Hello everybody, I have read the "already suggested" and did not see, if i missed i am sorry, but i have a couple of suggestions to make Donator zone abit more benefiting.
- Add a teleport mage to donator zone. { purpose; When going to ;;dz to restock/recharge, since the rejuve. pool is closer, going home to tele can get annoying } maybe even make it so we can change DZ to home.
- Spacing out the mahogany tree's better and possibly a couple more.{ gets annoying when more than 1-2 people there and it tends to try and run you out of the DZ)
- possibly adding another bank inside the hut closer to tree's and the ores. { more benefits for donating/ easier banking.}
- Add some more types of fish to donator zone. { benefit the lower level fishers with the no spam of ;;fish }