing Soccer with my friends.



king purple: What is your biggest fear? 


Ragragrag46: That one day I get so bored I might consider making an ironman.


Thank you for answering these questions, Ragragrag46 !




Have any interview questions you would like to ask any of the staff members?

Don't hesitate to send me or Dante a private message via forums/discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!








The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.

The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place among the staff team


The very final winner of November MOTM is...





Congratulations Noobair You have stood out in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora    :)

Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.


Stay tuned until the next month when voting takes place!











The August Community Awards are out now!

Visit this link to see the results;



Visit this link to take a look at the signatures @Dumbshit made for the winners:







That concludes the end of this newspaper! 

Read our last newspaper by clicking HERE!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 31 October 2018 - 02:48 PM #2

Lord Aizen

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Amazing newspaper per usual! @Hosj is still a noob though.

Need to make him do more he has the magic touch for giveaways :P

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Posted 31 October 2018 - 02:51 PM #3

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l0l ez peeks wins again

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Posted 31 October 2018 - 03:05 PM #4


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haha good insightful answers from big men ragragrag64 and mr admin HosJ will reflect on them as i commit die irl

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Posted 31 October 2018 - 03:09 PM #5

Zach McCoy

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Very nice read, thanks for this months edition @king purple. Btw you put “the very final winner of September’s MOTM is...” instead of October.
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Posted 31 October 2018 - 03:11 PM #6


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Very nice read, thanks for this months edition @king purple. Btw you put “the very final winner of September’s MOTM is...” instead of October.

Gotcha, thank you! :D

KP | One | Horus



Posted 31 October 2018 - 03:12 PM #7


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What a nice interview from Hsoj and our pvmer of the month Rag! Can’t wait to read next months
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Other Accounts: Mhk

Posted 01 November 2018 - 06:43 AM #8


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Good job lads. Pls interview me next month.
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Posted 01 November 2018 - 07:55 AM #9


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Great newspaper king purple! Awesome interviews as well. I'm very impressed with your formatting. You've grown up, son.

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Posted 01 November 2018 - 08:13 AM #10


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Great newspaper king purple! Awesome interviews as well. I'm very impressed with your formatting. You've grown up, son.

Thank you, father dad.  <3

KP | One | Horus



Posted 01 November 2018 - 09:19 AM #11


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I enjoyed reading this newpaper’s interviews, perhaps I’ll get my question in for the next one. ;)
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Signature by Dr Dee Are E

Promoted to Server Support on November 7th, 2018.

Promoted to Server Moderator on January 1st, 2019.

Demoted from Server Moderator on May 10th, 2019.

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Posted 01 November 2018 - 03:00 PM #12

Not Hellish

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Excuse me @hsoJ



What the f? 

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Hellish - Comped Normie

Not Hellish - Maxed EIM

Posted 01 November 2018 - 03:57 PM #13

IM Moe
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Awesome newspaper this month, especially enjoyed the interviews! :D

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