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Achievement's and YOU!

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Posted 27 August 2018 - 01:33 AM #1


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Hey everyone, I just finished combing the "already suggested" thread and noticed that, while people have been suggesting additions to the shop, no one has thought about redoing it altogether. 


Instead of achievement points just being another blah blah currency to grind to buy things, why not have it set up as a milestone system where each tier you reach unlocks another set of items or upgrades for previous items? For example:


Tier 1: 50 achievement points - Grants access to -insert items-. 

Tier 2: 100 achievement points - Grants access to -insert items-. 

Tier 3: 150

Tier 4: 200

Tier 5: 250


etc... Depending on the amount of items that will eventually be added, the tiers can be adjusted to match. Honestly if the teleport options on the ardy cloak dont even work i dont see why it has to cost 200 points. If it was set to a milestone, now that I have reached 200 points I would have access to more than 1 item. 


This would help Alora by making the achievement system feel more like you are achieving something significant, and not just farming a currency. It could even be expanded to include other unlockables tied to achievement milestones like teleports, maybe to farming plots or important areas. Could even have some boosts added like player perks since alora is so fond of boosts. Could even be an achievement cape added for those who complete all achievements... but as it stands, theres a lot of achievements that dont suit all players. Skillers, and non-pvp'ers cannot complete a lot of the tasks. Having tiers would allow them to gain access to more of the items without having to worry about having enough points to get what they need. 



Posted 27 August 2018 - 02:05 AM #2

Zach McCoy

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Really good idea regarding skillers and non-pvpers reaching milestones, and I am all for a cape or cosmetic that has quick teleports to farming patches :P Support.



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Posted 27 August 2018 - 05:38 PM #3


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Ehh.. this feels really unnecessary. Don't fix what's not broken. I like the current system and see no reason to change it for the sole purpose of having a better feeling of "achievement", which is, a subjective matter anyway.









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Posted 28 August 2018 - 04:27 AM #4


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Ehh.. this feels really unnecessary. Don't fix what's not broken. I like the current system and see no reason to change it for the sole purpose of having a better feeling of "achievement", which is, a subjective matter anyway.

It took me almost 4 hours just to get the Ardy cape, only to realize that the teleports dont work. I felt no sense of accomplishment or like I had achieved anything, my initial feeling was "wasted those fuckin points" which lead me to this thread in the first place. If it had been a milestone, the points wouldnt matter as i'd have access to every item that falls under the tier ive reached. 


It being "not broken" is also subjective.. Some people might like grinding points to buy things, but when I think of "achievements" in a game, I think of it like dots on a time line. Each achievement is a step to completing a larger goal, and each achievement comes with a small reward, with a large reward for completion of a set. This is no different than reaching a tier milestone. Sure, the grind to a milestone would be harder than just farming 50 points for 1 thing you want, but in the end it would feel much better to know that you worked hard and now have access to multiple helpful things. 


There's a sense of accomplishment for completing a set of achievements. On Alora, in my opinion, there are medium tasks that should be easy, and easy tasks that should be medium. They're not tied to a specific area or any other theme, so its just like looking at a list of menial tasks that I can complete to get points. 


Perhaps im too used to the abundance of rewards given on RS3 for achievement diaries.. idk. I just feel like the achievement system leaves much to be desired and even if its not MY suggestion that revitalizes it, I know it could be better. 

Posted 28 August 2018 - 08:11 AM #5


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It took me almost 4 hours just to get the Ardy cape, only to realize that the teleports dont work. I felt no sense of accomplishment or like I had achieved anything, my initial feeling was "wasted those fuckin points" which lead me to this thread in the first place. If it had been a milestone, the points wouldnt matter as i'd have access to every item that falls under the tier ive reached. 


It being "not broken" is also subjective.. Some people might like grinding points to buy things, but when I think of "achievements" in a game, I think of it like dots on a time line. Each achievement is a step to completing a larger goal, and each achievement comes with a small reward, with a large reward for completion of a set. This is no different than reaching a tier milestone. Sure, the grind to a milestone would be harder than just farming 50 points for 1 thing you want, but in the end it would feel much better to know that you worked hard and now have access to multiple helpful things. 


There's a sense of accomplishment for completing a set of achievements. On Alora, in my opinion, there are medium tasks that should be easy, and easy tasks that should be medium. They're not tied to a specific area or any other theme, so its just like looking at a list of menial tasks that I can complete to get points. 


Perhaps im too used to the abundance of rewards given on RS3 for achievement diaries.. idk. I just feel like the achievement system leaves much to be desired and even if its not MY suggestion that revitalizes it, I know it could be better. 



No sir, it being "not broken" is not a subjective matter because factually there's nothing broken about it. Not getting the feeling of achievement from obtaining the ardy cloak 4 is a subjective matter, because I did receive that feeling simply for the newly acquired thieving xp bonus and fashionscape.


You get my point?


I think you're better off suggesting the ardy cloak teleports to work, rather than this suggestion.









"Yo broke ass don't even dub anime yo broke ass dub hentai withcho broke ass" - GrimmBlaze, 2018

Posted 28 August 2018 - 08:20 AM #6


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No sir, it being "not broken" is not a subjective matter because factually there's nothing broken about it. Not getting the feeling of achievement from obtaining the ardy cloak 4 is a subjective matter, because I did receive that feeling simply for the newly acquired thieving xp bonus and fashionscape.


You get my point?


I think you're better off suggesting the ardy cloak teleports to work, rather than this suggestion.




I do get your point, but a lot of the suggestions that have been added to the game were subjective. The suggestion forum is not to suggest fixes, thats what bug reports are for. Things that are broken or not working as intended. Suggestions are for improvements or additions that would benefit the server in the long run. 

Posted 28 August 2018 - 08:31 AM #7

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@Khitarra your correct about that the teleports dont work , The reason why it costs 200 points is because it boosts thieving xp by 15% i think it was.

Besides that seeing that alot of people already grinded out the achievments and bought the items it doesnt feel right to change the way achievments work.

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Posted 28 August 2018 - 08:48 AM #8

Almighty Ty

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always agree with improvements!

Krest (Ironman) Rs Bored (First ever account)

Posted 28 August 2018 - 09:14 AM #9


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@Khitarra your correct about that the teleports dont work , The reason why it costs 200 points is because it boosts thieving xp by 15% i think it was.

Besides that seeing that alot of people already grinded out the achievments and bought the items it doesnt feel right to change the way achievments work.

No support from me.


The people who have already got the points would meet the requirements for the tiers, so no one would lose out on anything. When future Achievements/items/teirs are added, they will be set to hit the ground running to reach them. 


15% thieving xp (which is hardly nothing, 80 more xp per thieve for classic) is 200 points but being able to hit 22s at 35 magic only costs 30 points.. if the teleports worked on the cape it would be worth 200 points. Im pretty sure the teleport fix has been suggested before, but I CBA to go through that massive list of suggestions to check. 

Posted 29 August 2018 - 02:20 AM #10

Classic Kin

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Imo I would like another stretch of achievement points progression for instance (Cut 500 / 1000 / 2500 / 5000) magic logs, or something to that extent.


It almost feels like I'm running on fumes for achievement points most of the time on my Classic account. Considering most of the higher end duel achievements and pking achievements aren't available to me for quite a long time.


Posted 26 October 2018 - 04:51 PM #11


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Although this is an interesting idea, we haven't had much problems with the Achievement Point Shop so far, and I feel like spending the time to change the way the shop works isn't completely necessary as of right now. Maybe in the future if we did a complete overhaul of the shop while introducing new items etcetera, I could see this happening. 


As of right now, I don't think it would be a good fit.

Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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