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PS4 games (how would you compare BO4 to other CoDs)

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Posted 14 October 2018 - 09:16 AM #1

Iron Gurt

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If you were to compare Black Ops 4 on PlayStation to other Call of Dutys what would closely relate to it in terms of overall gameplay. I'm wanting to know because I'd like to buy it, but I want to know as much as I can before I just buy another Call of Duty game. World War 2 was a huge mistake to purchase, which is why I'm asking before I make that same mistake.


Anyone play Dead by Daylight? Notice how bad the lag can be sometimes or is it just me? Also why is it the killers are so OP over the survivors; I feel like they need to make some adjustments there. So many things that could be changed for both sides.


Battlefield V(5) did you play the beta, what did you think of it? Think it'll just be another Battlefield 1? Looks good, but unsure..

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Posted 14 October 2018 - 09:27 AM #2

Zach McCoy

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I haven’t played it yet, but from what my friends tell me it’s very similar to Black Ops 3 is and the blackout mode makes it worth it.



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Posted 14 October 2018 - 10:28 AM #3

EIM Hentai
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I didnt play it either but my friends told me they just bought it for the battle royal mode and say its totaly worth it if u like BR.

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 17 October 2018 - 12:59 AM #4


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killed this game from mw1 to bo2 and bo4 is a great game but im just tired of this call of duty genre and these days every body is a hippidy hip hop e-sports mlg aderal taking gfuel drinking jumpshotting headglitching spawntrapping 14 year old so yeah not my cup of tea anymore


games are much more enjoyable when everybody is shit at it just like fortnite, played season 1,2 had a blast, best game ever, but then everybody put on their turbo build builder pro with the bob the builder skin and i just fucking hate it now

"another bf1" bruhh ill play 10 bf1 remakes if thats what they do


call of if u wanna fast paced game with the spawn traps and all of that but bf1 if u want a war game with good scenery and accurate to the history books bf1 is just amazing the graphics, the maps, the scenery on the battlefield, man battlefield have really improved from bf4 and hardline

Posted 17 October 2018 - 08:09 AM #5

IM Moe
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@ Vados I think in every game these days you will have a lot of great players, cheating players, etc. You just didn't notice it as much when you were younger. :P 

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Posted 17 October 2018 - 12:22 PM #6

Iron Gurt

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The greatest game of all time was MAG. The main reason I say that is because of the massive 256 players in a game option, huge maps, vehicles, spawning wasn't instant or long, and just overall great game. The graphics weren't the greatest, but it was thee greatest game I have ever played meaning enjoyable fun was very similar to Battlefield. 

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Posted 14 December 2018 - 03:33 PM #7


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Did you end up buying this? I believe black ops 4 reminds me a lot of black ops 3 in regards to graphics/smooth gameplay. I absolutely love this game especially with the new Health system and that you now need to regenerate your health with the stim shot.

Blackout is an awesome mode even though it did copy the fortnite and pubg type of gameplay it’s still an awesome game
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Posted 26 December 2018 - 03:21 PM #8


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I play on both i like ps4 more i feel its faster i was alwasy a 360 fanboy but i switched to ps4


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