There are three items we can purchase to give us maximum profit, or we can purchase a Bond but it takes away $10 from our donator rank. (So if this is your first time donating, you might not be donator after purchasing a bond).
$10 = 100 Tokens (without any special sales going on)
Drop Booster Mithril Seeds Super Mystery Box Bond
15 Tokens Ea 12 Tokens x25 100 Tokens Ea 100 Tokens Ea
$7-10m Ea $340-350k Ea $50-60m Ea $75-85m Ea
Ranking in return:
- Bond - Per 100 tokens $80m~
- Mithril Seeds - Per 100 tokens $65m~
- Super Mystery Box - Per 100 tokens $50m~
- Drop Booster - Per 100 tokens $45m~
Player killing while not the most active thing in Alora, is one of the most profitable ways to make money. There are three routes when it comes to player killing that can bring in major revenue. Killing your Bounty Target gives you a chance to get a Bloody Key and a Mysterious emblem. You can also upgrade your emblem by killing any player in the wildy whether they are your target or not. There is also rotating Hot Zones where you can earn DOUBLE PKP upon killing another player. You can also make money from High Risk fights in Edgeville (melee) or Chins/Deep wildy (No Honor Tri-bridding).
Emblems award PKP as well as GP at these rates:
- Tier 1 156k GP 76 PKP
- Tier 2 260k GP 120 PKP
- Tier 3 416k GP 192 PKP
- Tier 4 624k GP 288 PKP
- Tier 5 1.04m GP 420 PKP
- Tier 6 1.82m GP 619 PKP
- Tier 7 3.12m GP 846 PKP
- Tier 8 4.68m GP 1382 PKP
- Tier 9 7.28m GP 2304 PKP
- Tier 10 10.4m GP 3072 PKP

For the third part to this money making guide we will be discussing the best options you have to making money with PvM. This will be split into two sections: Slayer & Bosses. There is more you can do with PvM, but this is what I felt is the most profitable way to do it.
A. Slayer
Slayer is one of two ways we are going to be discussing in this section to make money. The ultimate way to make money through slayer is from slayer points and caskets/ensouled heads. You want to make sure you are always picking up caskets and ensouled heads (can be traded at slayer master for cash). Slayer points will be spent on Imbuement scrolls or Crystal keys.

Ensouled Head Prices -
- Goblin - $30k
- Scorpion - $50k
- Bear - $50k
- Unicorn - $50k
- Dog - $50k
- Chaos Druid - $50k
- Giant - $75k
- Ogre - $75k
- Elf - $75k
- Troll - $75k
- Cave Horror - $150k
- Kalphite - $125k
- Dagannoth - $150k
- Bloodveld - $200k
- Tzhaar - $150k
- Demon - $175k
- Abyssal - $225k
- Dragon - $250k

Slayer Points -
- Imbuement Scroll (7500 pts): $35m~ each
- Crystal Key (100 pts): $400-500k~ each
- Ring of Wealth Scroll (2250 pts): $10-12m~ each
- Cannon Set (760 pts): $6-8m~
The second method is farming bosses to make profit, some require a slayer level. We are going to discuss in my opinion the top 5 profitable bosses. Below will be the following bosses: Zulrah, Kraken, Bandos, Armadyl, Saradomin.
Zulrah Guide -

- Toxic blowpipe: $30m-40m~
- Magic fang: $1m~
- Serpentine helm: $4-5m~
- Onyx: $3-4m~

- Kraken Tentacle: $20m-30m~
- Trident of the Seas: $15-20m~

Bandos Guide -

- Bandos Chestplate: $20-25m~
- Bandos Tassets: $25-30m~
- Bandos Boots: $800k-1m~
- Bandos Godsword: $8-10m~

- Armadyl Chestplate: $8-10m~
- Armadyl Chainskirt: $6-8m~
- Armadyl Helm: $1m~
- Armadyl Godsword: $25-35m~

- Saradomin Godsword: $8-10m~
- Saradomin Sword: $1m~
- Armadyl crossbow: $30m-40m~
Skilling is the last method we will be discussing to make money here on Alora. We will explain the easiest way to get starter money (thieving), and very profitable ways that require higher level skills to engage in massive profit gains.
A. Thieving
Thieving is one of the easiest ways to get some start money going in the game before going further into Slayer, Bossing, or Skilling. To start this skill you can do the command '::thieve' and just do the stalls that you have a level requirement for.

At the crushed gem stall (level 90) you will be making around 8-10m/hour.
B. Rune Bars/Darts
Mining Runite Ore and making it into Rune bars is a really good way to make money. However say you already have Rune bars and have some more time, you can make them into Rune Darts for even more profit. You can make about 900-1k bars an hour into darts, which yields about 30m GP. You can sell the bars themselves for about 20m if you don't want to make darts. You can mine rune ore at two locations (North-west of Laza Maze) or if you are donator at '::dz'.

Requirements -
- 85 Mining
- 89 Smithing
- 81 Fletching
- Rune bars: $20-25k each
- Rune darts: $2.5-3k each
Fishing and cooking anglerfish is very profitable because it is the best food in the game, it also is very valuable to player killers. You can fish anglerfish at the wildy resource arena, but be careful as it is a popular pk spot. You can fish about 1k/hour and cook at about 1.3k/hour, which yields about $20m~/2hour profit if you do all the work. If you buy the anglerfish and than proceed to cook it you make about $16m~/2hour profit.

Requirements -
- 82 Fishing
- 84 Cooking
- Raw Anglerfish: $11k~ each
- Cooked Anglerfish: $20k~ each
This is the last method we are going to explain for skilling. It is a high requirement skill, but yields a lot of profit for such a simple craft. This potion is used by almost every single type of player whether the person is pking or raiding/bossing. If you farm your own torstols you will be making about 40k~ profit each potion, if you buy your own torstols you are making about 10k~ profit each potion. Since you can make about 1.5k potions/hour this is about $65m/hour (farming your own torstols) or about $15m/hour (if you bought torstols). You can also farm torstols from Theater of the Blood/various bosses like Cerb.

Requirements -
- 85 Farming
- 90 Herblore
- Super Strength (3): $3.5k~
- Super Attack (3): $3.5k~
- Super Def (3): $3.5k~
- Grimy Torstol: $35k~
- Super Combat Potion (4): $55k~
I hope this has helped you guys start your own path to getting rich and enjoying this amazing game. This guide took about 3 1/2 hours to create and format for you guys.