7. Account Sharing
An account should be used by one person only. There are no cases or circumstances where another person is allowed to play on your account. This goes for all types of accounts whether it is a level 3 scout for the wilderness, a shared account people used to Teleblock other players, or an account you would share with a friend. There is absolutely zero tolerance for account sharing in any way, shape, or form and people will be punished with a Permanent ban for both parties.
• a. Any attempt to give an account away will not be tolerated on Alora. Offenders will receive a Permanent ban on the account being given away.
Account sharing: We've changed our stance to now allow account sharing. We say this firmly with no exceptions; If you are hacked by a friend or anyone that YOU allow onto your account, it is all on you. We hold no responsibility for hacked accounts due to account sharing. This also applies if your account is breaking rules. If you allow someone onto your account and they get your account punished, the punishments will stick.
• a. Buying/Selling (even if free) any type of service for an account is prohibited ex: Inferno cape service. First offenders will receive a 7-day ban with a wipe of the cape and GP used to make this exchange, the second offence will result in a Permanent ban.
• b. Any attempt to give an account away will not be tolerated on Alora. Offenders will receive a Permanent ban on the account being given away.

Patch notes:
- Theatre of blood passages fixed
- Blast Furnace updates:
- All bars can now be smelted in the Blast Furnace (fixes Gold, Steel, Iron)
- Maximum amount of time you can buy in 1 shot for the Blast Furnace is 5 hours (to avoid people spending their entire cash stack)
- Ironman/Classic/Elite were unable to see ‘global’ items such as Snape grass spawns following the previous update. This has been fixed.
- “Stomp” emote would not work in certain areas, giving the “You cannot use this emote in the wilderness” error message. This should no longer occur outside of the wilderness.
- A warning message will now be given upon login to players using an outdated client. Anyone using a client from August or prior to will not be able to play Alora after October 9th, so we strongly urge you to get the latest client if you see this error message.
Hello everyone,
Today’s update is slightly delayed as I had to work on our security extensively this month. Now that I feel comfortable with the current state of things in terms of security, we can get back to the frequent updates :) This update is packed with many QOL updates, as well as some content which many of you will find useful such as the Blast Furnace. We’ve also managed to squeeze in some bug fixes, as well as some other cool things such as the metamorphosis Raids 1 pet and auto-looting coins with the Ring of wealth.
Please note that some of these updates (particularly the bug fixes) may have already been applied in-game, but were not yet included in an update thread.
- Server:
- Ladder/Staircase changes:
- When using a ladder or staircase on Alora, you would previously be delayed 1 tick (0.6s) while you perform the animation.
- This has been removed, and you will instantly use the staircase or ladder, similar to on OSRS.
- When using a ladder or staircase on Alora, you would previously be delayed 1 tick (0.6s) while you perform the animation.
- Crafting guild fixes/changes:
- The Crafting guild had many weird looking objects such as stalagmites, ice columns, etc that did not belong there. This map has been fixed entirely.
- With the above fix, the following has changed:
- More ores (particularly gold ores) can be mined.
- A staircase to go upstairs to multiple Spinning wheels is now available.
- Paul right-click trade:
- We know how much some of you loved navigating through Paul’s dialogue to get to the Ironman shop, but unfortunately we’ve decided to add a right-click “Trade” option to speed things up for the rest of us!
- Barrows change:
- The dig radius around mounds has been increased.
- Music cape emote:
- The Music cape emote, “Air Guitar” has now been added.
- Theatre of Blood fixes:
- Sotetseg’s projectile attacks that disable prayer were disabling it too early — upon performing his animation, not upon the projectile landing on you. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a problem with prayer icon not turning off (Chivalry)
- Fixed an issue which blocked you from attacking some of the spiders in the Nylocas wave.
- Rejuvenation pool update (in POH):
- Rejuvenation pools can now be used to restore your health, special attack, run energy, prayer and cure poison with only half the usual delay provided that you have not been in PvP combat within the last 3 minutes.
- This does not apply to the rejuvenation pool at home, but only to the ones location in player-owned-houses.
- Rejuvenation pools can now be used to restore your health, special attack, run energy, prayer and cure poison with only half the usual delay provided that you have not been in PvP combat within the last 3 minutes.
- Blast Furnace:
- The Blast Furnace is now accessible! It can be reached through the Minigames section of the Teleport Wizard’s menu.
- How does it work?
- The Blast Furnace allows you to smelt bars while only using half the required amount of coal, while still receiving full experience.
- Ores are deposited onto the conveyor belt, and then smelted within seconds.
- You can collect your bars from the dispenser, which may be cooled down with a bucket of water.
- You can optionally use Ice gloves to collect your bars rather than cooling down the dispenser.
- There is a bank chest very close to the furnace.
- Cost:
- The cost to smelt your bars in the furnace is 480k GP per hour. You can pay this fee to Ordan every hour, or pay him for many hours at once. This is to cover the labor of the 5 dwarves who run the machinery. You may find these dwarves’ names familiar. If your time runs out, you will not be able to deposit any more ores onto the conveyor.
- You will be notified of your time remaining in the Blast Furnace periodically, and notified when your time runs out.
- The cost to smelt your bars in the furnace is 480k GP per hour. You can pay this fee to Ordan every hour, or pay him for many hours at once. This is to cover the labor of the 5 dwarves who run the machinery. You may find these dwarves’ names familiar. If your time runs out, you will not be able to deposit any more ores onto the conveyor.
- Notes:
- You can store up to 200 ores in the melting pot.
- If you logout, any ores or bars within the machinery will be lost.
- How does it work?
- The Blast Furnace is now accessible! It can be reached through the Minigames section of the Teleport Wizard’s menu.
- Ice gloves:
- These gloves, which allow you to collect bars from the Blast Furnace without needing to use a bucket of water, can be purchased from the Loyalty Point store for 50k points.
- Buckets of water:
- Buckets of water (used in the Blast furnace) can now be created:
- Empty buckets can be purchased in the General/Ironman/Classic shops, and can be filled at any water source.
- There is also a bucket spawn at the Blast furnace.
- Empty buckets can be purchased in the General/Ironman/Classic shops, and can be filled at any water source.
- Buckets of water (used in the Blast furnace) can now be created:
- Ladder/Staircase changes:
- Chambers of Xeric reward update:
- A new reward has been added to Raids 1: Metamorphic Dust!
- This item can be used on an existing Raids 1 pet (Olmlet or Vanguard) to give your pet the ability to morph between 6 different Raids pets:
- Olmlet, Mini Vanguard, Vasa Minirio, Tektiny, Vespina and the Puppadile!
- Previously, there were only 2 pets that you could get (separately) through the raid, the Olmlet and Vanguard. These pets still function as usual, and are both still rewards from raids. The Vanguard can also be purchased in the donation shop. Note that the Metamorphic dust can be used on either of them to get the same final result (morphing pet).
- This item can be used on an existing Raids 1 pet (Olmlet or Vanguard) to give your pet the ability to morph between 6 different Raids pets:
- How do I obtain it?
- The Metamorphic dust can be obtained through the Chambers of Xeric if you’re lucky, with the drop rate being 1/400 as long as you complete the dungeon within average time and points.
- This roll is completely separate from the usual drop table, so it will not affect your chances of obtaining other loot.
- The Metamorphic dust can be obtained through the Chambers of Xeric if you’re lucky, with the drop rate being 1/400 as long as you complete the dungeon within average time and points.
- A new reward has been added to Raids 1: Metamorphic Dust!
- Ring of wealth update:
- The Ring of wealth (and it’s imbued version) can now optionally auto-loot your coins and tokkul from slain enemies! You can toggle this setting by right-clicking either ring and selecting the “Features” option.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes:
- Barbarian icons (defender, attack, healer, collector) will now be worn in the glove slot rather than the cape slot, allowing you to wear a cape while having an icon equipped.
- Justiciar armour requirements fixed (75 defence)
- Pathfinding bug:
- Fixed a major bug which allowed players to interact with objects/npcs/etc even though they were not close enough. For example, if you somehow could stop your movement forcefully (being frozen in combat or by other means) you could enter a cave from many steps away.
- General
- Further improvements have been made to our protection systems for DDoS attacks. We were hit with some attacks just over a week ago and did experience bouts of lag, but the server never fully crashed which is a great sign, and the attacks were mitigated relatively quickly. We’ve made even more changes to improve our firewall, and we’ll continue monitoring and improving our systems as required.
- We've also improved our stability and are able to have longer uptime without lag as many of you have likely noticed :)
- Store:
- Pet booster price reduced to 10 tokens from 15 to more accurately reflect its value.
- Forum:
- Elitist: Maxed Elite Ironman award
Many thanks to Omicron for all of these updates and fixes!
Over the last month we have have had some changes to the staff team. The changes are listed below:
Staff changes: 9/09/2018, 9/17/2018, and 9/23/2018.
Chase has returned as Forum Moderator.
Moe has been promoted to Forum Moderator.
M A C K has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Eim 40a has been promoted to Server Moderator.
EIM 1gp has been promoted to Server Moderator.
has changed their name to
Raud Flame I has resigned from Server Moderator.
EIM Hentai has resigned from Server Support.
For more info on the Staff updates, click HERE!
I have decided to interview two more people this newspaper, the first being
Thank you for taking the time to answer those questions
Next on our list is Smiv!
Have any interview questions you would like to ask any of the staff members?
Don't hesitate to send Dante a private message via forums/discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!
The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.
The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place among the staff team
The very final winner of September MOTM is...
Stay tuned until the next month when voting takes place!
The September Community Awards are out now!
Visit this link to see the results;
That concludes the end of this newspaper!
Read our last newspaper by clicking HERE!