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Wilderness Activity

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Poll: Wilderness Activity ideas (10 member(s) have cast votes)

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  3. Looks good but i dont know what to think about it (1 votes [10.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.00%


Posted 29 August 2018 - 05:01 PM #1

EIM Reddit
Elite Ironman

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Hello and welcome to my idea to improve activity to the Wilderness.


To improve the Wilderness activity i have a few ideas that can help the activity and gets people to pk more.


- Weekly tournaments ( clan vs clan ) can also be singles

- Weekend tournaments ( clan vs clan ) can also be singles

- Suiciding kills Wilderness Bosses

- New rewards for killing people in the Wilderness


Weekly Tournaments:


During the weekly tournament it can be clan vs clan or just singles tournament for every kill you make you get 3 points and for every death you lose 3 points, for every 5 kills you make without going down you receive 1 point extra. When you kill your Target, you get 1 point extra aswell. Be aware you CANT boost your points.


At the end of the tournament the top 5 will receive a reward. something like this: 1st: 4x bond 2nd: 3x bond 3th: 1x bond 4th 7.500 pkp 5th 5.000 pkp


Weekend Tournaments:


During the weekend tournaments it can be pking or who killed the most wilderness bosses, ranking system basically the same as above but now you only receive 1 point for every boss kill. But be aware you can get pked. Rewards after the tournament is finished can be the same as above ( Omicron or Event Managers decides what the rewards are ofcourse ).


Suiciding kills Wilderness Bosses:


I see alot of people in the wilderness just running with 1 or 2 items in the wilderness, such as suiciding killing Venenatis. I think this should be removed as its to easy to kill Venenatis in the wilderness, it should be a risk killing it.



New rewards for killing people in the Wilderness:


For this i really dont have an idea but i think they should add a new system or add a new PKP shop with different items as the PKP shop we have now is basically the same for so long. Maybe add a system that you get Blood money and with the Blood money you get when you killed someone in the wilderness you can buy on of the new items in the new PK shop.



Thanks for reading and give me some feedback about my ideas.







Posted 29 August 2018 - 05:28 PM #2

Zach McCoy

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No support. When it comes to your suggestions regarding tournaments, we already have several weekday and weekend events every single week thanks to @king purple. In regards to suicide killing, people being in the wilderness at all is a risk, it is up to them how many items they do or don’t bring into the wilderness they should not be penalized for it. Your last suggestion, maybe add some new items to the PKP shop but I don’t think an entire new shop is necessary.
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Posted 29 August 2018 - 05:38 PM #3

EIM Reddit
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I know king purple does the events, but this is more an addition to make pvp and the wilderness more active, as it is dead most of the time. but thanks for the feedback anyways.

No support. When it comes to your suggestions regarding tournaments, we already have several weekday and weekend events every single week thanks to @king purple. In regards to suicide killing, people being in the wilderness at all is a risk, it is up to them how many items they do or don’t bring into the wilderness they should not be penalized for it. Your last suggestion, maybe add some new items to the PKP shop but I don’t think an entire new shop is necessary.


Posted 29 August 2018 - 06:25 PM #4


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In regards the the event idea, i got a few events in mind plus im slowly bringing a few of them back, so just pay atention to whats coming next. ;)


The issue with venenatis, its annoying and it looks like there is no risk with killing venenatis, but the wilderness activity is increasing and it will be bigger in the near future im sure, but a teleblock can change  everything. So, in the end its a matter of wilderness activity/variety that makes venantis safe or not.


The PKP Shop is something that could be looked at for sure, its not bad at the moment tho !


The future is bright when it comes to PVP Especially, don't worry  EIM Reddit !

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 09:30 PM #5


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I respect the time and effort in this but I feel King Purple is doing a great job with events and he is a busy guy, I like the idea and as he said he has some ideas in mind, either way, Good luck! Edit, I feel like a Wildy king of the drop could be a cool idea to suggest too.






A picture taken from the famous no BXP riots:




An old man.


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Posted 31 August 2018 - 07:17 AM #6


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Support on adding the ability to 1 item suicide bosses. I feel like a lot of the alora population is terrified of the wilderness and won't bring anything besides a crystal hally. No worth tbing & killing them as you still kill them and don't even get a tier upgrade. I'd suggest that they have to have either a minumum of 6 slots equipped, (Amulet, Torso, Legs, Weapon, Cape, Gloves" or have a message that says "You must risk 500K wealth to attack wilderness bosses" for ironmen, maybe "You must risk 1m wealth to attack wilderness bosses". Would boost wilderness activity for sure imo. Get bad pkers to kill those players, we can kill the new pkers. U know?


Also I think wilderness shop is fine tbh. I have around 8k pkp or so on like 3 of my accs and I can get that much in no time. Even pure pking which is super unprofitable, if you can farm tier 10s, sell them for 30m on tp, use the pkp to buy like an anguish or prims or tassets or something. Easy 55-65m just from those two items off 10 kills.

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Posted 26 October 2018 - 05:12 PM #7


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