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[September] Community Awards

September community awards

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47 replies to this topic

Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:29 AM #1


Posts: 1,356
Likes: 3,978
Clan: ICE
Location: Portugal

  •  Member since:
    17 Sep 2017

    • Time spent:
      229d 12h 48m 38s

  •  Previous username:
    King purple

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found


Hello Alorians and welcome to the 2018 September Community Awards!


You can view the August Community Awards Result here.


I'd be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes and vote for your nominations in the September Community awards!


This thread will be up until 9/25, don't miss your chance to vote!

Good luck!  




1) Guest Accounts will not have their votes counted!

2) You must fill out the entire template provided below. If you do not have anyone to vote for please leave it blank instead of completely removing the award. This helps myself not become confused when counting votes.

3) You may NOT vote for yourself.

4) You CANNOT vote for the same person more than 6 times.

5) Any troll posts will be removed and the poster will be infracted.

6) No buying/selling or asking for votes.


Any breached rule will result in a disqualification.






Please fill out the entire template.





Best Admin:


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator:


Best Event Manager:


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:


Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game:


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly:


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:


Best Raider:


Best Skiller:


Best Clan:


Best Ironman:


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:




Good luck!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:35 AM #2


Posts: 1,286
Likes: 2,946

  •  Member since:
    01 Oct 2016

    • Time spent:
      248d 5h 42m 7s

  •  Previous username:
    Kaamea 22

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found
Best Admin: hsoJ
Best Global Moderator: Not Hellish
Best Forum Moderator: Moe
Best Server Moderator: Loo
Best Event Manager: king purple
Best Server Support: EIM 1gp
Most active on Discord: Not Hellish
Most active In-game: Ramon
Most active on Forums: Sheep
Most Respected: Xuf
Most Potential Promotion: EIM 1gp
Funniest Staff Member: Ja ke
Overall Best Staff Member: Salter
Most Active on Forums: Irvo
Most Active on Discord: Paradoxy
Most Wealthy: ProxyBamf
Most Addicted to Gambling: ProxyBamf
Most Friendly: Elsa
Most Respected: Otto
Coolest Veteran: Hot Cakes
Best Helper: Zach McCoy
Best Hybrid: MADASFUK
Best NH Pker: Horror
Best PvMer: Extremedanny
Best Raider: classic arkz
Best Skiller: Doctor Drew
Best Ironman: Hc adex
Best Hardcore Ironman: 2275
Best Ultimate Ironman: Diseased
Best Elite Ironman:Noobair
Best Classic Player: 908
Best GFX Designer: Chase
Best Youtuber: Jare
Best Streamer: Lowkey
Top Overall: Algalon

Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:35 AM #3

IM Moe
Master Donator

IM Moe
Posts: 1,291
Likes: 1,396
Clan: fbi office

  •  Member since:
    14 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      44d 20h 52m 28s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Admin: @hsoJ/@Draisaitl


Best Global Moderator: @Not Hellish/@Kaamea/@Ja ke


Best Forum Moderator: @Chase


Best Server Moderator: @Iron Foxit/@Loo (they are all amazing 2many to pick from) 


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Scuffed EIM


Most active on Discord: @Lowkey


Most active In-game: @hsoJ


Most active on Forums: @Xuf


Most Respected: @Salter/@Xuf


Most Potential Promotion: @Scuffed EIM


Funniest Staff Member: @Kaamea/@To gain


Overall Best Staff Member: @Sheep




Most Active In-game: @classic arkz


Most Active on Forums: @Zach McCoy


Most Active on Discord: @Unknown


Most Active Overall: @Omicron


Most Wealthy: @ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling: @ProxyBamf


Most Friendly: @Elsa


Most Respected: @Jare


Coolest Veteran: @Hot Cakes


Best Helper: @Zach McCoy


Best Edgeville Pker: @Jare


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Extremedanny


Best Raider: @classic arkz


Best Skiller: @My Love


Best Clan: #PEEKS


Best Ironman: @Hc adex


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Thunk Lives


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: @Eim 40a


Best Classic Player: @classic arkz


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit/@Chase


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Omicron

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Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:41 AM #4

Not Hellish

Not Hellish
Posts: 250
Likes: 581
Clan: #ICE
Location: ;;jail

  •  Member since:
    09 May 2018

    • Time spent:
      54d 11h 22m 14s

  •  Total level:

  •  2 bugs found



Best Admin: @Salter @hsoJ @Draisaitl


Best Global Moderator: @Kaamea / @to gain


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Raud Flame I


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Scuffed EIM


Most active on Discord: 


Most active In-game: @EIM 1gp


Most active on Forums: @Moe


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Scuffed EIM


Funniest Staff Member: @Scuffed EIM


Overall Best Staff Member: @Draisaitl






Most Active In-game: Not vuqe


Most Active on Forums: -


Most Active on Discord: -


Most Active Overall:-


Most Wealthy: @ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling: -


Most Friendly: @Trailer Park


Most Respected: @Horror


Coolest Veteran: @Hot Cakes


Best Helper: @40a 


Best Edgeville Pker: -


Best Hybrid: -


Best NH Pker: @Babadukas 


Best PvMer: @Babadukas


Best Raider: @Babadukas


Best Skiller: @Solo Elite


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman: A what


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: -


Best Classic Player: - 


Best GFX Designer: @Chase


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Babadukas

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Hellish - Comped Normie

Not Hellish - Maxed EIM

Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:49 AM #5


Posts: 314
Likes: 483
Clan: #Phereus
Location: Sweden

  •  Member since:
    05 Feb 2018

    • Time spent:
      68d 8h 12m 53s

  •  Previous username:
    Classic Arkz

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Admin: @Salter


Best Global Moderator: @Ramon


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @iron aritus


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Paine


Most active on Discord: @Moe


Most active In-game: @EIM 1gp


Most active on Forums: @Moe


Most Respected: @Loo


Most Potential Promotion: @Paine


Funniest Staff Member: @Loo


Overall Best Staff Member: @Salter






Most Active In-game: @Nhk


Most Active on Forums: @Zach McCoy


Most Active on Discord: @Nhk


Most Active Overall: @Iron Redius


Most Wealthy: @rafffstaa


Most Addicted to Gambling: @rafffstaa


Most Friendly: @ classic joke


Most Respected: @ classic joke


Coolest Veteran: @Elsa


Best Helper: @Thunk


Best Edgeville Pker: @Loo


Best Hybrid: @Horror


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Hc Adex


Best Raider: @Iron Redius


Best Skiller: @iron aritus


Best Clan: #Phereus


Best Ironman: @Hc Adex


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Thunk Lives


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: 


Best Classic Player: @Equalized


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Jare


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Elsa

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Click the banner if you're interested in joining #1 PvM Clan on Alora!

Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:50 AM #6

EIM 1gp

EIM 1gp
Posts: 283
Likes: 596
Clan: ?
Location: Dark space

  •  Member since:
    17 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      75d 4h 49m 22s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Admin: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: @Kaamea


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Raud Flame I


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Scuffed EIM


Most active on Discord: @Loo


Most active In-game: @Not Hellish


Most active on Forums: @Kaamea


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @iron aritus


Funniest Staff Member: @Mob


Overall Best Staff Member: All equally bad.






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: @EIM Almighty


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy: @ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @EIM Ninja


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran: @EIM Hentai


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: @Inferno




Best PvMer: @Raud Flame I


Best Raider: @classic arkz


Best Skiller: @Loo


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Jare


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Babadukas

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Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:56 AM #7


Posts: 313
Likes: 1,635
Location: Gfx's basement

  •  Member since:
    13 Jul 2017

    • Time spent:
      171d 10h 5m 18s

  •  Total level:



Best Admin: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: @Kaamea


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Raud Flame I


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Scuffed EIM


Most active on Discord: @Not Hellish


Most active In-game: @Ramon


Most active on Forums: @Xuf


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Scuffed EIM


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Ramon






Most Active In-game: @Nhk


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: @Irvo


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy: @ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling: @ProxyBamf


Most Friendly:


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper: @EIM Almighty


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid: 


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Hc adex


Best Raider: @Hc adex


Best Skiller:


Best Clan: @Phereus


Best Ironman: @Hc adex


Best Hardcore Ironman: 


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: 


Best Classic Player: @classic arkz


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Jare


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall:

Posted Image

Promoted to Server Support on 09/16/2018

Promoted to Server Moderator on 10/03/2018

Promoted to Forum Moderator on 11/25/2018
Promoted to Global Moderator on 1/6/2019

Promoted to Event Manager on 8/2/2019

Resigned from Event Manager on 10/25/2019

Returned as Server Moderator on 02/16/2020

Promoted to Global Moderator on 02/25/2020

Resigned from Global Moderator on 04/07/2020

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Community Awards


Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:58 AM #8


Posts: 197
Likes: 1,463
Clan: #Peeks

  •  Member since:
    21 Jul 2017

    • Time spent:
      160d 8h 54m 46s

  •  Total level:



Best Admin: @Salter


Best Global Moderator: @Kaamea


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Iron Foxit


Best Event Manager: @king purple (Hard choice..)


Best Server Support: @EIM 1gp


Most active on Discord: @Kaamea


Most active In-game: @Not Hellish


Most active on Forums: @Kaamea


Most Respected: @Salter


Most Potential Promotion: @EIM 1gp


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Salter






Most Active In-game: @Ragragrag46


Most Active on Forums: @Horror


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: @Horror


Most Wealthy: @ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling: @ProxyBamf


Most Friendly: @Trailer Park


Most Respected: @Horror


Coolest Veteran: @Horror


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker: @Ragragrag46


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK


Best NH Pker: @Jonttu420




Best Raider: @Ragragrag46


Best Skiller: @Jonttu420


Best Clan: #Peeks


Best Ironman: @Not Salter


Best Hardcore Ironman: @200m dancing


Best Ultimate Ironman: ?


Best Elite Ironman: @Code 002


Best Classic Player: ?


Best GFX Designer: @Chase


Best Youtuber: @Inferno


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Horror

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Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:03 AM #9

Scuffed EIM

Scuffed EIM
Posts: 36
Likes: 231

  •  Member since:
    16 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      31d 18h 53m 3s

  •  Total level:



Best Admin: king purple


Best Global Moderator: Not Hellish


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: Code 002


Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Server Support: EIM 1gp


Most active on Discord: Not Hellish


Most active In-game: @Draisaitl


Most active on Forums: @Kaamea


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Smiv


Funniest Staff Member: Not Hellish


Overall Best Staff Member: king purple






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums: @Loo


Most Active on Discord: @Marushin


Most Active Overall: @Babadukas


Most Wealthy: @ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling: @ProxyBamf


Most Friendly: @Vuqe


Most Respected: king purple


Coolest Veteran: @Horror


Best Helper: @Noobair


Best Edgeville Pker: king purple


Best Hybrid: @Mob


Best NH Pker: @Vuqe


Best PvMer: @Draisaitl


Best Raider: @Draisaitl


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: @Hc Adex


Best Hardcore Ironman: @EmmaWatson


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Nacyto


Best Elite Ironman: @Not Hellish


Best Classic Player: @Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @Babadukas 

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Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:13 AM #10

EIM Skoots
Elite Ironman

EIM Skoots
Posts: 27
Likes: 18
Location: Illinois

  •  Member since:
    03 Jul 2018

    • Time spent:
      12d 12h 49m 20s

  •  Total level:

Best Admin: @Xuf


Best Global Moderator: @Ramon


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @M A C K


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Smiv


Most active on Discord: 


Most active In-game: @Loo


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: @M A C K


Most Potential Promotion:  @Smiv


Funniest Staff Member: @to gain


Overall Best Staff Member: @king purple






Most Active In-game: @80s iron


Most Active on Forums: @Irvo


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: @Elysian450


Most Wealthy: @80s iron


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Acid


Most Friendly: @EIM Ryan


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran: @Elsa


Best Helper: @Steel Nogan


Best Edgeville Pker: @Orangepike


Best Hybrid: @Horror


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Ragragrag46


Best Raider: @Chicken be


Best Skiller: @Aryan Dream


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @Hondenei


Best Hardcore Ironman: @HC KAZOO


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Classic Player: @ classic joke


Best GFX Designer: @Chase


Best Youtuber: @Jare


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 

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Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:15 AM #11


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,850
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 14h 28m 22s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found



Best Admin:


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator:

@Iron Foxit

Best Event Manager:

@king purple

Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game:

@Iron Foxit

Most active on Forums:


Most Respected:


Most Potential Promotion:


Funniest Staff Member:

@To gain

Overall Best Staff Member:






Most Active In-game:

@EIM Skoots

Most Active on Forums:

@Zach McCoy

Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:

@Aryan Dream

Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:

@80s iron

Most Friendly:

@Diesel Fuel

Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 

@ classic joke

Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer:


Best Raider:

@ classic joke

Best Skiller:

@Aryan Dream

Best Clan:


Best Ironman:

@Iron Foxit

Best Hardcore Ironman:

@hc kazoo

Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:

@EIM Skoots

Best Classic Player:

@ classic joke

Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:



Top Overall:

@Dr Drew

Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:17 AM #12

Prof Magnata

Prof Magnata
Posts: 1,537
Likes: 1,615
Location: Classic 'BR'

  •  Member since:
    21 Jul 2017

    • Time spent:
      99d 11h 12m 49s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

  •  13 bugs found
Best Admin: hsoJ
Best Global Moderator: Ramon
Best Forum Moderator: Moe
Best Server Moderator: Iron Foxit
Best Event Manager: king purple
Best Server Support: Paine
Most active on Discord: hsoJ
Most active In-game: Not Hellish
Most active on Forums: Ja ke
Most Respected: Lowkey / king purple
Most Potential Promotion: Paine
Funniest Staff Member: iron aritus / Loo
Overall Best Staff Member: king purple / Lowkey
Most Active In-game: 80s iron
Most Active on Forums: Irvo
Most Active on Discord: hsoJ
Most Active Overall: -
Most Wealthy: ProxyBamf
Most Addicted to Gambling: ProxyBamf
Most Friendly: EIM Almighty
Most Respected: Lowkey
Coolest Veteran: Hot Cakes / Elsa
Best Helper: EIM Almighty
Best Edgeville Pker: Lowkey
Best Hybrid: Horror
Best NH Pker: Horror
Best PvMer: Morgen
Best Raider: Lowkey
Best Skiller: -
Best Clan: Alora
Best Ironman:  Vuqe
Best Hardcore Ironman: -
Best Ultimate Ironman: -
Best Elite Ironman: EIM Skoots
Best Classic Player: classic arkz
Best GFX Designer: Dumbshit
Best Youtuber: -
Best Streamer: Lowkey
Top Overall: Diva




Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:17 AM #13

Super Donator

Posts: 342
Likes: 246
Clan: ICE

  •  Member since:
    18 Dec 2016

    • Time spent:
      20d 5h 55m 54s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Admin: @Sheep


Best Global Moderator: @Not Hellish


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Loo


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @EIM 1gp


Most active on Discord: @Salter


Most active In-game: @Iron Foxit


Most active on Forums: @Moe


Most Respected: @Loo


Most Potential Promotion: @Moe


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Lowkey






Most Active In-game: @ classic joke


Most Active on Forums: @Zach McCoy


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling: @80s iron


Most Friendly: @Elsa


Most Respected: @Thunk


Coolest Veteran: @Thunk


Best Helper: @Zach McCoy


Best Edgeville Pker: @Lowkey


Best Hybrid: @Take Notes


Best NH Pker: @Take Notes


Best PvMer: @Ragragrag46


Best Raider: @ classic joke


Best Skiller: 


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: 


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @BornToFail


Best Classic Player: @ classic joke


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Jare


Best Streamer:


Top Overall:


Ironman Account: Fe Mag3 Fe


EIM Account: EIM Mag3

Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:19 AM #14


Posts: 212
Likes: 240
Clan: Ignite
Location: Portugal

  •  Member since:
    05 Feb 2017

    • Time spent:
      30d 5h 49m 54s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found



Best Admin: @Sheep


Best Global Moderator: @To gain


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Raud Flame I


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Paine


Most active on Discord: @Not Hellish


Most active In-game: @Paine


Most active on Forums: @Not Hellish


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Paine


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Salter





Most Active In-game: @Ragragrag46


Most Active on Forums: @Otto


Most Active on Discord: @Unknown


Most Active Overall: @7ashkal


Most Wealthy: @Thorru


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Thorru


Most Friendly: @Marushin


Most Respected: @Galantis


Coolest Veteran: @Unknown


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: @Inferno


Best Hybrid: 


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Extremedanny


Best Raider: @ classic joke


Best Skiller: @Unknown


Best Clan: Peeks


Best Ironman: @Rip hc


Best Hardcore Ironman: 


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 




Good luck!

Posted Image

Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:22 AM #15


Posts: 871
Likes: 1,812
Clan: Paragon

  •  Member since:
    08 Jan 2017

    • Time spent:
      217d 16h 41m 18s

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found



Best Admin: @hsoJ/@Salter


Best Global Moderator: @Ramon/

Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Aritus

Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Paine


Most active on Discord: @Not Hellish


Most active In-game: @Paine


Most active on Forums: @Xuf


Most Respected: @Kaamea


Most Potential Promotion: @Moe


Funniest Staff Member: @Moe


Overall Best Staff Member: @Aritus




Most Active In-game: @Toxic tato


Most Active on Forums: @Idk


Most Active on Discord: @Unknown


Most Active Overall: @Irvo


Most Wealthy: @Try Brid


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Itzmigu


Most Friendly: @Irvo


Most Respected: @Irvo


Coolest Veteran: @Unknown


Best Helper: @Idk


Best Edgeville Pker: @Horror


Best Hybrid: @Horror


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Irvo


Best Raider: @Iron Redius


Best Skiller: @My Love


Best Clan: #Phereus


Best Ironman: @Hc adex


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Thunk Lives


Best Ultimate Ironman: @I give up


Best Elite Ironman: @Toxic tato


Best Classic Player: @classic arkz


Best GFX Designer: @Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Korn


Top Overall: @classic arkz


Posted Image

Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:30 AM #16


Posts: 452
Likes: 1,843
Clan: #Peeks

  •  Member since:
    21 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
      67d 16h 19m 29s

  •  Total level:

  •  3 bugs found



Best Admin: @hsoJ


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Most Respected: @king purple


Overall Best Staff Member: @hsoJ







Most Addicted to Gambling: @Jonttu420


Most Friendly: @Ragragrag46


Most Respected: @Inferno


Coolest Veteran: @Inferno


Best Edgeville Pker: Who edge pks lmfa0


Best Hybrid: @MADASFUK


Best NH Pker: @Take Notes


Best PvMer: @Er0s


Best Raider: @ classic joke


Best Clan: #Peeks


Best Ironman: @HC Adex


Best Elite Ironman: @Code 002


Best Youtuber: @Inferno


Top Overall: @Ragragrag46

Posted Image

Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:48 AM #17

EIM Ryan
Super Donator

EIM Ryan
Posts: 4
Likes: 10
Clan: #ICE
Location: Canada

  •  Member since:
    06 May 2018

    • Time spent:
      8h 56m 27s

  •  Total level:



Best Admin: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: @Not Hellish


Best Forum Moderator: @Chase


Best Server Moderator: @Loo


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @EIM 1gp


Most active on Discord: @Lowkey


Most active In-game: @EIM 1gp


Most active on Forums: @Moe


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Scuffed EIM


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Loo






Most Active In-game: @Noobair


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall:


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly: @Er0s


Most Respected:


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper: @Noobair


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: @


Best Raider: @classic arkz


Best Skiller:


Best Clan: @Ice


Best Ironman: @HC adex


Best Hardcore Ironman:


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Classic Player: @classic arkz


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall:




Posted 20 September 2018 - 11:48 AM #18


Posts: 35
Likes: 75
Clan: #peeks
Location: UK

  •  Member since:
    22 Nov 2017

    • Time spent:
      2d 13h 10m 49s

  •  Total level:

Best Admin: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator:@Not Hellish


Best Forum Moderator:@Moe


Best Server Moderator:@Raud Flame I


Best Event Manager:@king purple


Best Server Support:@Scuffed EIM


Most active on Discord:@Chelle


Most active In-game:@To Gain


Most active on Forums:@Sheep


Most Respected:@Salter


Most Potential Promotion:@Code 002


Funniest Staff Member:@Mob


Overall Best Staff Member:@hsoJ






Most Active In-game:@EIM hsoJ


Most Active on Forums:@Moe


Most Active on Discord:@Ragragrag46


Most Active Overall:@Ragragrag46


Most Wealthy:@ProxyBamf


Most Addicted to Gambling:@RoastToaster


Most Friendly:@Trailer Park


Most Respected:@Horror


Coolest Veteran:@Inferno


Best Helper:@Binair


Best Edgeville Pker:@Horror


Best Hybrid:@MADASFUK


Best NH Pker:@Take Notes


Best PvMer:@Hc Adex


Best Raider:@classic arkz


Best Skiller:@iron aritus


Best Clan:#peeks


Best Ironman:@Vuqe


Best Hardcore Ironman:@Thunk Lives


Best Ultimate Ironman:@Diseased


Best Elite Ironman:@Loo


Best Classic Player:@ 908


Best GFX Designer:@Dumbshit


Best Youtuber:@Inferno


Best Streamer:@Lowkey


Top Overall:@Horror





Posted 20 September 2018 - 12:07 PM #19


Posts: 238
Likes: 628
Clan: Prophets of Profit
Location: Sweden

  •  Member since:
    23 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      249d 22h 12m 40s

  •  Previous username:
    Love Lain

  •  Total level:

  •  9 bugs found



Best Admin: Salter


Best Global Moderator: Kaamea


Best Forum Moderator: Moe


Best Server Moderator: Loo


Best Event Manager: king purple


Best Server Support: Smiv


Most active on Discord: Not Hellish


Most active In-game: hsoJ


Most active on Forums: Moe


Most Respected: Xuf


Most Potential Promotion: Ja ke


Funniest Staff Member: Loo


Overall Best Staff Member: Salter






Most Active In-game: Binair


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: Unknown


Most Active Overall: Binair


Most Wealthy: Mors


Most Addicted to Gambling: 7ashkal


Most Friendly: Paradoxy


Most Respected: Dr Drew


Coolest Veteran: Hot Cakes


Best Helper:


Best Edgeville Pker: Horror


Best Hybrid: Horror


Best NH Pker: Horror


Best PvMer: DB Aspect


Best Raider:  classic joke


Best Skiller: Mag3rang3pk3


Best Clan:


Best Ironman: Iron Foxit


Best Hardcore Ironman: Benz truck


Best Ultimate Ironman: Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: EIM Skoots


Best Classic Player: classic arkz


Best GFX Designer: Dumbshit


Best Youtuber: Jare


Best Streamer: Lowkey


Top Overall: Binair

Posted 20 September 2018 - 12:16 PM #20

Chicken be

Chicken be
Posts: 172
Likes: 195

  •  Member since:
    20 Apr 2018

    • Time spent:
      26d 5h 27m 27s

  •  Total level:



Best Admin: @hsoJ


Best Global Moderator: @Ramon


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @M A C K


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Smiv


Most active on Discord: @Paine


Most active In-game: @M A C K


Most active on Forums: /


Most Respected: @Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: @Smiv


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Smiv






Most Active In-game: @EIM Skoots


Most Active on Forums: /


Most Active on Discord: @Orangepike


Most Active Overall: @Doofy


Most Wealthy: @80s iron


Most Addicted to Gambling: @80s iron


Most Friendly: @7ashkal


Most Respected: @M A C K


Coolest Veteran: /


Best Helper: @Smiv


Best Edgeville Pker: @The forgoten


Best Hybrid: @Smiv


Best NH Pker: @Smiv


Best PvMer: @Chase legend


Best Raider: @7ashkal


Best Skiller: @EIM Skoots


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @Iron Diesel


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Hc Kazoo


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased


Best Elite Ironman: @EIM Skoots


Best Classic Player: @classic arkz


Best GFX Designer: @Gatsby


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: @M A C K



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