There are 12 RARA accounts on this server, doesnt mean its me. im simply saying, if im solo pking, and i tb a pker and make him run all he has to do is attack any npc and x'log. Now how is that fair on me? considering im doing all the work to get a kill and they just xlog? thats unfair on the pker?
Wilderness isn't fair, I saw that when the raras were stacking ontop of eachother in single wilderness to have me right click everytime to attack.
Not that I'm against that sort of method.. Just the way that it all happened... I just don't enjoy being scouted by some non-armor player '-' Then having 2-3ish people come over attacking me and walking under the other Raarararar to sort of hinder me from attacking back '-' That's totally "fair", just like xlogging, right?
Sorry. I don't like you guys very much :I
X'logging is a banable offence on alora, video record it and report the player next time.
11. Player Vs. Player (PvP)
b. X-Logging from the server is a banable offence, as this causes an unfair advantage for other members of the community.