The server was released on November 4th, 2016.
Original Staff Team:
*The original staff team were the first staff members to ever be promoted on Alora. They are usually close friends of the founder and were trusted enough to be Alora's first staff members before the release of the server.*
*Credits: @Setup for the original listing of the Staff History.*
November 2016:
Ikta was promoted to Server Moderator
Volta was promoted to Server Support.
Jupiter was promoted to Server Support.
Tommy was promoted to Server Support.
Azymis was promoted to Server Support.
Jupiter was promoted to Server Moderator.
Formal was promoted to Server Support.
F 8 was promoted to Server Support.
F 8 was promoted to Server Moderator.
Luke was promoted to Server Support.
Art was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Azymis was promoted to Server Moderator.
Tommy has resigned from Server Support.
Beproud was promoted to Server Moderator.
New Zealand was promoted to Server Support.
Iron Senpai was promoted to Server Support.
Formal was demoted from Server Support.
Luke was promoted to Server Moderator.
Scenery was promoted to Server Support.
Scenery was promoted to Server Moderator.
Scotty Dont was promoted to Server Support.
Calvin was promoted to Server Support.
Paradoxy was promoted to Server Support.
Pablo was promoted to Server Moderator.
Python resigned from Administrator.
Badger191 was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Badger191 was promoted to Website Developer.
Super Saiyan resigned from Server Moderator.
Badger191 was demoted from Website Developer.
Delivery was promoted (later demoted) to Forum Moderator.
Thunder was promoted to Server Support.
Ecstasy was promoted to Server Moderator.
December 2016:
Jare was demoted.
Volta was promoted to Server Support.
Strato was promoted to Server Support.
OzScorcher was promoted to Server Support.
Ikta was promoted to Global Moderator.
F 8 was promoted to Global Moderator.
Jupiter was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Calvin was promoted to Server Moderator.
Ikta was promoted to Administrator.
Volta was promoted to Server Moderator.
Sheep was promoted to Server Support.
Demolition was promoted to Server Support.
Otto was promoted to Server Support.
uTorrent was promoted to Server Support.
Caliphate resigned from Global Moderator.
uTorrent was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Strato was promoted to Server Moderator.
Mewtwo was promoted to Server Support.
Jare was promoted to Server Support.
New Zealand was demoted from Server Support.
Lord Senpai was promoted to Server Moderator.
Udead was promoted to Server Support.
Thunder was promoted to Server Moderator.
Udead was promoted to Server Moderator.
Ecstasy resigned from Server Moderator.
January 2017:
Mewtwo was promoted to Server Moderator.
Jare was promoted to Server Moderator.
Mystogan was promoted to Server Support.
OzScorcher resigned from Website Developer/Server Support.
uTorrent resigned from Forum Moderator.
Jupiter resigned from Forum Moderator.
Scotty Dont resigned from Server Support.
F 8 was promoted to Administrator.
uTorrent was promoted to Global Moderator.
Strato was promoted to Global Moderator.
Jare was promoted to Global Moderator.
Volta was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Iron Senpai was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Nick was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Luke resigned from Server Moderator.
Mystogan was promoted to Server Support.
Daltino was promoted to Server Support.
Jace was promoted to Server Support.
Beproud was demoted from Server Moderator.
F 8 resigned from Administrator.
Jare was promoted to Administrator.
Volta resigned from Forum Moderator.
Im Combat 3 was promoted to Server Support.
Nick resigned from Forum Moderator.
Mystogan was promoted to Server Moderator.
Beproud was promoted to Server Support.
Demolition was promoted to Server Moderator.
Thunder was promoted to Server Moderator.
Poor Level 3 was promoted to Server Support.
Udead was demoted from Server Moderator.
Ironman otto was promoted to Server Moderator.
Poor Level 3 was promoted to Server Support.
Diva was promoted to Server Support.
Sux was promoted to Server Support.
Xrapierx was promoted to Server Support.
Flipper was promoted to Server Support.
February 2017:
uTorrent was promoted to Administrator.
Otto was promoted to Global Moderator.
Scenery was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Jackie Nimb was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Sheep was promoted to Server Moderator.
Collerkar76 was promoted to Server Moderator.
Valve was promoted to Server Support.
Calvin resigned from Server Moderator.
F 8 was promoted to Global Moderator.
Demolition was promoted to Forum Moderator.
6ixKid was promoted to Server Support.
Syrinx was promoted to Server Support.
Jedzio was demoted from Server Moderator.
Iron Senpai was demoted from Forum Moderator.
Daltino resigned from Server Support.
Diva was promoted to Server Moderator.
Gigabyte was promoted to Server Support.
Saint Lucia was promoted to Global Moderator.
Chiszle was promoted to Server Support.
Xrapierx was demoted from Server Support.
March 2017:
Haris was promoted to Server Moderator.
Collerkar76 was promoted to Global Moderator.
Iron Senpai was promoted to Forum Moderator.
3rdage was promoted to Server Support.
Valve resigned from Server Support.
Beproud resigned from Server Moderator.
Syrinx was demoted from Server Support.
Ikta resigned from Administrator.
Demolition resigned from Server Moderator.
Korea was promoted to Server Moderator.
Iron Flee
was promoted to Server Support.
Otto was promoted to Administrator.
Haris was promoted to Global Moderator.
Mewtwo was promoted to Global Moderator.
Iron Sux was promoted to Server Moderator.
Flexicution was promoted to Server Support.
Iron Senpai was demoted from Forum Moderator.
6ixKid was promoted to Server Moderator.
3rdage was promoted to Server Moderator.
Error was promoted to Server Moderator.
Picaluga was promoted to Server Support.
Miss Sara was promoted to Server Support.
Iron Flee
resigned from Server Support.
Korea resigned from Server Moderator.
Flipper resigned from Server Support.
Diva was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Gigabyte was demoted from Server Support.
Poor Level 3 resigned from Server Support.
Chiszle was demoted from Server Support.
Syntax was promoted to Server Support.
Chiszle was promoted to Server Support.
Twist bows was promoted to Server Support.
Cam Only was promoted to Server Support.
April 2017:
Ikta was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Mystogan was demoted from Server Moderator.
3rdage was demoted from Server Moderator.
Picaluga was demoted from Server Support.
Otto resigned from Administrator.
3rdage was promoted to Server Support.
Conor was promoted to Server Support.
Error was promoted to Global Moderator.
Miss Sara was promoted to Server Moderator.
Otto was promoted to Administrator.
Haris was promoted to Administrator.
uTorrent was promoted to Event Manager.
Debts resigned from Server Support.
Flexicution resigned from Server Support.
Twist bows was promoted to Server Moderator.
Iron Colotic was promoted to Server Support.
Syntax was promoted to Server Moderator.
Chiszle was demoted from Server Support.
Diva resigned from Forum Moderator.
Colotic Jr was promoted to Server Support.
Cam Only resigned from Server Support.
May 2017:
James was promoted to Server Moderator.
Ramon was promoted to Server Support.
Mewtwo resigned from Global Moderator.
Otto was demoted from Administrator.
Jackie Nimb was demoted from Forum Moderator.
3rdage was promoted to Server Moderator.
Iron Divine was promoted to Server Support.
Monaco was promoted to Server Support.
Lapis Lazuli was promoted to Server Support.
Sheep was promoted to Forum Moderator
Jare resigned from Administrator.
James resigned from Server Moderator.
Conor was demoted from Server Support.
casual was promoted to Server Support.
Iron Colotic resigned from Server Support.
Messy was demoted from Server Support.
Cam Only was demoted from Server Support.
casual was promoted to Server Moderator.
L E O N was promoted to Server Support.
I just can was promoted to Server Support.
Tabor was promoted to Server Support.
Freezed was promoted to Server Support.
Cuddeh was promoted to Server Support.
Twist bows was promoted to Server Moderator.
Saint Lucia resigned from Global Moderator.
June 2017:
Error was promoted to Administrator.
Mewtwo was promoted to Server Moderator.
Ramon was promoted to Server Moderator.
6ixKid resigned from Server Moderator.
Scenery was demoted from Forum Moderator.
Sheep was promoted to Global Moderator.
Lapis Lazuli was promoted to Server Moderator.
Kenpachi was promoted to Server Support.
Collerkar76 resigned from Global Moderator.
Iron Divine was promoted to Server Moderator.
Perspicacity was promoted to Server Support.
King was promoted to Server Support.
Postimees was promoted to Server Support.
Poor Level 3 was promoted to Server Support.
I just can was demoted from Server Support.
Diva was promoted to Forum Moderator.
Tabor was demoted from Server Support
L E O N was demoted from Server Support.
Twist bows was promoted to Global Moderator.
Cuddeh was promoted to Server Moderator.
Thorru was promoted to Server Support.
July 2017:
Jare was promoted to Administrator.
King was promoted to Server Moderator.
3rdage resigned from Server Moderator.
Lapis Lazuli resigned from Server Moderator.
Hexza was promoted to Server Support.
August 2017:
Lapis Lazuli has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Postimees has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Algalon has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
Collerkar76 has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Jare resigned from Administrator.
Iron Divine resigned from Server Moderator.
Mtam has been promoted to Server Support.
Monaco has been promoted to Server Moderator.
King has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Lowkey resigned from Administrator.
Sheep resigned from Global Moderator.
Volta has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Thunk has been promoted to Server Support.
King has resigned from Global Moderator.
Monaco has resigned from Server Moderator.
Lapis Lazuli has been demoted from Server Moderator.
Miss Sara has been demoted from Server Moderator.
Yin has been promoted to Server Support.
Cuddeh resigned from Server Moderator.
casual resigned from Server Moderator.
Hexza was demoted from Server Support.
The Kenpachi has been promoted to Sever Support.
Diva has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Thorr2 has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Prague has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Cuddeh has been promoted to Server Support.
Twist bows has been demoted from Global Moderator.
September 2017:
Ryuu has been promoted to Server Support.
Ikta has resigned from Forum Moderator.
Mtam has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Ramon has returned as a Server Moderator.
Iron Dejay has been promoted to Server Support.
Scenery has been promoted to Server Support.
F 8 has resigned from Global Moderator.
Sheep has resigned from Global Moderator.
Classicals has been promoted to Server Moderator.
2 swords (Syntax) has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Diva has been promoted to Administrator.
Chase has been promoted to Server Support.
ClassicMax has been promoted to Server Support.
Cuddeh has resigned from Server Support.
October 2017:
November 2017:
D Scimmy has been promoted to Server Support.
Wreckage has been promoted to Server Support.
Dante has been promoted to Server Support.
Lowkey has returned as Administrator.
Haris has resigned from Administrator.
Volta has resigned from Server Moderator.
uTorrent has resigned from Event Manager.
uTorrent has returned as Event Manager.
Collerkar76 has been promoted to Administrator.
Ramon has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
Sheep has returned as Server Moderator.
Iron Dejay has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Dante has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Ryuu has returned as Server Support.
Algalon has resigned from Forum Moderator.
Mtam has resigned from Server Moderator.
Haris has returned as Head Administrator.
F 8 has returned as Server Moderator.
Thunk has been promoted to Server Moderator.
casual has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Chase has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
2 swords has resigned from Global Moderator.
ClassicMax has been demoted.
Thorr2 has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Blank has resigned from Community Manager.
Elvemage has returned as Server Support.
Poor Level 3 has returned as Server Support.
Doctor Drew has been promoted to Server Support.
December 2017:
Ryuu has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Nick has returned to Server Support.
Iron Dejay has temp resigned due to college.
Sheep has been promoted to Global Moderator
Error has resigned from his administrator position.
Wreckage has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Collerkar76 has resigned from Administrator.
D Scimmy has resigned due to personal reasons.
Chase has been promoted to Official GFX Designer.
Classicals has temp resigned due to personal reasons.
Elvemage has been promoted to Server Moderator
Hondenei has been promoted to Server Support
Hexza has been promoted to Server Support.
HC Proxy has been promoted to Server Support.
January 2018:
Ryuu has temp. resigned from Server Moderator due to personal matters.
Mewtwo has been promoted to Administrator.
Dante has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Nick has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Salter has been promoted to Server Support.
Lord of Rats has returned as Server Moderator.
Savitr has been promoted to Server Support.
Classic Hxza has resigned from Server Support due to personal matters.
HC Proxyhas been promoted to Server Moderator.
Hondeneihas been promoted to Server Moderator.
king purplehas been promoted to Server Support.
casual has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Savitr has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Classic dew has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Coww has been promoted to Server Support.
Lord of Rats has resigned from Server Moderator.
February 2018:
Hot Cakes has been promoted to Administrator.
F 8 has transferred to Forum Moderator.
Ramon has resigned from his Forum Moderator position
Salter has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Endeavor has resigned from his Server Moderator position.
Scenery has been demoted and banned for his involvement in an exploit earlier this week.
Flowers has been promoted to Server Support.
Yuichi btw has been promoted to Server Support.
Pkdealer has been promoted to Server Support.
Watch Hentai has been promoted to Server Support.
Thorr2 has been promoted to Administrator.
Hellish has been promoted to Server Support.
Diva has been demoted from Administrator for abuse of powers.
Yuichi btw has been demoted & banned for scamming.
Elvemage jr has been demoted & banned for scamming.
Dr Drew has temp resigned due to personal issues
king purple has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Another Cow has been promoted to Server Moderator.
March 2018:
Collerkar76 has returned as a Global Moderator.
Otto has returned as Server Support.
Historia has been promoted to Server Support.
Nick has resigned from Server Moderator.
Salter has been promoted to Global Moderator.
HCIM Ultima has been promoted to Server Support.
Pkdealer has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Cl hellish has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Marushin has been promoted to Server Support.
Chase Has temp. resigned from Forum Moderator.
Pproxy has resigned from Server Moderator.
casual has been demoted from Global Moderator.
Dr Drew has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Another Cow has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
Savitr has resigned from Server Moderator for personal reasons.
Flowers has resigned from Server Support for personal reasons.
Watch Hentai has been demoted from Server Support for lack of activity/interest within the staff team.
April 2018:
F 8 has been promoted to Event Manager.
Jare has returned to the Staff Team as Event Manager.
Algalon has returned to the Staff Team as Forum Moderator.
Tyanx has been promoted to Server Support.
uTorrent has resigned from Event Manager.
Otto has resigned from Server Support due to personal reasons.
Mewtwo has resigned from Administrator.
Historia has resigned from Server Support.
Classic gain has been promoted to Server Support
Draisaitl has been promoted to Server Support
Elite Ultima has been promoted to Server Moderator.
hsoJ has been promoted to Server Support.
Dr Drew has resigned from Global Moderator.
Cl hellish has temp. resigned from Server Moderator due to exams.
May 2018:
Dante has been promoted to Administrator.
NOT HUMAN has been promoted to Server Support.
Sheep has been promoted to Administrator.
Endeavor has returned to the Staff Team as Forum Moderator.
Haris has resigned from Administrator.
Tyanx has been promoted to Server Moderator.
has been promoted to Server Support.
Salter has been promoted to Administrator.
Jare has been demoted to Administrator.
Dutchie has been promoted to Server Support.
Jake M has been promoted to Server Support.
Ramon has returned to the Staff Team as Server Support.
Hot Cakes has resigned from Administrator.
king purple has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Another Cow has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Draisaitl has been promoted to Server Moderator.
hsoJ has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Kaamea has been promoted to Server Support.
EIM Hentai has been promoted to Server Support.
Thorr2 has resigned from Administrator.
Hondenei has resigned from Server Moderator.
To gain has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Marushin has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Pkdealer has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Draisaitl has been promoted to Global Moderator.
hsoJ has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Kaamea has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Another Cow has resigned from Global Moderator.
June 2018
Dutchie has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Ramon has been promoted to Server Moderator.
NOT HUMAN has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Endeavor has swapped to Server Moderator.
Tyanx has resigned from Server Moderator.
has been demoted for abusive behavior.
EIM Hentai has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Kaamea has swapped to Forum Moderator.
Crowley has been promoted to Server Support.
Vexxed has been promoted to Server Support.
Pkdealer has been banned and demoted for Power Abuse.
To gain has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Hellish has returned to the team as Server Moderator.
Eim 40a has been promoted to Server Support.
Mors has been promoted to Server Support.
EIM Systemic has been promoted to Server Support.
July 2018:
Shamrock has been promoted to Server Support.
Algalon has been demoted from Forum Moderator.
Jake M has resigned from Server Support .
Mob has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Smiv has been promoted to Server Support.
Dutchie has resigned from Server Moderator.
NOT HUMAN has resigned from Server Moderator.
Endeavor has resigned from Server Moderator.
king purple has been promoted to Event Manager
EIM Chong has been promoted to Server Support.
Vexxed has been demoted from Server Support.
EIM Systemic has resigned from Server Support.
Not Hellish was promoted to Global Moderator.
EIM Chong has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Raud Flame I has been promoted to Server Support.
Ulsa has been promoted to Server Support.
Elite Ultima has resigned from Server Support.
EIM Hentai has been demoted from Server Moderator to Server Support.
Marushin has been demoted from Server Support.
Mors has been demoted from Server Support.
August 2018
Ramon has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
Mob has been promoted to Server Moderator (again).
Loo has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Shamrock has been demoted from Server Support.
Smiv has been demoted from Server Support.
Jare has resigned from Administrator.
F 8 has resigned from Event Manager.
Iron Foxit has been promoted to Server Support.
Epico has been promoted to Server Support.
Iron Foxit has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Code 002 has been promoted to Server Support.
Smiv has been promoted to Server Support.
Kaamea has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Moe has returned to Server Moderator.
Mors has been promoted to Server Support (again).
iron aritus has been promoted to Server Support.
Eim 40a has been demoted from Server Support.
Draisaitl has been promoted to Administrator.
hsoJ has been promoted to Administrator.
Raud Flame I has been promoted to Server Moderator.
iron aritus has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Eim 40a has been promoted to Server Support (again).
M A C K has been promoted to Server Support.
EIM 1gp has been promoted to Server Support.
Ulsa has been demoted from Server Support.
Mors has been demoted from Server Support.
September 2018
Ramon has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Scuffed EIM has been promoted to Server Support.
Code 002 has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Paine has been promoted to Server Support.
Scuffed EIM has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Zach McCoy has been promoted to Server Support.
Chase has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
Moe has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
EIM Hentai has resigned from Server Support.
M A C K has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Eim 40a has been promoted to Server Moderator.
EIM 1gp has been promoted to Server Moderator.